
Conversation Conqueror
Jan 2, 2021


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019

I like Sarah. She doesn't look super beautiful and the design is realistic. And she is also extremely friendly with MС. She can come up to MС and hug him in front of everyone like an old buddy. No LI does that. It's funny that her dialogue changes when you tell Sage the truth about Chad.
Lol, I hope she stands up for us in front of Sage when all the shit with the restaurant falls out. Or will she join our threesome with Sage


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
it's a costume party, she might come out with a solution
Bella and the MC could go as this:


  • Faces successfully hidden
  • MC takes the rear so he can lick her ass in concealment
  • Bonus points if he cuts a hole and dangles his junk all night (that could possibly give away his identity, but Bella might still go unidentified)

Where is the Tier list of asses?

We need add Zoey ass

I remember someone months ago had published the link

Not sure about a link, but crabs posted this one a while back:

too much background so you can tell which scenes it's from (Ep. 6 Sarah and Quinn), try this and tell me who has her ass twice in this list

But then I had to correct it for him:



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
View attachment 1564878

I like Sarah. She doesn't look super beautiful and the design is realistic. And she is also extremely friendly with MС. She can come up to MС and hug him in front of everyone like an old buddy. No LI does that. It's funny that her dialogue changes when you tell Sage the truth about Chad.
Lol, I hope she stands up for us in front of Sage when all the shit with the restaurant falls out. Or will she join our threesome with Sage
she will ask for $3 from Sage for the threesome!


Aug 17, 2017
Boys, I just finished all of BaDIK on all routes after a 5 day binge and... Im actually annoyed I didnt give this game a chance before, every update just keeps getting better. Bro that plot twist at the end of episode 8 has me messed up.
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Aug 17, 2017
View attachment 1564878

I like Sarah. She doesn't look super beautiful and the design is realistic. And she is also extremely friendly with MС. She can come up to MС and hug him in front of everyone like an old buddy. No LI does that. It's funny that her dialogue changes when you tell Sage the truth about Chad.
Lol, I hope she stands up for us in front of Sage when all the shit with the restaurant falls out. Or will she join our threesome with Sage
A Sage profile picture and a Sarah enthusiast... I see you´re a man of culture as well!
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New Member
May 20, 2017
I'm stuck at a task where it tells me to call Jade but I don't see how. Jamie just gave me the plant and I have no where to go in my room. Any help please?


New Member
May 20, 2017
The plant you need to water is in the other room with other plants
Not sure what you mean. The plant is by the desk and there's nothing to click for it. Desk on one room, bedroom with Luis working there and final room is Derek watching TV and I complain he's been here for 3rd time this week. My phone says to call Jade, not sure about watering plants when there's no where to go :(


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Not sure what you mean. The plant is by the desk and there's nothing to click for it. Desk on one room, bedroom with Luis working there and final room is Derek watching TV and I complain he's been here for 3rd time this week. My phone says to call Jade, not sure about watering plants when there's no where to go :(
You have to go out of the room, in the garden of jam jam, near Tommy's room. There is the plant to water
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
So how did I get my student loans? Entire countries exist where you don’t need a job or property to get student loans. In fact I got a bigger loan for being poorer because it wasn’t dished out based on my capacity to pay it back it was paid out on my needs.

Again. This plot line is shit but it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility she got a loan. Google churches giving out loans. They’ll give them out in the USA for people studying certain religious subjects. Not all loans are to make profit. Some are to push a different agenda. Like socialism… hence left leaning places either making school free or giving incredibly generous loans to anyone who wants them.

Look, my issue with people ragging on the loan thing isn’t me defending it. It’s a nonsense plot element that was poorly thought out. My issue is people basing their “analysis” of it on literally 2-3 lines from the story and then filling in all the gaps with assumptions, generalisations, guesswork and I think someone had a Ouija board at some point. There’s not enough to go on so I have to lean into the ambiguity. We’ve had like 3 days and godknows how many posts debating an imaginary countries finance laws.
I didn't mention the student loan because that is even more unlikely to end up in the hands of an adult and not in the college...

in general you may well be right, in fact I was saying before that if it were to be confirmed in the story that it is possible it would still suit me better than the opposite scenario, despite the nosense.

I disagree with the argument that it's a thought extrapolated from 2-3 lines though. DPC wanted to tell us about it, actually in the scene at the beginning of chapter 7 there was no narrative need to explain it again, complicating it even more. and in the same dialogue Maya admits that she should have talked about it with someone but she didn't because she was afraid it would cost too much. and later we know that Maya will talk about it with Burke and maybe Jade. i don't think it's a coincidence

It is possible he just doesn’t give a shit about her. She says how she had to take the bus back and forth to get all her stuff to school. She gets upset at Josy’s (I wanna say step) father dropping her a stuff off because she doesn’t have that with her father. Patrick’s “control” could be superficial. He doesn’t so much want to control her he just doesn’t want her embarrassing him which she still (rightly) takes as control.

This is just another take on this, he’s ashamed of her. He’s religious. He resents her sexuality and what he cares about is her specifically not being publicly gay.

If all this control is just keeping up appearances his inconsistency becomes him just doing the bare minimum to enforce what he actually gives a shit about. He doesn’t care where she lives as long as it isn’t with Josy. He doesn’t care about her education as long as she isn’t publicly being gay. He uses the loan as a big stick to enforce his will when he needs to but otherwise he doesn’t give a shit.

That’s just a take on what little we know about him and his motivations. Explains his inconsistencies. He doesn’t wanna control her on every level (and Maya’s oblique claims he does can easily be chalked up to hyperbole) he just needs enough influence to keep her in line but otherwise he doesn’t give a shit.
The only thing they tell us about him is that he checks up on Maya all the time, with Derek and directly. Both Maya and Josy tell us this.

He's not that bothered by Maya sharing a room with a guy, but he threatens to ruin his daughter's life if she hangs out with Josy. I'd say he's very interested in Maya's life on that at least.

to me that scene seems simply not successful, it served to change the cards at stake and it was structured in a quite superficial way
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Sep 9, 2021
and aslong as its the news you can rest easily because only the exception are the news! once random acts of kindness start being news its the time to get worried because they will stop being the norm and therefore start being worth of being in the news!

i hope my message was not too muddled but as long as the bad things are the news it means they are the exception!

nahh man, you´re not crazy i went trough the same shit when i decided just cracking a nut was not enough and i needed someone with boobs whom i could trust... its a desert out there when it comes to trust and people you can truly share your feelings with... i even started considering maybe becoming gay... sadly its not for me, so i´m stuck with just 50% of all possible couplings!

as for the answer you need!

his reply is good!
i do have to disagree with you on a point there!

women will fake a personality that you represent if they are interested in you in the long term!
something like mirroring your positions and morals!

if they just wanna fuck you then your analysis is not wrong!

as for the rest i have seen over 250 hours of JB Peterson lectures and although he is right on 95% of subjects he addresses he is not perfect and i disagree with him on quite a few interpretations! does not mean i am right just means we look at the same issue from a different angles!
You have to understand i don't want trust his research at all but all data is there. The research standard with the time frame are there .
The problem is, It's ignorance to look the opposite site, while all scientific outcome are in front.

On personal level, I believe there is always two side of every coin doesn't matter if it's new or old just like relationship and I also believe in exceptional cases but they don't make rules because they are very rare.


New Member
Dec 16, 2017
Here you go guys. Every save, for every route, for Episodes 1-8 Version 0.8.2. NO mods. Mini games turned ON. All scenes unlocked. All special renders found. All 2D Art purchased/unlocked. All upgrades such as Brawler Skills/Derek Cheats/Magnar Bonuses/Picture Frames and Wallet Quantity unlocked by end of episode 8 for all routes, with the exception of both Dik routes (Magnar Bonuses still remaining). Mansion Repair Completed by end of Episode 8 for all routes. I used "Stevan" as MC's name and "SexyMexican98" for my Swyper/Rooster tag. You can change those with the phone in game as well as Music Favorites/PetNames/Ringtones/Wallpapers. Each folder contains saves for the start of each episode so don't get confused with the "Episode 9 start" saves, there is no Episode 9 yet, just "End of Season 2" saves. All save files contain the following routes.

- Dik Hots and Sides: In this route I pursue Permanent Dik Affinity and Status. I used to pursue Sage as my Love Interest but chose not to commit at the end of Episode 8 in order to keep pursuing every side chick possible. Total Man-Whore.

- Dik Sage Path : In this route I pursue Permanent Dik Affinity and Status. I pursue Sage as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue side girls in this route.

- Neutral Maya and Josy: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. I also embrace the current throuple relationship with the 2 Lesbian Love Interests, Maya and Josy. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route

- Neutral Maya Path: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. Even though I'm forced to be in a throuple (for now) I don't engage sexually with Josy in any way if I can help it. Only Maya. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. As of now there is no way to pursue a Solo Route with Maya (I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Neutral Josy Path: In this route I pursue Neutral Affinity and Status. Even though I'm forced to be in a throuple (for now) I don't engage sexually with Maya in any way if I can help it. Only Josy. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. As of now there is no way to pursue a Solo Route with Josy (I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Chik Jill and Bella: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue the 2 Best-Friend Love Interests, Jill and Bella. . I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route. I choose to pursue Bella by the end of Episode 8 in hopes of bringing Jill back around (Not likely, I see this route being scrapped in the long run)

- Chik Jill Path: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue only Jill as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route.

- Chik Bella Path: In this route I pursue Permanent Chik Affinity and Status. I pursue only Bella as my Love Interest. I DO NOT pursue any side girls in this route.

- Being a DIK Transfer Saves: These are the saves stated above that will be stored for the new binary come Season 3. If you are unsure where to find/store these saves, then to avoid confusion, it's best to load the "Episode 9 Start" Saves then save the binaries in game when prompted. Your computer will take care of the rest for you.

Side Note for "Dik Sage Path": If it turns out that getting a hand-job from Jade in Episode 3 and Punching Tybalt in Episode 5 (Mind you theses choices were made in the pursuit of Permanent DIK affinity) has negative effects on your future relationship with Sage. Then I will go back and change my choices, I hope you guys won't mind the missing bars at the end of DIK scale but this route is for Sage only. Hopefully nothing will come of these choices since I did not pursue Jade any further after the classroom hand-job. And since you fuck Sage on Tybalt's bed, I'm hoping she won't mind that you pop him in the mouth.

Side Note for Maya/Josy Solo Routes: If it turns out that it's best to "Remain Friends" in Episode 4 and then "Have Feelings For Maya/Josy" in Episode 5 in order to get a proper solo route for Maya/Josy, in the long run, then I will go back and change my choices. But for now, I'll stay in the throuple in order to obtain sex scenes with each girl in their respective route. At this point in the story, it's highly unlikely that we'll be getting our solo routes. I will hold on to these saves in case they're needed for girl specific sex scenes (much like their first threesome) But for everyone that uses my saves, it's probably safe to delete both of them.

Side Note for "Chik Jill and Bella": All context included, this route is likely dead in the water. I will keep it up so everyone has a save they could use to see how the drama unfolds. But other than that, it's probably safe to delete as well. I don't see Jill coming back around, nor do I see Bella letting Jill into their relationship.
Probably a really stupid question but how do I access these saves? I’ve copied them into my ‘saves’ folder but there’s nothing to load when I open the game.

I’ve just recently bought a new laptop since my other one flatlined and would prefer not to start all over again. Anybody able to help?


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Probably a really stupid question but how do I access these saves? I’ve copied them into my ‘saves’ folder but there’s nothing to load when I open the game.

I’ve just recently bought a new laptop since my other one flatlined and would prefer not to start all over again. Anybody able to help?
there is a hidden folder in your computer

in users/user/Appdata/roaming/renpy

here there are all your REnpy Saves
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