
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
the relationship between Sage and her parents is not very clear.

but Sage is clearly not in a happy relationship, it's normal that her mother doesn't see her partner well... probably Jade doesn't know about the 2 years without sex, nor about Troy, but that Chad's effect on Sage is not positive she could have easily understood it
I think we need to reevaluate the length of Sage's relationship with Chad. We assume it's nearly two years old because Sage was clearly smitten with Chad in the Episode 5 flashback, but consider this line from Episode 8:

I think it's more likely that Chad spent a long time turning Sage down, and only accepted (rather suddenly) when he felt like he needed an official girlfriend for some reason. If so, there's a good chance Chad needing a beard coincided with whatever happened to Troy. Troy was still with the Jocks in Tommy's story of him fucking Arieth, which was "a year ago."

So I'd say the relationship between Chad and Sage lasted at most ~1 year, and possibly less. It's still way too long for him not to have mentioned that he was gay, but it does make Sage's dry spell a little less egregious.

I totally forgot about her mention of her parents back in Episode 6. Now that you mention it, it does seem quite contradictory, seeing as she said that her parents have forced help on her in the past, and that she's honestly thankful for what they've done and doesn't want to burden them.

Not sure if this was a mess-up on the writing (it definitely feels like one, though), or if her family's just complicated that way. I do think there's a chance of the "showing weakness" and "personal problems" being related to Tybalt's treatment of her in their family. It's all quite confusing to be frank.
Eh, it seems fairly straightforward to me. As Sage says, she wants to stand on her own two feet, and as a result has developed a habit of simply refusing help from her parents. It would make sense that her parents responded by INSISTING on helping her, which in turn convinced Sage to avoid interacting with them as much as practical to minimize their opportunity to insist. It's a sort of vicious cycle of virtue.

I've been waiting for you to update the list, and I kept checking the one I had bookmarked to see if it changed. Looks like you posted it during a bad week for me, and I completely missed it.

Good job as always on the breakdown. I think I would add another question going into Episode 9, though.

Who took the picture of Lynette and her friends in front of Jill's home?

There are multiple possibilities, some reasonable, some far-fetched. Regardless, there is a chance that it's significant. For instance, what if Amelia took it?

Another possible question might be: What happened between Troy and Dawe?

I had previously suspected that Troy was the answer to the question "Who sent the Jocks the pictures?". After Episode 8, I'm a bit more firm. Granted, this is still very convoluted, but some of my reasoning is:

  • He sent a threatening note to Chad to push him into finally breaking up with Sage and perhaps leaving the Jocks so he and Chad wouldn't have to hide anymore, or at least they could hang around places like the gym without the Alphas harassing him.
  • He sent the pictures to Dawe, because apparently they hate each other, and had at least confrontation where it got physical, after which he was kicked out.
  • As to how he could have gotten the pictures, my guess is he lifted them from Arieth's phone or cloud account. After all, everyone knows her password. And, she admitted she keeps a collection of dick picks, so it wouldn't surprise me if she kept a collection of DIK picks.

As I said, it's convoluted, but it could work.
Ehhh, I'm not seeing it. I could easily see Troy sending the pics to Dawe if he somehow had access to them, but I don't buy that it's as easy as hacking Arieth's phone (since she didn't take most of the pictures). And I guess I could see him sending a letter to Chad in the hopes of convincing him the secret couldn't be kept so he might as well admit the truth and leave the closet.

But I can't see him sending both letters together. It maximizes the chance that someone else might open Chad's letter, which would be disastrous. It would also maximize Chad's effort to figure out who sent the letters (which would be counterproductive from Troy's perspective) while minimizing the chance Chad will get introspective about how viable the secret is (which IS what Troy wants).

So I'd say Troy is just about last on my list of suspects for the letters at the moment.
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Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
Yeah, still kinda pissed at how Sage's route is open to pretty much everyone regardless of whether you were DIK or CHICK. Even if you constantly reject her advances you'll still have a chance to get back on her route and it makes all the earlier choices irrelevant and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth every time I see that scene in Episode 7. I'm hoping that choosing to woo her and be with her earlier on has an impact on the story in future episodes, because otherwise that'd be something I wouldn't be able to get over. Fingers crossed.

Well, I'm not sure about the big heart, but I am sure that she has two big, soft, endearing comforters... ;)
That is true as F. I got a new copy of the game to make clean saves and in one of my gameplays I only had sex with her once, the only sex scene needed to get "staying with the HOTs" unlocked. When I am staying with the hots, I choose not have sex with her. I don't put my hand inside her panties, So it won't activate the scene where MC and her Have sex and they become sex buddies. but later on EP.7. at HoT parties, we are forced to talk to her, and when I do it automatically starts the sex scene with sage at the bench. There is no decision to make, She just jumps on your cock and ride it and I didn't want that to happen. I remember in my past gameplays, we could decide if we wanted to pursue sage or not, but I suppose DPC changed it in his last update and now, aparently if you had any sex scene with her, even if you didn't become sex buddy, she will jump on your cock.

That is frustating because I wanted to get the scene with Quinn where she doesn't ask me since when me and sage has been fucking, but now it seems I have to stay with Bella or Derek if I want to get it from her :D.
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Sep 9, 2021
Yeah, still kinda pissed at how Sage's route is open to pretty much everyone regardless of whether you were DIK or CHICK. Even if you constantly reject her advances you'll still have a chance to get back on her route and it makes all the earlier choices irrelevant and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth every time I see that scene in Episode 7. I'm hoping that choosing to woo her and be with her earlier on has an impact on the story in future episodes, because otherwise that'd be something I wouldn't be able to get over. Fingers crossed.

Well, I'm not sure about the big heart, but I am sure that she has two big, soft, endearing comforters... ;)
I think you are in mistake here, jill route was also open till chapter 8 and choices came in one place to kick a chick dik ass.
It would be stupid to think that all choices related to sage will not come in one place to kick a dik ass.

That is true as F. I got a new copy of the game to make clean saves and in one of my gameplays I only had sex with her once, the only sex scene needed to get "staying with the HOTs" unlocked. When I am staying with the hots, I choose not have sex with her. I don't put my hand inside her panties, So it won't activate the scene where MC and her Have sex and they become sex buddies. but later on EP.7. at HoT parties, we are forced to talk to her, and when I do it automatically starts the sex scene with sage at the bench. There is no decision to make, She just jumps on your cock and ride it and I didn't want that to happen. I remember in my past gameplays, we could decide if we wanted to pursue sage or not, but I suppose DPC changed it in his last update and now, aparently if you had any sex scene with her, even if you didn't become sex buddy, she will jump on your cock.

That is frustating because I wanted to get the scene with Quinn where she doesn't ask me since when me and sage has been fucking, but now it seems I have to stay with Bella or Derek if I want to get it from her :D.
Nope ! Do you remember : Quinn catching mc with sage.
If mc is on path of sage and quinn.
Those words you mentioned are basically warning from.

Just like don't date jill requirement came : that will repeat on quinn path again.
Damn QOH is demanding then normal lis.
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Jan 14, 2018
This. I remember starting off with BaDIK couple years back when my primary source of entertainment was Bella scenes and teasing her was a joy I looked forward to every new update.
At some point being comfy with Sage just took over and I never found out.

It took me until the Crossroads choice prompting me the 'choice is obvious' to realise "Oh. It's Sage".
Yeah, Sage is just your fuckbuddy. She's the guaranteed sex scene. She just becomes a part of the background. Same as the in-game phone: check messages, fuck Sage, play Brawler, fuck Sage, read Rooster, fuck Sage, repeat. Meanwhile, you're going after Maya, Bella, Josy, Jill, etc. And you're not paying any attention to the cute, funny, hot, intelligent, sarcastic, little redhead with her Chad problem that slowly falls in love with you...

The moment I had to choose between a sweet innocent Jill who planned something for your birthday, or going to help a sick Sage, and I choose to go to Sage; I knew she succeeded in pulling me into whatever drama the game is going to introduce. Sage is a landmine. A landmine that I somehow can't seem to get my DIK out of.
  • Yay, new update!
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Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
I think you are in mistake here, jill route was also open till chapter 8 and choices came in one place to kick a chick dik ass.
It would be stupid to think that all choices related to sage will not come in one place to kick a dik ass.
I dont see Jill route open untill ep 8. Like, I never pursued Jill before ep 8, and in EP8 I only had the chance to help her at the stage and I did, but that didnt gave me the ending of having dinner with her parents or having sex with her. With sage if you make the right decisions you can still choose her as one of LIs.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I think we need to reevaluate the length of Sage's relationship with Chad. We assume it's nearly two years old because Sage was clearly smitten with Chad in the Episode 5 flashback, but consider this line from Episode 8:
View attachment 1571000

I think it's more likely that Chad spent a long time turning Sage down, and only accepted (rather suddenly) when he felt like he needed an official girlfriend for some reason. If so, there's a good chance Chad needed a beard coincided with whatever happened to Troy. Troy was still with the Jocks in Tommy's story of him fucking Arieth, which was "a year ago."

So I'd say the relationship between Chad and Sage lasted at most ~1 year, and possibly less. It's still way to long for him not to have mentioned that he was gay, but it does make Sage's dry spell a little less egregious.

Eh, it seems fairly straightforward to me. As Sage says, she wants to stand on her own two feet, and as a result has developed a habit of simply refusing help from her parents. It would make sense that her parents responded by INSISTING on helping her, which in turn convinced Sage to avoid interacting with them as much as practical to minimize their opportunity to insist. It's a sort of vicious cycle of virtue.

Ehhh, I'm not seeing it. I could easily see Troy sending the pics to Dawe if he somehow had access to them, but I don't buy that it's as easy as hacking Arieth's phone (since she didn't take most of the pictures). And I guess I could see him sending a letter to Chad in the hopes of convincing him the secret couldn't be kept so he might as well admit the truth and leave the closet.

But I can't see him sending both letters together. It maximizes the chance that someone else might open Chad's letter, which would be disastrous. It would also maximize Chad's effort to figure out who sent the letters (which would be counterproductive from Troy's perspective) while minimizing the chance Chad will get introspective about how viable the secret is (which IS what Troy wants).

So I'd say Troy is just about last on my list of suspects for the letters at the moment.
I always thought that Sage's sentence referred to sex.
anyway, it doesn't change much if it's 2 years or less than a year, it's still an absurdly long time for a fake and unrequited relationship, especially for a hot character like Sage (who with MC doesn't last a minute after promising to be willing to wait months...).

i'm pretty sure we won't get a more precise answer on the question, so let's just get it over with and be at peace.

As for the threatening letters, the prime suspects for me are Melanie and Sara (perhaps with Troy's encouragement), so how many people must still be involved?
their guilt will be because of that

Dawe is probably collateral damage to disperse suspicion
Sep 9, 2021
I dont see Jill route open untill ep 8. Like, I never pursued Jill before ep 8, and in EP8 I only had the chance to help her at the stage and I did, but that didnt gave me the ending of having dinner with her parents or having sex with her. With sage if you make the right decisions you can still choose her as one of LIs.
Did i ever mentioned i was jill simp before i became quinn die hard fan ! :rolleyes::cautious::LOL:


Active Member
Apr 23, 2021
I think you are in mistake here, jill route was also open till chapter 8 and choices came in one place to kick a chick dik ass.
It would be stupid to think that all choices related to sage will not come in one place to kick a dik ass.

Nope ! Do you remember : Quinn catching mc with sage.
If mc is on path of sage and quinn.
Those words you mentioned are basically warning from.

Just like don't date jill requirement came : that will repeat on quinn path again.
Damn QOH is demanding then normal lis.
Quinn doesn't catch me with sage, because I stopped Sages advances. The only scene I had a sex scene with sage, was the one about who takes control, if I wanna give or take control. That scene isn't the one Quinn shows up and that scene is required for MC stay with Sage.

When I stay with Sage, I grab her hand, but I don't put it in her panties. So she doesn't get turned on and we don't have sex (I don't become her "fuck buddy")

on Ep7. At HOTs party, one of the tasks is talk to Sage, when I do talk to her, she brings me outside to the bench. As the conversation goes, I have no decision to make and it ends up with Sage jumping on MC's lap to have sex with him.
This scene I don't know if you ever noticed:
If Quinn is NOT into you: She won't care, she will laugh and think it is funny.
If She is into you: She will get upset when Riona tells her that MC's dick is inside sage, And she isn't confortable in showing her breasts with Riona but she still do it.

I honestly don't think any of it matters. But as someone who loves Quinn, I wanna make a clean gameplay path where she thinks MC only cares about her, but I also want to get as many scenes as possible with Quinn, and I can only do that if I crash at Sage's room after leaving Maya's dorm.

So if MC doesn't have sex with Sage on that bench, he won't get the 3some offer and when he talks to Quinn on that bench She won't ask how long have MC and Sage been fucking. I have that scene on one of my old gameplays, but I think it was when I decided not pursue Sage on EP7. on previous versions of the game.
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Sep 9, 2021
Quinn doesn't catch me with sage, because I stopped Sages advances. The only scene I had a sex scene with sage, was the one about who takes control, if I wanna give or take control. That scene isn't the one Quinn shows up and that scene is required for MC stay with Sage.

When I stay with Sage, I grab her hand, but I don't put it in her panties. So she doesn't get turned on and we don't have sex (I don't become her "fuck buddy")

on Ep7. At HOTs party, one of the tasks is talk to Sage, when I do talk to her, she brings me outside to the bench. As the conversation goes, I have no decision to make and it ends up with Sage jumping on MC's lap to have sex with him.
This scene I don't know if you ever noticed:
If Quinn is NOT into you: She won't care, she will laugh and think it is funny.
If She is into you: She will get upset when Riona tells her that MC's dick is inside sage, And she isn't confortable in showing her breasts with Riona but she still do it.

I honestly don't think any of it matters. But as someone who loves Quinn, I wanna make a clean gameplay path where she thinks MC only cares about her, but I also want to get as many scenes as possible with Quinn, and I can only do that if I crash at Sage's room after leaving Maya's dorm.

So if MC doesn't have sex with Sage on that bench, he won't get the 3some offer and when he talks to Quinn on that bench She won't ask how long have MC and Sage been fucking. I have that scene on one of my old gameplays, but I think it was when I decided not pursue Sage on EP7. on previous versions of the game.
All i an say, it's better to not get some moments if you are on quinn path. I also have only Qinne route save.

Hine and seek might bite in mc ass. If possible make only one li route.
Gud luck !


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I think we need to reevaluate the length of Sage's relationship with Chad. We assume it's nearly two years old because Sage was clearly smitten with Chad in the Episode 5 flashback, but consider this line from Episode 8:
View attachment 1571000

I think it's more likely that Chad spent a long time turning Sage down, and only accepted (rather suddenly) when he felt like he needed an official girlfriend for some reason. If so, there's a good chance Chad needed a beard coincided with whatever happened to Troy. Troy was still with the Jocks in Tommy's story of him fucking Arieth, which was "a year ago."

So I'd say the relationship between Chad and Sage lasted at most ~1 year, and possibly less. It's still way to long for him not to have mentioned that he was gay, but it does make Sage's dry spell a little less egregious.

Eh, it seems fairly straightforward to me. As Sage says, she wants to stand on her own two feet, and as a result has developed a habit of simply refusing help from her parents. It would make sense that her parents responded by INSISTING on helping her, which in turn convinced Sage to avoid interacting with them as much as practical to minimize their opportunity to insist. It's a sort of vicious cycle of virtue.

Ehhh, I'm not seeing it. I could easily see Troy sending the pics to Dawe if he somehow had access to them, but I don't buy that it's as easy as hacking Arieth's phone (since she didn't take most of the pictures). And I guess I could see him sending a letter to Chad in the hopes of convincing him the secret couldn't be kept so he might as well admit the truth and leave the closet.

But I can't see him sending both letters together. It maximizes the chance that someone else might open Chad's letter, which would be disastrous. It would also maximize Chad's effort to figure out who sent the letters (which would be counterproductive from Troy's perspective) while minimizing the chance Chad will get introspective about how viable the secret is (which IS what Troy wants).

So I'd say Troy is just about last on my list of suspects for the letters at the moment.
shazba you two seem like the rational choices for this!

what if Sage needs to be adopted because Stephen is the MC`s uncle? or as in one of my theories before dalli_x so rudely stole the job of crazy theory guy from me.... he is the MC true natural father?


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
yes you´re spanish and he is argentinian with a hate hard on for Chile so i guess you both understand each other now go put your novelas into personal dm´s and let the rest of the forum users enjoy the regular shitstorm!

I have friends from Spain and I understand that he would be a "Cunado/Cunao" The word is misspelled because I don't have the N with the symbol above on my keyboard

Cunao is used to call the person who thinks about everything without knowing it, although he believes that he knows everything and is smarter than the others.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
Of course he or his boyfriends report posts.
As soon as I got into some discussions with him 2/3 days ago my posts were deleted.
Before that I talked with few others people about their problematic waifu and nothing, there was not a single post deleted soo... :LOL:
Have a conversation with anybody, no posts deleted, have a conversation with cockboy, posts deleted.

Sup m4zy?


Apr 28, 2021
Yeah, Sage is just your fuckbuddy. She's the guaranteed sex scene. She just becomes a part of the background. Same as the in-game phone: check messages, fuck Sage, play Brawler, fuck Sage, read Rooster, fuck Sage, repeat. Meanwhile, you're going after Maya, Bella, Josy, Jill, etc. And you're not paying any attention to the cute, funny, hot, intelligent, sarcastic, little redhead with her Chad problem that slowly falls in love with you...

The moment I had to choose between a sweet innocent Jill who planned something for your birthday, or going to help a sick Sage, and I choose to go to Sage; I knew she succeeded in pulling me into whatever drama the game is going to introduce. Sage is a landmine. A landmine that I somehow can't seem to get my DIK out of.
I mean, it's not like I'd want to get my DIK out of her either tbf.... I'm content just being together with the best girl *shrugs*

Eh, it seems fairly straightforward to me. As Sage says, she wants to stand on her own two feet, and as a result has developed a habit of simply refusing help from her parents. It would make sense that her parents responded by INSISTING on helping her, which in turn convinced Sage to avoid interacting with them as much as practical to minimize their opportunity to insist. It's a sort of vicious cycle of virtue.
I went ahead and replayed the part where she talks about her family back in Episode 5/6 (idk since my save slots are completely filled and I have a load point for many moments in the game) and it seems I was in the wrong. She never said that she had a bad relationship with her family; all she said was that she couldn't talk about her emotions to Stephen and Jade. She couldn't open up and as a result bottled up her feelings.

I have a vague feeling that the reason Sage was adopted could have something to do with their marriage being on the verge of collapse all those years ago, quite possibly because of Stephen cheating (as always), and that the reason why they never really discuss emotions is because they see Sage as a marriage aid and proof of commitment, which is why they continue to force help on her. They're responsible for bringing her in and caring for her, but might not care so much about her feelings since they picture her as a mere tool to keep their marriage together.

The reason why she's thankful is because they've cared for her up till college, and given her all that they thought a growing woman should have in order to grow healthily. But that's it. She's just thankful and grateful. She wants to prove to them that she's become independent and doesn't need to rely on them anymore. In no dialogue does she say that she loves them or cares for them deeply. She just wants to repay them for helping her in what could've possibly been a dark period of her life.

Either that or a) they just thought emotions are a weakness and wanted to stop her from thinking about them as much as possible to raise a strong woman; b) they were emotionally detached from their family.

All of this is just speculation though.





Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I always thought that Sage's sentence referred to sex.
anyway, it doesn't change much if it's 2 years or less than a year, it's still an absurdly long time for a fake and unrequited relationship, especially for a hot character like Sage (who with MC doesn't last a minute after promising to be willing to wait months...).

i'm pretty sure we won't get a more precise answer on the question, so let's just get it over with and be at peace.
I'm certain we will eventually get a more precise answer, because eventually we will learn why Chad agreed to the fake relationship and that will probably give us a specific inciting incident. Probably still won't be an exact date, but closer than we have now. Whether that changes much will depend on when it turns out to be, but I suspect you are correct and it will be long enough ago to make Sage's patience seem absurd.

As for the threatening letters, the prime suspects for me are Melanie and Sara (perhaps with Troy's encouragement), so how many people must still be involved?
their guilt will be because of that

Dawe is probably collateral damage to disperse suspicion
No, it can't be Mel and Sarah for the same reasons it can't be Troy. Worse even, since Troy at least has a known grudge against Dawe. Plus, we have reason to believe that Mel, unlike Troy, was openly campaigning for Chad to break up with Sage and would eventually succeed. It's just barely possible that Mel was secretly blackmailing Chad into the breakup, but given the look between her and Chad when Sage was punching him, and the fact he was in her room during the HOT party, all signs suggest Chad knows that she knows his secret.

Given that, Mel and Sarah sending the letters is at best useless and at worst disastrously counterproductive.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Of course he or his boyfriends report posts.
As soon as I got into some discussions with him 2/3 days ago my posts were deleted.
Before that I talked with few others people about their problematic waifu and nothing, there was not a single post deleted soo... :LOL:

Talking about users is generally against the rules, so complaining that your posts are deleted is like pissing against the wind.
and here the moderators pass by very often

We are on the BADIK thread let's talk about BADIK

p.s. i am not saying this to you, i am saying it in general;)
I'm going back to hating Derek.:cool:
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