My main problem was the Sage/Jill choice. She showed up unannouced, no calls or info beforehand whatsoever, then she tells MC that she wants to go to a picnic. Now, Sage is sick and MC gave her his word that he's going to be there and worst of all, if you bail on Sage, she's not like she's even mad about it. Jill though, if you don't go to the stupid picnic, you're like the worst person she ever knows, but you know, she "sacrifices" herself for you in that retarded blackmail storyline, where she takes Tybalt's word for truth without ever asking anyone else - MC, Rich, Lucas, Gordon, Christian and etc., you know people who actually were there.
Pineapple pizza with pastrami, prosciutto and it's ends filled with mozarella cheese is the best one.