i really wasnt hyped for the interlude after the announcement in ep8 mostly because i dont like zoey, but not the character per se cause there wasnt shown enough to make her likable before. i agree the char is not so bad and also looks not bad but i for myself hat tatoos especially such big ones she got and the mere thought that a nice looking girl mad herself willingly so ugly (in my eyes everyone his own fetishes..) just destroid the char for me but ok to play the next episode you have to skip through it.
the minigames sorry dont know why and what for only to interupt the game and eat up time.
the change to the speech bubbles... seen it in other games and wasnt thrilled because i mostly skippted throug it i think i didnt get everything, but my theory is that the dev will make her a li in the next season and so some neccesery infos were sprinkled within.
mostly i thing was that the mc had the wrong impression that she found a boyfriend if i am not mistaken the photo on the flashback with bella was the one that disgust... overly inkled women posted and he saw it the comments and just combined everything (that she cut contact before did not help this misunderstanding)
so i think that will be clarified when they meet in the next episode so also the mc get to know about it and the interlude was for the player to get rid of the ntr vibes that earlyer flashback of her gave off and give a understanding why she dumped him even before a real releationship could evolve (they were basicly on the same level like the sage route when you choose her in ep8 theire friendship was just longer and deeper so the sentece "i fear to destroy our friendship with the next step" was a lot more real.
but also if it will be true that she will become a li i wonder WHY SO LATE in the game i just dont get it i think it will likely just be like a lot people postet "just to bring drama" and that is really one thing the game has enough at the moment...
damn wrote more than i wanted

but i just dont get it why now why her and so on... i think just time will tell...