I have mixed feelings about this interlude. It was overall ok, and while I appreciated the first part, the development of the second half felt too juvenile to me, and kind of broke my suspension of disbelief.
From where you took that Zoey is a party girl? She is a skater, someone who wanted to try and learn how to surf, who wanted to try things for herself. But at any moment it says she is a party girl. Why she is a party girl? Because she drinks and have a blue hair?
Quinn is a party girl. She not necessarilly, at least so far I didnt see anything that would show her as a "party girl".
About the girl going nuts for no reason. you certainly have little experience with women in rl.
I had a gf once that I kind of lost many female friends because of her. Because she would get jealous and start shit with them for no reason at all. We were friends before, laughed a lot, had fun, but never had anything between us. After I started dating her my relationship with my friends were the same, but she would see things that were not even there and it end up pushing them away. Women like this exist. They start shit for no reason, without anyone doing anything.
I always see people criticizing DPC stories talking about some character behaviors, but for someone like me, who experienced most of it, from college, work, dates, etc. I see it as he just taking examples from real life and putting it into his stories the way he feels like.