It's really tough to gauge as of right now, what DPC has planed as the ultimate conclusion of the drugs/prostitution. Ive read some people suggest there are undercover cops, but I havent seen a single shred of evidence or even a hint that thats true, so wether she gets caught on dealing drugs is up in the air for me. The drugs might be an important part in a possible Vinnie showdown, and wont effect the HoT's as much in my opinion.
The prostitution however is too involved with too many characters to not play a major role at some point, but I dont see a prison sentence as an likely outcome. First, it rarely, if ever, results in a prison sentence for first time offenders and second, to me it pits Sage vs Quinn, which is a far more powerfull story to tell. I think it will be handeled on a personal level, like does anyone really believe Sage will ruin her own family ? It could be Sage confronting her dad, and her sisters who are involved.
If there is one char, where I really really really want to know the full backstory, its Quinn. I wanna know why she is who she is, what happened to her that hurt her so much, that she totally shut down on an emotional level.
And I really dont understand why people compare Quinn to Zoey, they couldnt be any more different.