Hello everyone.
1st of all, can i ask all da naysayers of Zoey to state that only they dont want her content.
I for one can't wait for more content with her.
2ndly if DPC keeps her ingame, i think its highly posible that Maya falls in love with her and starts dating her, afterall, if the MC can date 2 peaps at once (and 2nds on da side) why not she?
wich makes me wonder, and here is a question for you all, who will Josy bring into the 3way relation? i think, she will bring sage in, wich maya agrees to as well especialy if sage ends up being able to help her, afterall sage says she would enjoy the many talks from Josy (during the party at the hot's)
a lil back i also noticed that some peaps wer discussing Jill & Bella. i think i just found a clue as to how they became good friends.
Jill's parents forced her sister to leave, i think that she ended up somehow with Bella, and thats how they became known with eachother, after her passing they both missed her way to much, wich brought them toghetter even more, and maybe even slept toghetter on several occasions.
and that is where things turn darker, as it might be that Jill sister's demise might not be a natural occurrance, and Bella's husband promised them both that he would turn every stone to find out whats what, thats why i think he is gone for sooooo long, so the locked door might have been locked by him, maybe its his investigation room.
offcourse this is just a theory, and i have no proof on it, but i think it might be a plausible cause. but if it's true, i cant help but wonder, who is responsible?
was it one of her parents, did one of them got so fed up that one of em took things to far? was it one of her fellow students, and why? did she became addicted to drugs (hence her becomming the black sheep of the family) and did vinny had something to do with it?
heck thinking about it, maybe its vinny that posted those cathy pictures, while some doors wer locked, there wer several ways out of rusty's room, and i believe that after the windows wer fixed, the MC was standing outside, so it might have been Vinny's way inside, the laptop was found there afterall, and i wouldn't put it past him to get some revenge on certain dik's, especialy tommy, afterall, tommy did nothing to earn his role with the diks, he just asumed 2nd in command for being friends with rusty for years before comming to B&R. and since tommy apparantly blamed Quinn innitialy (you still think i posted those pictures quinn asks during one of their conversation) might be that vinny was hoping to bring a wedge between tommy and quinn, forcing him to stop buying drugs from her and started buying drugs from vinny (he is smiling afterall when tommy comes to him with his tail between his legs)
anyways, enough rambling. sorry if i took my theory's to far, but well i just had to share my thoughts
Greetings Riggnarock