Apr 10, 2022
I don't recall this scene. Is this a throuple exclusive, or something else?
Having sex with Josy in the beginning of the game will make her comment during Tybalt's presentation, which Jill notices. You must also have stayed with Sage to trigger a scene where Jill talks to Josy in the bathroom after the presentation.
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Nov 15, 2020
I have to disagree. The problem with Zoey running out of money has nothing to do with materialism, it's that it undermines the arc the Interlude was (presumably) supposed to be about. While the Interlude doesn't show the passage of time clearly, we know at least 6 months passed between when Zoey confronted Emma and when she returned home. In all that time, she never reached out to the MC. It's all well and good to say she learned not to take home for granted, but what actually happened is that she continued to stay in San Diego with her 3-4 friends until she could no longer afford to remain. The alleged revelation didn't have much effect.

Now sure, it's possible to claim the timing is a coincidence and she just needed a while to sort out her feelings; she'd have spent time weighting tables (or something) before returning home if she'd had a little less money. But there's nothing in the game itself that really suggests that. The far more likely explanation is that Zoey is still in denial about her feelings and is only returning because she has no viable alternative. Which means she's still in the same headspace she was when she left the MC, which in turn means the Interlude was a complete waste of time.

IMHO, that's just bad writing. A much better way to handle it would be to have Zoey choose to leave San Diego before she runs out of money. She doesn't need to have a large sum left or anything, the point isn't the amount. The point is that in this scenario, we see that Zoey really was changed by the revelation. She's able to accept her feelings, face her own shortcomings, and proactively reach for new goals. In other words, we'd see that Zoey has matured after her time in San Diego, just like the MC has matured while at B&R. That would put her in a much better position to serve as a romantic foil. I'm still not keen on that idea, but if we're going to do it we may as well do it right.
What a glutton for punishment you are if you think its good to reconnect that early with someone after ending a relationship with them. :p And you know you wont be seeing each other since youre moving far away and starting essentially a new life. Its an honest and genuine portrayal for Zoey to stay away, to me shes trying to do the "right" thing and move on. It takes time to settle feelings and emotions for what she went through.

As to how you can suggest that shes in the same headspace after mourning and ending a friendship and moving and starting a new life and chasing a dream, is very upsetting honestly.

Quitting a dream before doing everything you could to realise it would be even worse writing imo, then she would have been wishywashy and fickle. Every person i know or have read about who have chased something of importance never would have given up like that, what it takes for someone to shift focus before every avenue is spent is something major like love, children, trauma and death. Zoey doesnt have have love at that point she is missing it and doesn't even know how much.

You claim that the amount of money doesnt matter, yet you contradict yourself when there have to be money left. I wish to know why that matters for you and why that makes her character worse. I could understand your reservations if her goal was money but nothing have shown thats her motivation (besides basic needs). Somethings not right here. It really looks like youre judging her for something she is not.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Your red stapler/white pants/red pants theory from like last year which ended up with Josy as Jill's sister/niece (don't remember exactly). Completely pulled out of your ass but you know, typing bunch of unrelated stuff and trying to push it as a legit theory. :WaitWhat:
But this has nothing to do with Wendy and Luis.:rolleyes:

Dude I'm not trying to make anyone buy into it. You reply to me for no fucking reason, I didn't see your name anywhere in my theory, nor did I tag you, but you somehow get involved in it. What are you, Jill Royce? :unsure:
I didn't know I wasn't allowed to reply to a post that contained a theory that I think is wrong. Interesting and presumptuous.:eek:

What does Jill has to do with Bella's mental breakdown again? The theory is Bella's hallucination of James. You're putting words in people's mouths again so that you can show yourself right for whatever reason.
Don't you see? I even provided possible evidence that James may have died just before the flashback of EP5. The flashback of EP8 is before the flashback of EP5 in terms of time. In the screenshot, we see Jill, who could be worried about a grieving Isabella. Since EP8's flashback is further in the past of the timeline, it shows a living James. It's that simple.:rolleyes:



Nov 15, 2020
Bella and Jill bonded over something and became friends. High odds that its "death of a loved one" since thats what messed Jill up to some degree (her sister is dead).

To me personally the order of likelyhood starts with
  • dead husband
  • dead child
  • even money on everything else.
The first one fits the most but could be a red herring.


Nov 15, 2020
But this has nothing to do with Wendy and Luis.:rolleyes:

I didn't know I wasn't allowed to reply to a post that contained a theory that I think is wrong. Interesting and presumptuous.:eek:

Don't you see? I even provided possible evidence that James may have died just before the flashback of EP5. The flashback of EP8 is before the flashback of EP5 in terms of time. In the screenshot, we see Jill, who could be worried about a grieving Isabella. Since EP8's flashback is further in the past of the timeline, it shows a living James. It's that simple.:rolleyes:

View attachment 1864926
You know what, i had never really thought about it until now. My assumption and bias was that Bella consoled Jill as the older and maturer person. It could very well be that Bellas loss is more recent than Jills and its a more mutual friendship than that of an older mentor and young mentee. The amount of time both have had with their respective loss matters a lot actually if it is a death.

Vixen ♀

Dec 23, 2021
How many times y'all replaying the game so far? :HideThePain:
Doing third time this round, I kinda wish there would be canon choice ya know, to enjoy something after story to each chapter and see how it turned out outcome eventually.


Jan 6, 2019
Bella and Jill bonded over something and became friends. High odds that its "death of a loved one"
  • dead child
Ohhhh coming in left field we have a new theory, James was supposed to be watching their kid but wasnt paying attention and the child drowned in the pool (she has been there for 10 years...) it caused horrible friction in their relationship and James left - Ergo the 'I forgive you' bit from Bella ;)


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Ohhhh coming in left field we have a new theory, James was supposed to be watching their kid but wasnt paying attention and the child drowned in the pool (she has been there for 10 years...) it caused horrible friction in their relationship and James left - Ergo the 'I forgive you' bit from Bella ;)
I’ve said before something violent happened at Bella’s. We’re meant to think it was ‘crazy’ Bella. It’s almost certainly a tragedy.

I don’t think the kid drowned. Bella’s cabinet in her living room is at a weird angle. I reckon their is a blood stain underneath.
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
The DIKs will probably make money from their parties in the future, just as I thought they would. The MC then refers to what Sage told him.:cool:

MC: "You’re telling me the preps don’t have their parents paying for all of this?"
Sage: "Kind of, but not really. lt’s legacy, you know?"
Sage: "They get their money from donations made by alumni, parents, influential people, corporations looking to escape taxes and more."
Sage: "It's all...politics, but they throw these parties to earn that money."

The Preps host parties and invite the appropriate guests. Rusty knows the appropriate guests, Jamie and Jacob handle the decorations, JB cooks, Derek is the bartender, and the MC manages everything and provides light entertainment with his guitar. The MC can organize the whole thing and get the HOTs involved. The HOT girls serve and entertain the guests. This way the DIK's can handle the arrangements for their guests.:unsure:(y)

Of course, they also host parties for the students and themselves.:D


Sep 30, 2017
Episode 9 waiting lobby still going strong! Have faith in the fap! The best things in life are worth waiting for!!!


Jun 17, 2020
Hello everyone.

1st of all, can i ask all da naysayers of Zoey to state that only they dont want her content.
I for one can't wait for more content with her.

2ndly if DPC keeps her ingame, i think its highly posible that Maya falls in love with her and starts dating her, afterall, if the MC can date 2 peaps at once (and 2nds on da side) why not she?
wich makes me wonder, and here is a question for you all, who will Josy bring into the 3way relation? i think, she will bring sage in, wich maya agrees to as well especialy if sage ends up being able to help her, afterall sage says she would enjoy the many talks from Josy (during the party at the hot's)

a lil back i also noticed that some peaps wer discussing Jill & Bella. i think i just found a clue as to how they became good friends.
Jill's parents forced her sister to leave, i think that she ended up somehow with Bella, and thats how they became known with eachother, after her passing they both missed her way to much, wich brought them toghetter even more, and maybe even slept toghetter on several occasions.
and that is where things turn darker, as it might be that Jill sister's demise might not be a natural occurrance, and Bella's husband promised them both that he would turn every stone to find out whats what, thats why i think he is gone for sooooo long, so the locked door might have been locked by him, maybe its his investigation room.

offcourse this is just a theory, and i have no proof on it, but i think it might be a plausible cause. but if it's true, i cant help but wonder, who is responsible?
was it one of her parents, did one of them got so fed up that one of em took things to far? was it one of her fellow students, and why? did she became addicted to drugs (hence her becomming the black sheep of the family) and did vinny had something to do with it?

heck thinking about it, maybe its vinny that posted those cathy pictures, while some doors wer locked, there wer several ways out of rusty's room, and i believe that after the windows wer fixed, the MC was standing outside, so it might have been Vinny's way inside, the laptop was found there afterall, and i wouldn't put it past him to get some revenge on certain dik's, especialy tommy, afterall, tommy did nothing to earn his role with the diks, he just asumed 2nd in command for being friends with rusty for years before comming to B&R. and since tommy apparantly blamed Quinn innitialy (you still think i posted those pictures quinn asks during one of their conversation) might be that vinny was hoping to bring a wedge between tommy and quinn, forcing him to stop buying drugs from her and started buying drugs from vinny (he is smiling afterall when tommy comes to him with his tail between his legs)

anyways, enough rambling. sorry if i took my theory's to far, but well i just had to share my thoughts :D

Greetings Riggnarock :D
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Jun 17, 2020
The DIKs will probably make money from their parties in the future, just as I thought they would. The MC then refers to what Sage told him.:cool:

MC: "You’re telling me the preps don’t have their parents paying for all of this?"
Sage: "Kind of, but not really. lt’s legacy, you know?"
Sage: "They get their money from donations made by alumni, parents, influential people, corporations looking to escape taxes and more."
Sage: "It's all...politics, but they throw these parties to earn that money."

The Preps host parties and invite the appropriate guests. Rusty knows the appropriate guests, Jamie and Jacob handle the decorations, JB cooks, Derek is the bartender, and the MC manages everything and provides light entertainment with his guitar. The MC can organize the whole thing and get the HOTs involved. The HOT girls serve and entertain the guests. This way the DIK's can handle the arrangements for their guests.:unsure:(y)

Of course, they also host parties for the students and themselves.:D
okey maybe noone notices, but right before the last scene, we hear quite a loud bang, when a severed head (masked) is seen in front of the door. is noone gonna mention that? maybe it is merely a decoration, but with the bang sound right before it turns dark, i think one mayor plot twist might end da party before it even begins.
okey maybe it is just a decoration, in that case you might be pretty accurate on how things will go.
but with all the recent twists and turns, we might be in for a real halloween surprice


Oct 4, 2019
i need a help folks! My text's are small, like small as a f... ant! i was install a mod call' SanchoMod and the main name is Multi Mod. After that, my text got small. I delete the game, saves and download again but not' changed. Pls, if you guys know anything about that pls help me.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
i need a help folks! My text's are small, like small as a f... ant! i was install a mod call' SanchoMod and the main name is Multi Mod. After that, my text got small. I delete the game, saves and download again but not' changed. Pls, if you guys know anything about that pls help me.
This isn't a mod help forum, but Sancho's mods generally let you also configure the fonts used, at least as far as I can remember. Maybe ask Sancho1969 about it directly, he's on these forums.
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