So many things have been said about James, i don't think he's dead, i have played all the possible path in that game and i have seen every possible scene and what i think is that Bell and James were really close as a couple, even after that time she's still wearing her wedding ring, we also learn from the scene with Jill and Bella in the bed that something did happen and caused a problem.
So no need to search very far, it's quite possible that one night Bella and Jill have been flicking the bean together and James caught them. Then there was a fight and James left and Bella was left with anger and culpability for having destroyed her marriage. That would explain her dark attitude.
And about the secret closed room, just look where it is in the house close to the room wher Bella reads and have some rest. So the logic would be that it could be James office, left untouched and locked in the hope that he would come back one day.
And about his come back didn't you see the hint, we recently had Zoeh coming back and in the same update we have a long scene with James and Bella, so we can guess that James will also come back or at least we will learn about their problem, so if you choose Bella things will get interesting.