Quite possibly the best adult novel on this site and for what it's worth, the best one I've played.
At the moment of writing this review, the first 3 episodes have come out and purely by its graphic quality, the game stands apart with just a few others that come close to it. The renders are beautiful and not once was I left with a feeling of "hey, this looks weird". Far more importantly, the author has really worked on trying to create a unique vibe which would be suitable for a uni-frat type story and it's bang on.
Most importantly, the story in this game is fun (loads on interesting scenes), but also thoughtful and well-paced, there are actual obstacles on the road to a home-run and your actions do feel like they consequences.
Hands down, I'm impressed and can't wait for the next dose of this awesome piece of creation.
At the moment of writing this review, the first 3 episodes have come out and purely by its graphic quality, the game stands apart with just a few others that come close to it. The renders are beautiful and not once was I left with a feeling of "hey, this looks weird". Far more importantly, the author has really worked on trying to create a unique vibe which would be suitable for a uni-frat type story and it's bang on.
Most importantly, the story in this game is fun (loads on interesting scenes), but also thoughtful and well-paced, there are actual obstacles on the road to a home-run and your actions do feel like they consequences.
Hands down, I'm impressed and can't wait for the next dose of this awesome piece of creation.