The game has very high production quality when it comes to graphics and music, but it is rather disappointing once you get past the surface due to the weak story and pathetic main character.
The player character is supposed to be a trained MMA fighter, but he gets wedgied at school like a nerd in an 80's movie and he later breaks down and cries in front of the hot librarian. So humiliation is big part of the game, no matter what you choose. There is even a scene where a heroin junkie tries to rape you and the only way to avoid it is by being force fed a used condom. The whole MMA fighting aspect of the game doesn't really fit well anywhere. There are a couple of story related fights where you automatically lose, even if you win the minigame, because the author needs the player to lose in order to setup his story. So I don't know why they even bother to put that illusion of control in there when what you choose clearly doesn't matter. This is an ongoing issue with many choices in the game, not something isolated with fights.
As for the fighting minigame itself, it's currently way too hard for me to beat on the easy setting. It might have been possible if the arrows were colour coded, or if the game wasn't completely stacked against you, but as it stands now I had to mod the game to put an extra half a second on all the timers to make it a challenge instead of it being straight up bullshit. You can earn and spend money in the various minigames, as well as during the actual game itself, but the system is severely hampered by the fact that you can't have more than five $'s at once. So if you invest into fighting skills and earning money through perfect test scores, most of that extra money you earn will be lost if you aren't spending it right away. Of course, if you do spend it, you run the risk of not having enough for scenes in the actual game where it is required at times.
There is a morality system (of sorts) in the game but you still don't have a whole lot of control over the player character because the author needs him to do certain things in order to set up the plot twists he has planned out. So the player character is always going to be smitten with the main girls, even if you don't like them. None of the five main girls are decent romance options because they are all either using you, lying to you, reject you for someone else, or break your trust in a big way. So there isn't any romance in the game yet, and the future isn't looking to hot either. At this point, the only romance I would be interested in seeing is one with Cathy, but that's a long shot as she is just a side character.
The girls all look good (some much more so than others), but the sex scenes are shallow because they are devoid of any deeper feelings. The majority of the sex scenes in the game are either with whores that you paid for or they are only dream sequences. Those scenes are all smoothly animated, but many of those animations are awkward and unnatural. The regular character dialogue is quite good, but the overall story is very weak and the melodramatic internal monologues are horrifyingly terrible. Seriously, the one about doors at the end of chapter three reads like something a twelve year old emo kid would think is deep.
All things considered, there are issues with every aspect of this very superficial game.