VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.11.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me hurry up this time and give the game the deserved 5 star rating before something gloomy happens that would prevent me to rate it, like in...another game form this dev ;) . Seriously though, whatever happens later on, im prepared this time... and also, its the journey that matters, not the destination, they say... So yeah, 5/5, no matter what. Pffff, i did it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I like how this is a game where you can't just fuck all the girls, your choices matter and will lead you to certain girls depending on your status through choices made. as a whole this game feels so relatable and realistic
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    each character is extremely unique with amazing graphics, I'm loving the storyline and vibe, I'm one of the few that actually enjoy the minigames except for the scrambler. There are fair amounts of twists and cliffhangers which keep you wanting more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply stunning, this has the best renders I've seen in a sex game and the characters feel so real and diverse. The music and comedy really fits to give out this typical university vibe you'd see in movies and shows
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is going to be one of the greats. The atmosphere is funny, yet you know shit is gonna get real(er) what with the amazing and devestating track record Dr PinkCake already has with his first(?) game, Acting Lessons. This game is huge, and has tons of choices and tons of incredibly hot and well rendered girls to choose from. There are many realized characters, and he story is quite engaging. It makes me feel more like I'm in college then college actually does.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best game of its kind I've ever played. You know, the Western Renpy games with rendered graphgics. The dialogue is funny and well-written. There's no obvious spelling errors I caught or anything, the characters are all pretty good with their own unique personality. The renders are fairly high quality. My only real complaint is the lacking amount of sex scenes, but it's still there. Will be very interested in seeing this moving forward.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've seen this game on the trending page for quite a while already but only recently did I actually decide to try the game. I haven't played Acting Lessons so this is my first game from DrPinkCake I went in with no expectations and from the start it already wowed me. So far I'm liking everything in this game. The art, the sound, the characters, and the story are all great. The main girls are all gorgeous and likable while the supporting characters bring even more to the table. My favorites so far are Derek and Maya. Derek is such a great bro character, amusing but not to the point of being annoying. On the other hand, it looks like the game is making Maya out to be the main girl and DPC is doing a great job setting things up. I like all the intriguing hints being dropped for future events and it's actually made me super invested that I'm more interested in the story than the sexy scenes. This definitely feels like a full-fledged game with adult elements rather than just another adult game with a story. The flow of the game reminds me of the likes of Life is Strange and Telltale games and I think that's just amazing. Unfortunately I don't have the capability to financially support the game but I hope this short review would at least provide even the smallest bit of moral support by showing my appreciation for the effort put into making this game. Cheers and looking forward to future updates!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    man, i never fell for a girl like in this game, the renders and the story is a five stars, you can easily play many times, many routes and you will still enjoy the game like the first one, the best thing of all? stills on 0.2 and has HOURS of content, a masterpiece so far.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i know you can only vote for 5 start but it is not enough for this game.
    this game has great story with perfect graphics.
    it has own separated way of moving the story. (in a small scale, of course)
    with every update, i play my way first then i play full dik and full chick way.
    if i have a chance to make one game from this site to AAA game, it would be this game. that would be perfect. i am so exciting to see the story.
    thank you for this beautiful game.
    ps: not a native speaker.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why but this game makes me laugh easily and has a great story.
    Comparing to other games it's easy and has great graphics.
    The only thing that I didn't like was the music choices but you can mute it :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an easy 5/5
    Compared to the rest of the games on this site it is easily in the top 1% of games I have played. What stands out to me is below in no particular order.
    Music - 5/5
    Renders - 5/5
    Story / Replayability - 5/5
    Character Depth - 4/5

    Keep up the good work and thank you for keeping the quality of your updates so high. You have earned my money for sure.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply Amazing built with stunning graphics and renders. Defiantly worth a play through. Good story and theme certainly a game changer for this genera. Really hoping the developer recieves enough support to complete his masterpeice
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pardon me cuz this will be my first review of a game here.
    So , without saying much, this game forced me , by playing it, to write a review.
    AAA level renders and animations, beautiful girls and an old good college story.
    The work that the creator put on this game and especially on the renders/animations and the sex content turns this to an instant 5 star review.
    Excellent job and a game with a quality that could make someone pay to play.
    If you are reading this unil now, playing this game is a must if you are a fan of the genre.
    (Sorry for my english beforehand since i'm not a native speaker)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous game and a lot of fun so far. Interesting and funny story (actually laughed out loud a few times) with hot babes and stupid college pranks, whats not to love!

    Only negative is that there isn't more of it to enjoy yet!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's clear a lot of effort has gone in to this game. From the UI, the music, the character's poses and facial expressions and even the writing. The moral system that makes up the main game mechanic makes you actually think about your choices.
    Damn good.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Game!
    Best Graphics and animations out there!
    Being Funny with a very good story!
    The only issue would be the lack of liberty since there are only "mini free roams" mainly scripted. If it turns out to be more "Milfy City" after the first chapters, we have a deal breaker here!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Dr PinkCake has made yet another amazing game. The characters are all fun and interesting and are not all just the same. Even in a x rated game, the male characters are still interesting and some of them you even enjoy interacting with. The others are just because they're massive DIKs ^^
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd like to begin by saying that I truly admire DrPinkCake's artworks and all of his hard work in deliverying quality content like 'Acting lessons'. However, I have some issues with this VN.

    'Being a DIK' is a second game by DrPinkCake I come to know and in opposite to the glorious 'Acting Lessons' I cannot say that I'm delighted. Don't get me wrong, the visual side of the project is still of the highest quality, it's the story that I have problems with.

    In 'Being a DIK' you play a role of a young guy who begins his education at the college. At the very first day he comes across local fraternities' representatives. We don't get the chance to pick the fraternity of our choosing but instead we're immediately put into the line of DIK's aspirants.

    The process of pledging comes in a form of various hazings. That is the first problem I have with this VN - I don't like games that lean towards humiliation and there is a lot of it here, so be prepared. Unfortunately, some of them come in a totaly bad taste (like swallowing used condom). It made me wonder what does it have to do with prooving our character's worth? Surrending to such treatment shows something completely different - being submissive and deprived of pride instead of being worthy member of the community.

    Lastly, there are some story's plots that may seem a little inconsistent. For instance: we come to know that main character trained martial arts since he was a kid (his father trained him) and we find him fit and sporty when he begins college, but when a time comes a skinny bitch is twisting his arm with no sweat (and there is no way of opposing her in any manner).

    Since most of the reviews are 5/5 I can imagine that this one will face a lot of criticism. One can ask me a question: "why play GTA if you are against stealing cars?" - well, the answer is simple: if I knew what it's about I would most likely skip it. So I'm writing this to warn those who don't enjoy humiliation themes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For a 0.2 release this is as good as it gets.
    Great storytelling, renders, animations, music... this game has it all.

    One of the best if not the best game on F95 and it's still a 0.2 :cool:

    great job DrPinkCake (y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice, i hope the next version come fast i can't wait to play more of this game !
    I realy like the game but i am sad because is so short curently i hope the nex update will be longer and with more activitis and stuff
    Kep going DEV.