All I can do is applaud you DrPinkCake. You've out done yourself! This game is a master piece and i'm not exaggerating because everything about it is screaming 'A PROFESSIONAL AT WORK '. I won't go into much details because i don't see the need to do that anymore since for me BAD is perfection and I don't have one negative thing to point out or even mention.
I'v played my fair share of VN and nothing is even remotely close to it in terms of story telling, models, music, renders atmosphere/environment setting(parties settings are fucking awesome) and development. I can't even compare it to your last project AL (which i was a huge fan of and was convinced that it couldn't get any better).
I mean seeing how smooth it runs on the Unity Engine is ridiculously mind blowing!!! I actually tried to find a noticeable flaw while playing it and I honestly couldn't!
I'm gonna take a bit to also mention how good the music and soundtracks are and the fact that they set the right mood in every damn scene/ dialogue and moment (even in mini games!!!). And i'm not gonna forget to mention how easy and smooth it is to shuffle thru the playlist.
As for the models and MC, the designing is originally outstanding! They are so good to the point where every time the MC meets a new female character I go like "GOD DAMN! This is definitely the character i'm gonna focus on", and few minutes later another new character appears and gets me all hyped up again. Face features, skin tones, body shapes and over all appearances are awesome! Male and female models!!
And the story is definitely not just "another horny teenager starting college". There is much much, much more to it and with no doubt will hit the player deep when the story progresses. There are already few very emotional scenes and tough decisions to make . Specially knowing that every character has a unique story.
I guess this should be enough reviewing as I honestly wasn't planning to say all of this. But once I started, I couldn't stop sharing thought after thought about this epic game.
I'm really glad that i'm one of your patrons @DrPinkCake and that somehow in a way makes me feel that i'm part of this master piece. This makes me very happy!
PS: Take it easy on us with the emotional stuff will you