but it wouldn't be a twist. this is what we all expect. all (weak) clues point to Nick and Vinnie
all upcoming twists , drug lords , aunts , lesbians and serial killer lesbian aside
To me
all clues definitely do point to Vinnie and some chick (probably without a dick , & also HOTs)
the Cathy pic was from the women's locker room probably from the gym
Except the Alphas Only the hots knew that all the diks are waiting near the prep mansion during the hells week party
After Cathy pic incident the rusty kept the laptop in his safe and except him only Tommy and MC knew the combinations
but burke still manages to get the jade sex tape , what are the chances Tommy got high while fucking someone(probably heather), broke jacob's bro code and revealed the sex tape to his HOT girl friend or restaurant order , who is also Burk's sugar daughter
In all the the scenarios a girl or a HOT is the common variable
suspect list :
Heather > Mel &| sarha > Ariteth > Leah pretending to be Ariteth after stealing Arieth's skin and indentity (the original Arieth was euthanized after being discovered as north korean STD spreading experiment)