
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
...and that last frame... OMFG I did NOT see that coming!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
If you're not being sarcastic, you obviously haven't been reading these boards. That theory has been beaten to death for more than a year I think. :p

I found I can help Quinn this time when her nose was bleeding but can't do in my first playthrough. I didn't fuck her before and have a chick affinity in this playthrough. :unsure: This is my second playthrough. The difference between theses two playthroughs is if I fucked Sage and Bella or not. In my second playthrough I've only chase after Jill. Or is it because of Walkthrough Mod? :rolleyes: But I can't help Quinn in my first playthrough, even though I always use Walkthrough Mod when I play Bing a DIK. :confused: But anyway, I like that I can help Quinn even if I have a chick affinity and didn't fuck her before. :LOL: That is better than that I can't save a girl from fire when I didn't fuck her. :devilish:
It's the walkthrough mod. The mod allows you to have that scene in episode 6 no matter what you've done. If you don't have the wallthrough enables, you have to:
  • have "DIK" affinity,
  • not be with Maya&Josy; and
  • smoked weed with Quinn and fucked her on the DIK roof.
The walkthrough mod oversteps its boundaries... :cautious:

So, about the Chad / Sage thing.

When you say your gonna out him, sorry bro, you might be all pro gay power and stuff, but just no. That last scene has them kissing in the OPEN in a gym locker room where any jock can come on them at any time all the while Troy is banned more or less from that gym being that he was kicked out. Heck, when the MC pass by, they don't even flinch. You act like being gay is bigger than everything else. From those i know, they just want to be treated like normal people, and to be honest, being gay in our society ain't that big of a deal anymore.

The point is, I don't think he wants to hide anymore and he's starting to accept the situation and started to take steps. Best thing to do imo is to go to him when his alone and tell him your gonna go with him and let him tell Sage what's happening and just wait outside the door for the afterward cryfest. (In a neutral area, the MC room at the DIK manor, off course, by the door/window xD ) No one said telling Sage is going to make everything known to the world.

Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified. Chad sucker punched MC and provoked a fight. No matter the reason, the pictures or what Chad think is relevant, MC don't know that. All he knows is Chad attack him for no reason, and him saying fuck it my dude your gonna be my bitch would be perfectly fine by me. It's called you reap what you sow.
Society on a whole may not care if Chad and Troy are together, but Chad's immediate group of friends, the seemingly homophobic jocks, are quite possibly a different story.

My guess is that Chad and Troy "stole" a quick kiss at the precise moment the mc walked in. That's going to be a big deal, but surely the mc won't be a cunt about it.

Chad punched the mc, so did Tommy and Dawe, does that mean the MC should start blabbing all their private secrets to ruin their lives? I don't think so. He punched them back, end of story, no further action is required unless the mc is a vengeful little cunt who doesn't understand proportionate measures.
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Jul 17, 2020
Quinn's story isn't complicated really, although some like to think otherwise. It's fairly straightforward story of a broken family leading her to become what she is. There's no indication of redemption or any remorse on her part so far. She's just getting it on with MC if he meets her standards.
TBH if Quinn changes for 'love' or something like that, it would be incredibly disingenuous to her character. I'd much rather her keep being the shitty person that she is, than do something so contrived and unrealistic.
how my MC gonna handle Quinn's shenanigans if things blow up in his face is what it make complicated, well thats just for me.

yeah, i prefer Quinn not to do a 180, she said it herself, she's not a damsel, its either with me or leave me alone, but we'll never know for sure, in the end its still DPC's story, we're just bystanders watching (and fappin':ROFLMAO:), we have little to no influence how will the story unfolds but we'll see.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Okay, after a bit of fiddling, I think I worked out a plan to fully repair the mansion and buy the windows by the end of Episode 7 while still retaining the VIP pass (though I'm skeptical Madame is worth the effort). I plan to test it tomorrow, but I figure I'll toss it out now to see if anyone else finds any bugs.

As you might expect, we're going to need to reroll for specific jobs a lot. So it's definitely not for the faint of heart. I also suspect this plan will not be the most optimal distribution of experience in the long run. Still, if my calculations are correct, it should get the job done and still leave some semi-decent options for future work afterwards. [EDIT: My calculations were correct!] (The job assignments in Round 7 are something of an ideal, but at that point we can hopefully be more tolerant of less-than-optimal job selection.)

As always, thanks to fakitap for pulling me down this rabbit hole in the first place, and to Shuls01 for giving me a good template to start from!
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Added screenshots of the guide as a backup for people who can't use the spreadsheet, and updated to v1.1 to correct a minor chart glitch.

Updated to v2.0 to incorporate my latest mansion repair tracker spreadsheet, as well as a proposal for how to repair the mansion and keep the VIP pass with mini-games turned off!
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Nov 1, 2017
Are there any benefits for finishing it at the end of ep07 or is there just a different dialogue at the dining table?

I did everything without any guide and will be finished at the beginning of ep08, it think the game says after the dining table scene there are two more rounds left.


Oct 5, 2020
Are there any benefits for finishing it at the end of ep07 or is there just a different dialogue at the dining table?

I did everything without any guide and will be finished at the beginning of ep08, it think the game says after the dining table scene there are two more rounds left.
I think that game does not influence the story, it is just to relax for a while
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Jun 15, 2017
Do you guys think dpc will keep the mansion mini game going after everything's been fixed and bought?

Like the Halloween party being dependent on how much money you can raise doing jobs?
He could keep it for the party preparations and assigning people to do different things for it. I can see that, otherwise it has no purpose anymore.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Are there any benefits for finishing it at the end of ep07 or is there just a different dialogue at the dining table?

I did everything without any guide and will be finished at the beginning of ep08, it think the game says after the dining table scene there are two more rounds left.
No, it's pretty much just bragging rights and the satisfaction of knowing for sure that it can be done.

Do you guys think dpc will keep the mansion mini game going after everything's been fixed and bought?

Like the Halloween party being dependent on how much money you can raise doing jobs?
My guess is the party will happen no matter what, but certain events at the party can change depending on how well you did in the minigame. And it's possible DPC'll keep it going beyond that, though we'll probably get new tasks to replace the repairs now that the mansion is fixed. The official guide mentioned $5 jobs in passing, and currently there's no such thing. Could be a mistake, but it could be a sign he has future plans.
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Apr 10, 2020
She treats the MC differently because she's attracted to him, but most importantly because he validates her. Remember, she has no interest in MC's that don't do drugs, that show a tender side, or that stick with that self righteous bitch Maya [sic]. Even if such an MC is kind to Quinn, she isn't interested.

The way to Quinn's good side is to tell her everything she wants to hear and never challenge her faults. If you do that, she is willing to let the MC get close to her, but that's a far cry from Quinn being a more caring or open person (much less a better one).
Quinn's story isn't complicated really, although some like to think otherwise. It's fairly straightforward story of a broken family leading her to become what she is. There's no indication of redemption or any remorse on her part so far. She's just getting it on with MC if he meets her standards.
It's true that the way to get close to Quinn initially is by being the type of MC she's attracted to, and that's largely what we've seen so far - a mutual attraction between a "bad boy" and a "bad girl." But I do think there's more to come.

DPC chose to show us a more emotional side to her character in ep 7, the fact she feels more for the MC than she'd like to admit. And it's already changing her behaviour in small ways: look at the kitchen scene when he convinces her to jump on his back; she says "I don't understand you", but she humors him anyway - the reaction on Rooster shows how out of character that was for her. It suggests at least the possibility of growth. I don't know why DPC would deliberately choose to show scenes like that if he only intended to keep her as a one-dimensional antagonist.

Now, full on remorse and redemption? I don't know if that's on the cards, or even if it's desirable. But I do expect MC and Quinn to continue to influence each other in interesting ways, for better and worse.


Oct 15, 2019
Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified. Chad sucker punched MC and provoked a fight. No matter the reason, the pictures or what Chad think is relevant, MC don't know that. All he knows is Chad attack him for no reason, and him saying fuck it my dude your gonna be my bitch would be perfectly fine by me. It's called you reap what you sow.
Amen! the MC seeing Chad kissing a guy isn't the point. he could have caught him fucking a goat or being sucked by his mum the result for the MC is the same : PAYBACK IS A BITCH AND YOU GONNA EAT IT! :devilish:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Quinn's story isn't complicated really, although some like to think otherwise. It's fairly straightforward story of a broken family leading her to become what she is. There's no indication of redemption or any remorse on her part so far. She's just getting it on with MC if he meets her standards.
TBH if Quinn changes for 'love' or something like that, it would be incredibly disingenuous to her character. I'd much rather her keep being the shitty person that she is, than do something so contrived and unrealistic.

Do you guys think dpc will keep the mansion mini game going after everything's been fixed and bought?

Like the Halloween party being dependent on how much money you can raise doing jobs?
Bro I was thinking about this earlier. I like the mansion mini game and it would be cool if Doc kept it in the game doing something like you said but also what if he added something along the lines of sparring lessons for the DIKs? Maybe Jacob wont be such a bitch if he knew how to fight.


Oct 31, 2020
So, about the Chad / Sage thing.

When you say your gonna out him, sorry bro, you might be all pro gay power and stuff, but just no. That last scene has them kissing in the OPEN in a gym locker room where any jock can come on them at any time all the while Troy is banned more or less from that gym being that he was kicked out. Heck, when the MC pass by, they don't even flinch. You act like being gay is bigger than everything else. From those i know, they just want to be treated like normal people, and to be honest, being gay in our society ain't that big of a deal anymore.

The point is, I don't think he wants to hide anymore and he's starting to accept the situation and started to take steps. Best thing to do imo is to go to him when his alone and tell him your gonna go with him and let him tell Sage what's happening and just wait outside the door for the afterward cryfest. (In a neutral area, the MC room at the DIK manor, off course, by the door/window xD ) No one said telling Sage is going to make everything known to the world.

Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified. Chad sucker punched MC and provoked a fight. No matter the reason, the pictures or what Chad think is relevant, MC don't know that. All he knows is Chad attack him for no reason, and him saying fuck it my dude your gonna be my bitch would be perfectly fine by me. It's called you reap what you sow.
Okay, first: I'm not a "bro." I'm a woman. Just gonna like... put that out there. Second, wtf is "pro gay power"? I'm an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, if that's what you mean? Third, as someone already stated, odds are that the kiss MC saw was a stolen kiss and they weren't expecting anyone to see it.

This: "You act like being gay is bigger than everything else. From those i know, they just want to be treated like normal people, and to be honest, being gay in our society ain't that big of a deal anymore." is not accurate, neither about what I've said nor how society is.

1. Me stating that I think MC would be a complete asshole if he outs Chad isn't me not treating gay people "like normal people," it's me stating that it's fucked up for someone to out a gay person who isn't comfortable outing themselves - which is a unique situation that straight people don't have to deal with because nobody's sitting around a dinner table like "Mom, dad. I have to tell you something... I'm straight." Heterosexuality is treated like the default. Therefore, the topic of outing simply doesn't apply to straight people, so yeah, it's specific to people in the LGBTQ+ community. Hell, why don't you go ahead and ask "those you know" what they think about someone outing a person who's not out yet?? I'm sure they'll say that's a fucked up thing to do to someone, especially as an act of petty revenge.

Also, gay people don't need to be treated like normal people, because they are fucking normal people, but I'll just chock that up to semantics.

2. Obergefell (the Supreme Court case that made gay marriage legal in the U.S.) was decided in 2015. That's less than a decade ago, and that decision wasn't unanimous, meaning there were Supreme Court justices who disagreed with the idea that gay marriage is a fundamental right, even though heterosexual marriage is a fundamental right. The Pulse nightclub shooting was in 2016. The case about the baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple was decided in 2018. If you seriously believe that a country that still hasn't resolved issues with the Black community stemming from slavery has suddenly embraced the gay community after ostracizing them for... a very fucking long time... then I really don't know what to tell you other than that's a pipe dream.

3. If Chad doesn't want to hide anymore, then good for Chad, but that's Chad's decision to make and no one (including the MC) should be taking away his ability to make that decision. And trying to make him talk to anyone about it before he's ready to do so is also an asshole move. Those things need to happen when he's ready. Sure, MC can speak to him privately and say "Hey, I saw you in the locker room," offer support, and say he'll go with him to talk to someone or help him tell someone, but MC really shouldn't be dictating that. It's not about whether or not telling Sage will make it so everyone knows (although, there's always a risk there), it's about whether or not telling Sage is something Chad is ready to do.

4. "Second, if the MC decided to say fuck it and out him, well, he would be perfectly justified." No. Just... no. Getting beat up by someone is definitely not justification to broadcast private information that can potentially implode someone's life. And like... That whole paragraph is just super problematic.

I believe that there is no circumstance in which it's justifiable for MC to out Chad without his consent. And yes, this is a hill I'm willing to fucking die on.
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