It's interesting, if you weren't on the "Sage Path", the conversation at the HOTs party has a very different feel to it:
Sage: "So, who's your target?"
mc: "I don't have a target."
Sage: "Somehow, I doubt that."
Sage: "You know, I'm not in a relationship anymore."
mc: "Uh... You know I know that."
Sage: "Shut up. I was thinking about what you told me at the Alpha Nu Omega party."
Sage: "How you didn't want to get in the middle of it. And I believe you even called me obsessed."
mc: "Maybe I was too harsh... But yeah, I meant what I said about not getting involved."
Sage: "Now it's different, though."
mc: "What are you trying to say?"
Sage: "You don't understand subtle hints, do you?"
mc: "I think I do, but I don't want to be mistaken."
Sage: "Maybe I can be your target tonight?"
mc: "Is this like last time? When you tried to fuck me on Tybalt's bed?"
Sage: "I'm just checking if you changed your mind now that the problem you had with it isn't a problem anymore."
It looks like she's the one looking for more this time.