
Oct 20, 2017
Haven't played since 0.4. Found out 0.8.1 is 20 gb. Fastest download I achieve from any of the provided links are about 200 kbps (I'm on a 1gig broadband). That's a solid no thanks.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
I've read so many critics about the choice MC has to make at the near end of the episode but...I have to tell you: I'm happy about it for many reasons. The first one is probably the least important and is the pratical side of the matter: there have been so many variables to take into account so far that I have run out of space for saves!

The second reason is because I asked myself a simple question: otherwise would the game not have run the risk of becoming a bit repetitive? I mean, we spent the beauty of eight episodes, EIGHT episodes, two seasons, endless hours of gameplay filling every hole in front of us and honestly what more could have happened? Another lewd with Sarah and Melanie? Maybe another threesome with Riona (<3) and Camila? Fucking with one of the girls again and again in another dorm party or at the Halloween one? I think that the story needed something new and now we have a lot, a lot of new possibilities to explore, starting with the feelings going on, up to discover how the two will be able to carry on a serious relationship in a campus that from the first day has shown itself as an authentic world full of temptations on several levels. I'm really, really curious about what's next!

And the third reason is because of how the story comes to this. We have a guy who potentially fucked: his crush (who's his "dad"'s sister), her girlfriend (and his "brother"'s twin); the president of the only one sorority, her successor, her mother in law; almost every single girl of the only one sorority; one of his teacher; the only woman we know about of the Preps, her "best friend". Plus a non-quantifiable number of girls including strippers and others. And you know what? For an incredible and not at all predictable (yes, I'm ironic) implication of the plot, the five of these that correspond to the main girls in the game have become friends with each other or, in any case, have established a certain type of relationship. The MC, the way it was presented to all of us with his history and his education, had to get to the point where he asked himself (and this is not the first time this has happened): what the hell am I doing?

And the answer, as I see it, could only be this after months of fucking around, regardless of the feelings of anybody. It couldn't go on, not after the scene we saw after the recital. In addition, the developer has given us the possibility of not actually making a choice, focusing on "others" and thus deciding to put all the cards back in the deck and find out what a future without constraints has in store for us. In short, for me "the coiche" came absolutely at the right time and for the right reasons, both in terms of plot, narrative needs, and content.


I have two questions that have been pestering me for some time.
Number one, and here I apologize in advance because I am not a native speaker of English: what "LI" or "AI" stands for?
I know that "LI" is the way you indicate the main girls, but what's the actual meaning of it?

Ando second question: what da hell is the thing that appears on Quinn's desk at the end of EP 7???
I just can't figure it out!

View attachment 1520195
Totally liked this post as a debate as to what is good about the current turn of events.

Bottom line, if nothing changes, how can the story progress?

Your questions have been answered already, but:
  • LI: Love Interest. Typically the 5 main girls (Bella, Jill , Josy, Maya & Sage) are referred to as the "main LIs".
  • AL (not "AI"): Is "Acting Lessons". That's Dr PinkCake's (DPC's) previous and only other Adult Visual Novel (AVN) to date. It had a horrible twist that put a lot of players into the foetal position for a while, and everyone is scared he's gonna do the same again.
  • That picture: It's the cocaine that Quinn tried to sell to Rich but he changed his mind. There is decent speculation that her dad died from a cocaine overdose (we know her dad used the stuff):
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    Hence her reluctance to deal it in the past, and Buddy's surprise when she asked for an 8-ball (an eighth of an ounce). It's also why the camera pans in on the baggie at the end of the episode: Cocaine killed her dad (speculation), she's never dealt with it before, now because of a fucked up deal, she's left with some coke in her room.
The more I think about this interlude, the more suspicious it sounds.

Everyone has been predicting that DPC will only be able to deliver one update in calendar year 2022, given the current pattern of his updates. I don't think that he could deliver two shorter updates (ep9 pt 1 & 2) without upsetting the Patron's, and just one update is sure to cause controversy as well seeing that an increasing number of voices have been raised in protest of the long development time.

So what if he delivers an Interlude, that doesn't really impact the main story or only impacts it marginally. Then he delivers a full update in the fall of 2022. He can point to two updates in 2022 although in fact he's only making one.
My random take on this is the Halloween Party is probably aimed to land on Halloween next year. Given the development times of late, it'd be way off. Slap in a shorter "Interlude" episode, and the clocks can be resynchronised.

Alternatively, DPC may feel we don't have enough interest in Zoey compared to all the current girls. After a Zoey-centric interlude, people will be pining for her in episode 9.

I don't really know what the interlude could contain though.

If it's going to be filling us in on what Zoey's been up to this last year, I don't know if I'd enjoy that. I'm so not into playing female protagonists.

It could just be a short episode where the mc catches up with her, they shoot the breeze, have some noncommittal sex, and she leaves again. Then in episode 9 (i.e. the episode after the interlude), she shows up at B&R, and more drama ensues.

finally someone had the courage to say it: Elena is one of the most underrated girls in the game. Maybe because she is John Boy's girlfriend, maybe because of her role we almost come to consider her a sister, but I find her incredibly sexy. Odin bless DPC for the "shot" scene in the latest update! She was the sexiest-thing-around and terribly cute at the same time. "Raaaawr" (cit).
I really hope that for us poor sinners who have chosen "others" there is some content with Elena as a prize.
Elena has been slowly asserting herself into the story since the HOTs party I think. Swapping shots with her at the Dorm Party was probably meaningless, but then spit-roasting her with JB would probably fall into that same category of meaningless for that couple too. :sneaky:

It seems to me that DPC's reputation as a hitter in the lower parts continues to cloud our judgment.

Zoey 99% just went back to her house and came by to say hi thinking she could find MC too, in the end if they haven't heard from each other in 7-8 months Zoey doesn't know anything about college.

Why would it be a negative breakout?

I expect a quite trivial resolution (as was the one for the surprise visit of Maya's father, which has brought us players nothing but benefits, let alone Zoey)

p.s. i don't judge you, the ass is yours and you manage it yourself:cool:
you are right, it could be, we know that MC has stopped following Zoey, it is not said otherwise
even if MC in the world of social there has entered only in college, with the similar Instagram and Tinder

I still don't see why Zoey should be a threat, at most a temptation
I can handle MC still having some lingering feelings for Zoey to create some discomfort and drama in the story, but if DPC actually makes us watch him cheat with Zoey on our LI of choice without us players having a say in the it... I'll be pissed, ngl.
Given their sex in the past (Zoey and the mc's) wasn't considered big deal, it was just two young people growing into adulthood, Zoey might be expecting a similar hook-up. What if the mc has decided to dropped by unexpected at his dad's house with he's newly identified "The One". Shit could go south.

Given that it's an interlude though, I don't think it will be continuing with the drama from the previous episodes, it'll hopefully be just a break from all that shit, and the MC will be able to bang her brains out with no consequences.

The mc's a different guy now though, he's way more assertive and shit. Zoey may find she really, really likes the new mc and then start stalking him. I'm pretty sure blue isn't her real hair colour! :oops:

I didn't see it before, but is Leon trying to tell us something more personal? :unsure:

While I play BaDIK, I always "leak" and when my wife asks me what I'm doing, my memory doesn't work either.
Ok... Normally I read people's comments and then if I need more context I read whatever comment they've quoted. After reading:

"While I play BaDIK, I always 'leak'"

I definitely needed more context! :oops:

I think it's much more simple than that.
If you're on a DIK or neutral scale, you get the "Others" option. If you're a CHICK you don't.
ok, so it should command affinity

with Bella I was neutral and had the "others" choice, with Sage i was DIk and had the choice

I'm not thrilled that it comes down to just that, but it's plausible
Here's how the final LI choice is determined:

  • Jill's branch is blocked by any of the following being true:
    • Not being on her path,
    • Being a DIK; or
    • Not having progressed with her well in recent episodes (starting from choose Sage over her at the end of episode 6).

  • Bella's branch is blocked by:
    • Not having had sex (excluding actual vaginal penetration) with her at the end of ep7.

  • Sage's branch is blocked by both of the following being true:
    • Not being on her path all along; and
    • Rejecting her in the HOTs party garden scene.

  • M&J's branch is blocked by:
    • Not being on their path (choosing friendship or being rejected in the library scene in ep4).

  • The "Others" branch is blocked by any of the following:
    • Being on M&J's path; or
    • On Jill's path (and none of the criteria for blocking Jill is true)

So you'll only get the "Others" choice if you're not on M&J's path and Jill is blocked. It's not entirely related to being a DIK, and it has nothing to do with Bella or Sage.

Haven't played since 0.4. Found out 0.8.1 is 20 gb. Fastest download I achieve from any of the provided links are about 200 kbps (I'm on a 1gig broadband). That's a solid no thanks.
Install the MegaSync software and download it from Mega. Try any of the following:
  • You can jump through a few hoops to up your Mega quota for a first time user,
  • You can change your IP address each time your quota runs out (if you don't have a static IP address with your ISP, just disconnect and reconnect to your ISP) ; or
  • Just run MegaSync each time you turn your PC on, it'll download eventually and you don't have to think about it in the meanwhile (MEGASync resumes downloads with no issues).
Last edited:


Jul 1, 2020
OK my $.02 - don't spend it all in one place. I had fun with this episode but, truth in advertising, I don't do mini games and the free-roams i find to be drag - at least the tasks app gives you the must-dos., and the quick jump is a savior - wandering around rooms looking for Derek is dull as shit. I play with the Mod and use it. I try all paths - and course correct if the game leads me away from a path because of some arbitrary decision 4 episodes ago. I adjust affinity and variable as necessary - I don't have the patience to go back and play over an over again. And honestly much of the talky-talk is irrelevant drivel and I just don't care. And the recital at least was skip-able - I watched it about halfway through waiting for anything interesting to happen and finally bailed. The devs are great but they are bit too proud of their mad rendering skills - do I really need to see piano hammers move?

The party was fun and the
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was fun even if it didn't make any sense given the characters involved and WTF?
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No thanks - not even for a minute.

OK so at the end my episode all LIs are still viable - and Scrappy gives you the opportunity to see all the alternate paths in a single play through. If I have to choose at the beginning of 9 - I'm on either team Sage or team Maya/Josy - Jill is to fairy tale romance and Bella is, well just inconceivable to me. But honestly - I may be done now anyway because I sense the soap opera drama that is to come and am not at all interested in it.

Just an aside for the pregnancy conspirators - don't you think that the only LI that MC left baby seeds in without an option
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is likely to be the one with the positive test. Happy to be shown to be wrong - but my MC finishes outside all the time.... because, well pregnancy fetish is not my thing either...

Cheers until next time,

Dec 19, 2019
OK my $.02 - don't spend it all in one place. I had fun with this episode but, truth in advertising, I don't do mini games and the free-roams i find to be drag - at least the tasks app gives you the must-dos., and the quick jump is a savior - wandering around rooms looking for Derek is dull as shit. I play with the Mod and use it. I try all paths - and course correct if the game leads me away from a path because of some arbitrary decision 4 episodes ago. I adjust affinity and variable as necessary - I don't have the patience to go back and play over an over again. And honestly much of the talky-talk is irrelevant drivel and I just don't care. And the recital at least was skip-able - I watched it about halfway through waiting for anything interesting to happen and finally bailed. The devs are great but they are bit too proud of their mad rendering skills - do I really need to see piano hammers move?

The party was fun and the
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was fun even if it didn't make any sense given the characters involved and WTF?
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No thanks - not even for a minute.

OK so at the end my episode all LIs are still viable - and Scrappy gives you the opportunity to see all the alternate paths in a single play through. If I have to choose at the beginning of 9 - I'm on either team Sage or team Maya/Josy - Jill is to fairy tale romance and Bella is, well just inconceivable to me. But honestly - I may be done now anyway because I sense the soap opera drama that is to come and am not at all interested in it.

Just an aside for the pregnancy conspirators - don't you think that the only LI that MC left baby seeds in without an option
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is likely to be the one with the positive test. Happy to be shown to be wrong - but my MC finishes outside all the time.... because, well pregnancy fetish is not my thing either...

Cheers until next time,

It's not MC's baby. You can do a run where MC doesn't have sex and still the pregnancy test appears.


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
anyone figure out what that new puzzle box is for? (maybe a Hellraiser reference for Halloween? lol) or did I miss something from a previous episode?
I was thinking the same thing maybe it will play a role in the halloween party? seeing the last scene with the mansion decorated and the spooky vibes.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
I was thinking the same thing maybe it will play a role in the halloween party? seeing the last scene with the mansion decorated and the spooky vibes.
Probably a tape that will empower MC as a Deus ex machina to solve whatever crises at the end of the game or season. Oh and it's probably only playable on a hotel TV?!?
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Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
She will most likely cheat on him with MC in the future. Remember she was trying to party while Magnnar was alone in his room trying to study. I can already see it coming.
Im hopeing that one hengese on you get the good/bad end of the D&D game in episode 7? lol that rightly pisses her off haha.


Oct 20, 2020
idk if this is caus of the mod but i think i'm stuck. It says to invite maya and Josy but i can't msg them. It's just blank. should i get 8.1 or...? (I cant leave the room and this is episode 8)

screenshot0003.png screenshot0002.png


Active Member
Jun 26, 2019
View attachment 1520599


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View attachment 1520606
Honestly i enjoyed the 3sum scene though it seems to be the most controversal scene of chapter 8 or even season 2 all together people can't understand sage is looking back on her college experience where she spent all her time twitterpatted by a gay guy. Refusing to full around because people were A: scared of chad and B: she was refusing them because she was madly inlove with him. (Though it was even for-shadowed in the Blowjob anal threesome post on rooster.)
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