VN - Ren'Py - Being a Wife [v1.160] [baap]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good. The character Christine is so hot.. Though it's a remake, this version is more interesting.. The old man character looks ugly, but still he plays the important role in this game.. Don't miss this game..
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really am loving the renders and the slowish corruption, its not too slow for it to be boring or too quick for it to be frustratingly bad....
    Rather love the progress, really am excited for future content.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Bizarre writing, just makes no sense AT ALL. minimal effort made to construct a story and make it atleast slightly believeable...Just *here's some porn and some words* although to be honest even the porn is a bit strange lol
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    If they could they would use a single image per development. Developments are at a snail's pace. However, when they want money, they suddenly gain cheetah speed. This game is over for me. I lost my excitement. I don't want to discourage anyone from playing. The only thing I will say for my friends who continue to play is; good games...
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Lord Drama

    MC is pretty woman, some scenes are hot, but...
    Stupid decisions we need to make, to some content happen, you change one almost indentical option to another, and you have "not enough points". It's all no logical and stupid. I was curious of this game, but meh..
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has amazing potential and i like the story so far. I really hope this game will continue and people will support it! I had my fun playing it so far. Also i hope that atleast 2-3 more characters get added for the "cheating, but those who are in the game so far are good.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    fuck, well, such a game, the days go by 2 seconds and the game itself lasted 5 minutes and that's it, and for how much? it's worth subscribing the plot is so-so, the characters seem to be normal, but with the case, well, the game will pull 2 ratings
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I didn't play it before the remake, but Being a Wife is actually pretty generic in all its ways. First of, the story is pretty meh, a bit random at points but mostly just has been done too many times for it to have any impact. Together with that, options are basically resist or not, there are no other real choices, so if you want to see the game's content there are no real choices but "yes" to everything. Lot of threads are so far hanging out for no reason, like the scene with the director, which goes nowhere so far, etc.

    Render quality is pretty decent, but not the best, though I do find the character's model quite hot. There are no animations as such, just still images that swap through some stills to create some sense of motion, but nothing more. Sound is mostly annoying, with long sound effects that are more boring than anything. At least I found no bugs playing, which is nice, but the game has no gallery and other features which are common in games developed recently.

    So, all in all, might be worth for some quick fap but not much else to be honest.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    good, i wants sure what i was expecting, the renders are beautiful so gave it a chance. There are a fair few choices, and i feel like you can choose what paths you want your hot milf to take. the milf is VERY hot! But maybe she looks younger than she is supposed to be. It has interracial content tho it is lacking! It has a bunch f other inks too so there is something for everyone. The story and writing sucks! But you know that already. I feel like such a women playing this game!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Played both v1 and v2... and wow, where to start?

    The writing is solid and gets even better in v2. The dialogues are engaging and keep you hooked.

    Renders start off good and get even better later on. The lighting and colors improve a lot, and it's clear the developers put in the work to make everything look great.

    Choices matter in this game. Your decisions shape the story, and there are plenty of paths to explore. Whether you want to engage with different characters or follow a specific storyline, there's something for everyone. V2 even builds on the choices you made in V1, making your decisions feel impactful.

    The verdict: This game has great build-up, chemistry between characters, and choices that truly matter. Plus, it has plenty of exciting scenes to enjoy. Definitely worth checking out!
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    same game with diferrent name for the third time. Updates that last 5 min and you dont see any progress, the first time you made the game (different name) at least there was good scenes and writing. Dont download this, its not woth it
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, this had a decent chance of being good. I say had because the dev, for some reason, decided to go back, undo all of their hard work, and rebuild an entire new story only worse.

    Look I get it. When you're creative, sticking with the same thing can get pretty tiresome and a bit boring, but when you're creating something that everyone of your supporters is against you changing ... you might want to listen to them and at least finish what you've started. You can always start something new on the side or after your done. I mean, if AAA devs can't get away with doing this kind of thing, why would an independent think that it's okay for them to do it? Just baffling.

    Anyway, the original Christine Watson was a better VN. Better story and while models, at times, weren't the best it was entertaining enough to want to see where the story was going. It wasn't a 5/5 but it was at worst a 3.5/5 or a solid 4/5.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I know the dev is trying but I can't understand what he is trying to do... The remake is probably even worst than the the first one

    My view is that,

    The story makes no sense at all, it's like an '80 P-movie were the dialogues are just to make a movie longer or clean yourself up There is no build-up, no anticipation, no character building, no story or some kind of plot. This is why the major P-studios stoped making movies in this era and are just filming sex scenes. Probably the dev should do the same

    The cg's are medium to bad ... The FP seems different every other scene, Except from the change of hair which is too much, the level of detail is different, the light is different, probably because the dev is trying to use all the old cg's in the remake but I'm not sure on this, nothing adds ...
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Not concerned

    So far so good i like your work and its really just amazing well gotta say that graphics and visual effects are much realistic so good well still i believe the earlier version as in christine watson was better but it's your so keep going and make your storyline enjoyable atleast i like this GORO arc well keep going
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    I was pleased to discover this new episode. I like this new version of Christine's adventures.

    The renderings seem to be of better quality and Christine is even more beautiful and more sensual than the first version. I prefer this storyline.

    However, I hope that you will keep certain storylines like the one with Tobey, Henri and the scene with Daniel at the party.

    So, a project that is taking a nice turn and I can't wait to see what happens next.

    The update is short but I saw the previous one was about ten days ago: do you plan to keep the pace of two updates per month?

    Thank you for this game
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    .... your game... your cake... this is mine two cents....
    What's the problem? the code, the plot, the writing? How your caracthers look ?
    From a probably five star game that I was thinking to start supporting, to a new start with old names and different looks!... Take your time but it's a risky way read again an old plot It's really quite boring to do it. I don't understand.... Good luck! Hope it will worth it....
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the best I've played lately. But I will have a few recommendations for future updates. First of all, it is necessary to slow down the main character in the game a little because if it continues at this pace, there will not be much left for the next updates.
    If the relationship between stepfather and stepdaughter becomes more prominent in subsequent updates, it will be very important for the game to progress by focusing on other characters. Seeing more footjob, handjob and fingerjob, especially between the stepson and the stepmother, can add variety. There may be three-way relationships in later updates.
    For example, between stepmother Goro and stepson, or between stepfather, stepdaughter and stepson. The game is really beautiful and not extending the game long enough may cause your efforts to be wasted.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are ok, but the writing is horrible.

    You feel like you have missed 1-2 Seasons, because the characters are talking about stuff that you dont know - it seems like the MC did some stuff already with ppl ... but I dont know.

    The translation doesnt help either.

    And it is bugged - you have a choice to check whats behind a door ... no matter what you pick, its ignored.

    so .. yeah ... a lot to work on ...
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, that's bad...

    Nothing makes sense... And yeah, we all know in FMC games you do not expect much from the story, but this does not hold enough even to make sense to engage in the pictures.

    I didn't last enough to see any animation, so can't judge there. But images after the demo are ok at least, not the worst but certainly not great. (actually, there was one. Not great as well, with the John guy)

    The quality of the translation also detracts a lot of the game quality.
    But I think that even if the sentences were on point, that alone would not save the 'world building'/scene buildup.

    General thoughts:
    Also, I see no reason why you should have 3 separate builds for your story already. That feels like a major red flag about the quality of the code here.

    However, it is clear that some progress is being made. I mean, it will probably take a long time for it to be good, but since the dev does seem to be improving... it may be worth to check this in a few months.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoy the story,illustrating the corruption of Christine and her family . The art work maintains many really voyeuristic images as well as the graphics being very sensual. I find the syoryline regarding her husband most amusing and so far he remains clueless.