VN - Ren'Py - Being a Wife [v1.160] [baap]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what a surprise.
    I played the game (Second Part) before reading the reviews and what a surprise.
    The game is pretty good and doesn't deserves such bad scores.
    The renderers are good, story not bad, the main character is gorgeous and the other protagonist are interresting.
    Can't wait for futurs updates.
    I mean some other games with lower quality have much better score.
    Give this game his chance.

    (PS : Sorry Baap, I just played the first part and, indeed, it's not that great). But the progress between the first and second part are huge. And the second part is awesome, so keep going).
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Normally I am a huge fan of fem prot games, slut sims, cheating etc...this is pretty bad.

    Writing - horrible (not much makes sense, plot.? flow ..its all over the place
    Graphics - poor, basic example when the MC is walking to the car, one high heel is bured into the cement. Not a big issue, but the Dev uses this crappy image over and over.
    Gameplay - practically none. its a poorly written VN with selections that don't really matter

    Interest grabbing...none. There is no investment in the character, I felt the need to just change prefs to skip unseen text and started blasting it...I never do that with a new (for me) game.

    So many that are better than this, move on.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Played both v1 and v2...and where to start?
    The writing. It's bad. Gets slightly better in v2, but still bad.
    Barely any build-up and dialogues like:
    " What has happened, I have been seeing you for a long time. you are not saying anything, you just look sad.
    - No, it's nothing like that, I am fine.
    - No you're not, look if you consider me your friend you can tell me
    - No, nothing like that, everything is fine"
    So, basically writing the same quote twice. Simple "I SAID I'M FINE, DON'T BOTHER" would've worked way better in this situation. And that's just one example.

    Renders: meh at first, better later on. Lighting looks unnatural and colour saturation is too high. Red is too red, green is too green, etc. But there is growth in that, gotta give credit where it's due.

    Choices: looks like kinetic novel pretending to be your corruption VN with choices. Don't want to watch random dude getting a blowjob - no access for scenes withother characters. Don't want to have an encounter with neighbour kid - don't get scenes with other characters. Don't like old dude - again, roadblock towards different scenes. So, basically, characters, whose paths don't overlap, somehow depend on each others' scenes. You play full slut or receive this games' version of Game Over.
    V2 doesn't count any choices that you've made in V1.

    So, the verdict: this game reminded me why the game which shoes it tries to put on is as popular as it is. Proper build-up. Chemistry between characters and choices that matter. This game doesn't have it. But it has sex scenes.

    I recommed to this developer to put some effort into building plotlines beforehand, writing a proper script for a few updates, give it to read to a few people, build storyline branches and then build one good 30-40 min long update/remake.
    If not - there's easy choice: make it kinetic and that's it.

    2/5 for me. Not total waste of time, could work for quick fap for some dudes. Otherwise,not recommending so far.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    King Wan

    I like stories that move fast enough not to blue ball me time and again. CW has nice renders and enough action to satisfy but the pacing is wrong and her inner workings as to why she can accept fooling around with her son, an old man and one of her students do not hold. Because of this lacking in the story I believe the completed VN will be a fuckfest with no real thought. And the English is very poor for Indian devs.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better mother/wife corruption games. The CG quality at the beginning isn't great, but it does improve over time and, currently, it's very good. The MC is also really, really hot. Like many female protag corruption games, there are a lot of much older and much younger sexual partners which could be a positive or a negative depending on if you like those fetishes. Overall, a fairly strong choice if the tags match what you like.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Aj Atkinson

    The game itself is not bad, I'd say it is good. Especially those lewd Cristine moments with son and his friend. But as a player (and Cristine) you are not free to choose your behavior really... It is scripted too strong and if you refuse to do EVERYTHING (even what you don't like to do) then you will see "Game Over" very soon. That's sad. Scripting could be better and author could give the MC and player a bit more of freedom.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. Could be better in terms of writing script and dialogues. Some situations in this game seem too sudden and forced. But except that the renders are improving per update. Good work by the Dev. Definitely looking forward to the next updates. All the best. Maybe I'll change my ratings after a few updates based on the quality of this game. Love from India!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the genre ntr and stories that have situations of infidelity. That's why I was initially interested in this visual novel, however, the story is simple and inconsistent, the sexual scenes are generic and rushed. In short, a visual novel with a theme that I like but poorly executed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Twisted Dreamer

    Love it! Some may not be a fan of the lack of build-up but as someone who has played a lot of these games it gets a bit tiring to keep waiting for something in the story to finally happen so I'm loving it, I prefer just imagining the in betweens rather than having to go through hours of dialogue... not to mention this also removes the hassle for the game developer creating all this additional content meaning we get faster and more feature packed releases!!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Main thing of this game I like is it's MC. It has good story and plot but it has some cons. Game is proceeding very quickly so that characters are not getting that much time and I think only Goro and Tobey had build a great relationship with her and boss was on the way of it but he got die : /.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Yes, there could be more build ups to the story but there are other story driven games of similar plot in this site. I'd prefer something that I don't need to waste time and get straight into the business. I'm sure there a time skip between part 1 and 2 and hoping that Dev will reveal in future updates on what happened in between.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Sex scenes very shallow and poorly represented.
    Another game where the sex is merely a checkbox exercise, no sexual tension no building up nothing.. just random sequence of naked pixeled individuals.

    Plot is ok overall, even though lack of depth, this game streams huge amount of events in few renders giving the sensation of a rushed development.

    Generic and potentially unwankable
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    tl:nr : Save your bandwidth.
    The rendering are generic and at best passable when it is not absolutely infamous.
    The dialogues (we can call them lines of text without meaning) have neither tail nor head and go nowhere. It feel like a kid write this
    The only "sex scene" comes out of nowhere and looks more like a bad joke than a real lewd scene.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Deleted rating of 5 STARS that I gave few months ago INTO 1 STAR, BECAUSE DEVELOPER USING BURNER ACCOUNTS TO INTERACT WITH fans and site or Patreon members.

    Empty promises not fulfilled

    After passwords crap, I deleted never back again.

    Render is average models too.

    Deleted pronto.

    Started well, continue rather poor.

    Maybe when developer stop using burner accounts to interact with fans.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    not sure how this game will go and i respect the disclaimer in the text but my impression personally is:

    + milf is quite hot and sexy - but only with her ponytail - not a fan of her other hair personally
    + really like the sportswear (for me she could wear it all the time)
    + very solid renders!
    + solid english
    + old guy who actually looks like an old guy (for potential further content?)

    - very hard to trigger the sexual stuff
    - every girl could be curvier but thats totally personal opinion and doesn't count really
    - quite short first release but i appreciate the effort
    -> therefore no sexual content yet (especially not with goro yet :-/)

    game is okay has a nice milf mc and creator definitely reads feedback but it feels like a game where you only can play one way to progress in the story and see sex stuff - has potential!

    EDIT: just played it and wow this is such a welcome and wonderful sight after so few ntr and old man with hot chick games the past half year or even more. finally had time to play till latest version and it was well worth the time! fmc looks great, her nipples too (just would have made them a but perkier similar to daval3d boobs but overall great shape and also lovely face. i like she canges her hair! nice idea and i love 3 versions already the most one is the lose hair with hair on both sides, LOVED the pinned up hair like a classy wife and the first original one the most. tit sucking! i am so happy! derty demaning talk so hot! that foreplay and every scene was hot even there wasn't sex. incredible. not many can do that! so hope they will fuck many times with her having different hair (especially the pinned up version for me personally) i LOVE NTR but i also like cheating. up to you and the majoriy. old guy looks also like an old guy even with facial hair over his body which is also way too rare. really great contract to the fmc! nice sound too. nice inner thoughts. makes it even spicier. gosh i love this game already. please continue! you are like kind of a saint regarding adult games for me now. like "what stoperArt should have been". keep the hard work up! look very forward to the next version! :)
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Some thoughts of this Game from me:

    Nice Graphics
    Nice Story Layout
    Nice Characters

    Another Revamp

    I was a fan starting on the first release, and also joined support on Patreon after Playing the first release, but now playing the revamp, I'm utterly disappointed.
    The story that I Originally joined up for and supported is gone after the revamp when it was starting to get Hot,
    Goro that used to be my favorite character with his Unique look, looks like another standard late 50`s guy which you see in other Games also, just boring .
    It seems to some folks that I`m harsch, but I like to tell it like it is.
    A Sad & Disappointed Supporter.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll cut it short. It's bad. Writing isn't good, there are spelling mistakes and sentences are too simple. Graphics are not good either. There are lots of games in here so i'll say don't lose your time on this.