review based on 0.18.1 version
- good cg
- not bad code
- all important choices saved in variables(its mean save compatibility)
- some story present
- very good game mechanic
- mc can be not only pathetic hero- mc can be also comical/harsh villain and its not decoration- sometimes u ll got different interaction, depending on ur previous actions
- some bugs like missing pics and nikki_Attraction instead Nikki_Attraction
- looks like dev have some problems cuz code some releases ago have labels like Awkward_Quest_10(name of quest and their scene number), but now new labels looks like sdfsdfsdfsdfsds_nikki... i worry about the author...
- scripts need serious rework. i mean- reactions, interactions, actions etc better store bunch of variables like Nikki_VillainActionsWitnessed or Nikki_Action_Witness_03 etc in objects like Nikki.Villian and Nikki.VillianW[3]. thats mean not only good code structure, dev can get rid of some **** like character panel code part...
in current stage game not so big, but good work piece for future development rly good game