That could have been a really fun game... if only the MC wasn't a retard. Not in a fun, goofy way, but in a way that makes you want to slap him with a club chair.
You get to choose if you want an "angry retard" who is just being an asshole to everyone he meets.
Or a "pussy retard", who thinks that calming everyone around him is the way to go. You know the type, it is the guy who would ask Jack the Ripper "excuse me sir, could you please not butcher that poor woman? You're disturbing the neighbors!"
And it's a real shame, as the renders are nice and the way superpowers are planned might actually work quite nicely.
Writing is not spectacular, but it does not make your eyes bleed either.
In other words, if developer decides to redesign the hero/villain choices, that could be a game to recommend.