Enjoying the settings and the ideas.
Will most certainly keep an eye on this one and see how it develops.
A focus for followup on the release:
Get a timeline in focus for the story and align it.
**EDIT** From 0.11, April's age is 39years now **EDIT**
Not thinking so much about the whole Mars part and how the meteors arrived at home so fast - but what really threw me off is the age of Ruby, Nikki and April in relation to MC:
MC is 21 years old, born 26th dec 20:05
Nikki is 23 years old
April is 34 years old (39 as of 0.11)
Ruby is 38 years old
Ruby is 14~15 when getting pregnant with Nikki, Birth 9month aprox later?
Ruby is (38-23=15) around 15 when giving birth to Nikki.
Ruby is 15~16 when getting pregnant with MC, Birth 9month aprox later?
Ruby is (38-21=17) around 17 when giving birth to MC.
(Or a Ruby that gave birth but may not be genetically related to MC - artificial implanted egg - to stay clear of any incest restrictions)
That is a serious active teenager.
April is (39-21=18) around 18 years old when helping to bring MC into this world, a fullfledged Doctor and handeling the arrival without what looks to be anyone.
This is still a mature looking 18year old doctor lady.
Normally I would expect her to have to do some more work before getting to handle a birth alone but atleast she is of age now
Nikki - Amy - Scene with Animals and souls..
There is no option to like meat but also want to threat animals decently?
I dont envy the animal who dies to make me fed, but I will threat it with respect and dignity up until it becomes food.
Would like a path that isnt.
"I love meat, all animals should be food"
"I like to see all animals dead without reason"
"I will not accept animals being eaten as they have souls"
Something more Grey'ish for me please
Beside that, thank you for the update, I hope to see more of you soon
**EDIT** As of 0.11, Aprils age have been adjusted to 39y old