Ren'Py - Being Super [v0.20c Light] [Sandman Games and Art]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    very interesting game! chatted with the developer through their deviantart and they were very kind, gave many inputs for their future updates. Would definitely buy this game when it comes out on steam. Much love to this game hope to see it to its best. Looking forward to playing the original sandbox version. Walkthrough helped a lot. lots of secrets.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is decent at best, but the dialogue is terrible. It's like it was written by someone who's never heard real people speak before and it makes the game totally unplayable. Plus adding the ability to change the relationship with mom and sister but, it doesn't affect anything, the MC just calls the mom by her name.
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  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another VN with females who have oversized boobs and butts and an MC with a penis that is comical in size. Tropes that are worn and thread bare. Most of the females have cookie cutter figures with very little variety. Not the best look. I'm also not a fan of the moving and shaking camera.

    The writing is so-so but on the whole this comes off as some kind of parody often though it's not tagged as one. It would have been better if it were played a little straighter. I also ended up turning off the sound because the constant sighing of the MC became annoying.

    The biggest issue with this release is it was almost unplayable due to all the exceptions which leads me to believe it wasn't tested at all before release.

    Not one I would recommend.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    M Salvo

    I had some really interesting moments that kept me hooked throughout my playthrough. I enjoyed exploring how each of the characters and not just the main guy connected with different people, even though there wasn't an option for gay relationships. I'm sure it will be added since you can rise the guys' relationship like you can with the women. It is satisfying to navigate the ups and downs with women but if you do something bad, I wish the consequences were slightly longer. Sometimes a scene can abruptly end, i figured this was because of it being a sandbox. I want this fixed.

    more unsolicited advice, i don't like the way the game handles cheating. if you romance a girl it just blocks the sexy scenes with the other girls instead of giving consequences. I hope this gets corrected in the future. I dug into the code and there are different dialogues but they are not implemented into the game for some reason. Hopefully the dev has this planned and is just waiting for whavever reason. romance and harem are two separate options in this game.

    in terms of the core gameplay its more of an RPG than a VN, hence the 5*, i need more games that give you meaningful choices with consequences. The most branching options and replayability that I've ever seen in an AVN. The story is okay but it hasn't really kicked off yet. the only explanation I have is that the dev team is a one man team. they need to get more people on board otherwise tis game will disappear into a f95 black hole!

    You can choose the skin colour of your guy, if this had a proper character creator, it would have been perfect but it's still a renpy game tbh.

    there are 20+ superpowers that you can unlock via exp points you unlock for achievements and the way you play the game. like using superpowers and speech checks. the speech checks are really funny and i recommend you play this game for some of the crazy shit you can say lmao.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I only found this game through Deviantart, when I saw the ruby MILF! I'm usually pretty meh on superheroes and avoid school slice-of-life games like the plague, but this one is fantastic enough that I'd give it a solid 4.5 out of 5. For what it is—a bonkers superhero/sci-fi slice-of-life game—it’s very good.

    5/5 Gameplay
    The sex scenes are great, with lots of angles and animations. You can even refuse to romance the girls, so nothing feels forced. You can go full harem or stick with just one girl, which is nice. Outside of the porn, it's a weird but good visual novel. The superpower unlocks and dialogue options for jokes and flirts are hilarious, even if some of the options feel a bit repetitive. The intelligence options, especially early on, are kinda dumb and autistic, but the game doesn’t take itself seriously, so it’s whatever. There's the usual good vs. villain path, but honestly, there’s so much going on mechanic-wise that it’s hard to explain it all.

    4.5/5 Art
    I love the art style, especially the facial expressions and costumes. The animations can be hit or miss, but when they hit, they’re really nice! The lighting and textures highlight how erotic and sensual the game can be at its peaks.

    4/5 Story
    The characters are seriously so good. I can't stop thinking about them. They each have their own motivations and personalities, and depending on how you play, you can have totally different experiences with them. This game is made for multiple playthroughs. Some characters might even be locked forever if you don’t play your cards right. The accents some characters have are slightly annoying, but if it adds to their personality, then fine. The actual story seems to be in its early days, so I’ll probably come back and redo this review once more updates are out. It has some x-men in which i didn't even realize until i saw the black guy with the black balls around him.

    I have listed some interesting things below that dont fit the categories above:

    • You can play as a black or a white guy. I was like what the fuck does “dark” mean?! Lmao
    • It has minigames which are not annoying, however I wish I had the option to remove them! Dev, you’ll never fucking read this but please give us the option to skip the minigames but still get the rewards.
    • You can approach a lot of situations in 4 PLUS ways most of the time which is great but maybe a little toooo overkill?
    • If you love MILFS! You’ll like this!
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    ed anger

    Feels like I'm playing Idiocracy the game — everyone in the game is incredibly stupid, the dialog is awful, it feels like some kind of attempted humor? Hope you love enormous tits and asses, as well as terrible sex animations. The idea of an AVN with a MC with superpowers seemed interesting but this doesn't work for me, YMMV if you've hit yourself in the head numerous times.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game offers very little beyond it's concept The story is paper thin the characters are boring it barely engages with it's own concept and it's not funny enough to compensate.

    The Story:
    The story basically doesn't exist, There is a prologue where plot points happen your life changes you gain superpowers yadda yadda and then... nothing.
    Literally nothing of note happens for the entire rest of the game you just go to the store and hang out at the farm . 1/5

    The Characters:
    Appearance: Above average but nothing special in most cases 4/5
    Character: The writing for the characters was alright but then it quickly turned into wow your sister and mother want to fuck you for no reason. Boring

    The Game:
    The game has 2 paths that are pretty much the exact same and dialogue choices can change which girls you sleep with but it's very poorly explained and displayed so you will be checking the stats page constantly

    How the superpowers work in this game is genuinely garbage, the games primary plot point is having and gaining superpowers but they add nothing to the game. They are acquired by making small talk and they do the exact same thing as the social stats they could be entirely removed from the game and nothing changes 1/5

    The Dialogue:
    The writing is generally absurd and unbelievable you literally cannot act like a sane human and everybody will responds to the deranged shit you constantly spew as if it's completely reasonable or charming you can go up to a woman you just met say "WOW WANNA SEE MY BIG COCK" and she will be like haha so funny! It's pretty dumb and makes none of the characters feel remotely real. It's also generally not very funny

    The dialogue is often split into a system of joke/flirt/smart the joke and flirt options are trash, flirt = sexual harassment, joke = boring. But the smart options were the most insane out of place factoids that you would need to be very autistic to think appropriate to say and it entertained me deeply thinking the dev thought this was how smart people behave.

    At least the dev can speak fluent English and understand sentence structure. 3/5

    THE SEX:
    The sex scenes are short, lack setup and have barely any writing in them, most of them end up being not very hot or entertaining. At least the models look good naked. 2/5

    Overall the game had a fine start with decent worldbuilding and story but the characters are all basic, the story goes literally nowhere past the prologue, the superpowers are pointless and it seems like the dev is only interested in adding more boring sex scenes instead of improving any of the problems. It's been 3 years but the game still feels like a first release

  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A fundamentally great game that does a few things much better than the average porn game. But not perfect at all. Giving it 5 stars because the girls are fucking hot and desirable. There's few games out there that get the girls so right in terms of face and body type.

    I wish it had more sex/foreplay animations because the ones it does have are A fucking plus! Best I've ever seen in a VN. The dev understands how to frame and animate women so they're actually sexy.

    Story is unremarkable. But it doesn't drag on a lot, there isn't much boring exposition that makes you want to skip etc. I would say it is just interesting enough that I didn't ignore it. For a porn game, this is fine.

    The game lets you play as a dark skinned MC which I loved and makes it somewhat unique. More games should you let you do this.

    Regarding cons, there is no real gameplay. The flirt/joke/intellect checks are only there as a joke. The flirting is criminally, atrociously bad, the jokes are even worse and the intellect checks make you sound autistic. I wish it were a little better because all of that does break immersion a bit. But in the context of what the game gets right, you should probably look past that.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first dove into this game, I was unsure of what to expect. Was it a visual novel or a sandbox adventure? As it turns out, it leans more towards the VN side of things, although it does offer some minigames and the ability to unlock superpowers and skills, which is a delightful twist. Kudos to the developers for their creativity – it's a breath of fresh air in a genre that often sticks to the norm. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's the best superhero game available on this dang website.

    The overall vibe and atmosphere of this VN are incredibly enjoyable. Visually stunning and featuring a cast of gorgeous characters, it's a feast for the eyes. I've found myself bursting into laughter countless times at the absurd speech checks, but the game also manages to pull off some poignant moments without taking itself too seriously – a balance that I truly appreciate.

    As someone who typically dislikes Ren'Py games, I must say that this one pleasantly surprised me with its variety of gameplay mechanics. I played through without any mods, opting for the dark skin version, and was pleased to discover the option to play as either a black or white character.

    Additionally, the music and sound effects further enhance the immersive experience. And let's not forget about the game's replay value – it's practically endless, ensuring that you'll keep coming back for more adventures. Updates however do take the piss.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Went back to this game after a few years to see how far it had come. Although it looks and plays quite nice, after 4 hours the road ended and that is really disappointing considering it's been worked on for quite a while now. If you not just want to try a game for a minute maybe wait a couple more years before you play this one.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5895830

    I love superpowers and this novel uses them very well. The renders are great (minus the gigantic tiddies on almost all characters), but the animations are not very fap inducing (penis just moving through skin layer). So many choices and built in cheats are a great addition! In the end, the novel never really aroused me, so this get a -2 star no fapping deduction.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    first of all, the main reason i like this game, is because it has a black protagonist, which is pretty rare around here. i can self insert myself as him. this is very important to me. i have not finished the game so maybe 5* is too generous but i like what i am seeing so far.

    bugs for example sometimes white man will appear instead of the black MC.
    quest lines can be overly convoluted.
    too short
    rendering 2 skin colours is problematic

    interesting level up system, for a renpy game i have not seen many if any like it. atleast the dev is trying to be different ffs. anythings better than the other cookie cutter garbage that all play the EXACT SAME WAY!!! atleast i have some motherfucking agency of how i want to play, if want to fight or even use superpowers in the first place.

    the game doesn't try to take itself too seriously, that is evident in the speech checks. But there are some heartfelt moments like the graveyard scene with nikki. personally i dont mind it but others expecting something serious will be disappointment.

    i will come back to re-review once i finish the current version. i was expecting a simple linear vn and was pleasantly surprised.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Fun Concept
    + Fun Characters
    + B Movie Charm
    + Good Renders

    = Decent Animations

    = Superpowers are a wonderful idea, sadly most are not used atm
    Super Strength, Calm Minds, Accelerated Perception, Super Hearing, Heat Vision, and Super Suction have scenes. These are ordered from most used to least.

    Replication, Intangibility, Super Speed, Enhanced Vision, X-ray Vision, and Super Breath have no content atm.

    This is a shame as almost all of these could be used within current scenes.

    Lastly, Replication and Intangibility could be great for smut if altered.

    MC wants to gang bang his women by himself? Replication would work but atm it seems limited to NTR since the duplicates are self aware and seem to be permanent?

    MC wants to become a floating dick? Intangibility could be considered a form of invisibility conceptually or if the dev allows it. This could offer a wide variety of sneaky public scenes with the LI’s or Harem.

    - Rushed Plot / Setting / Character Development / Harem, part of the B Movie Charm
    - Everyone owns an idiot ball, once again, part of the B movie charm
    - The morality system is kinda janky, as using super strength to stop a conflict is far less controversial in my mind than mind raping everyone into being calm. I do admit that it's hilarious having a button you can spam to calm down someone having a temper tantrum.

  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game with renders from average to good but awful gameplay. Progress is way too slow for a porn game (it's way too grindy) and it's too boring to keep me hooked to see more. Writing is atrocious, characters are retarded and dialogue options are really bad. Goes to my ignore list.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    1. I am comparing this game to other games on THIS SITE only
    2.I cant afford to support i am poor so leave this review for motivation.

    This superhero game is a maze of branching paths—almost to a fault. The plethora of choices can be overwhelming, making it a challenge to keep track of every narrative twist and turn.

    One aspect that immediately captures attention is the cast of characters. they are super sexy and each have their own motives and personalities.

    the animations are great and renders are good too.

    What sets this game apart is its innovative approach to unlocking superpowers. Instead of a straightforward progression system, the game intertwines the acquisition of super abilities with the narrative itself. Points earned through the storyline contribute to unlocking these powers, making every decision feel consequential.

    my faveroute part is if you dont like any of the dialogue options you can simply say nothing.

    - it's worth noting that the abundance of branching paths can, at times, feel like an overload. Keeping track of every decision and its potential consequences requires a keen eye and a sharp memory.
    some dialogue options are weird and funny when i dont think they are supposed to be. but only sometimes.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    So many 5 star ratings got me thinking that the worst this game could be is mediocre and generic but goddamn it is so much worse. The writing is excruciatingly bad, the joke, intellect and flirt dialogues are so bad and out of place even neurodivergent people wouldn't talk like that. It also seems like verbal sexual assault is the author's idea of "flirting". Most flirting dialogues are along the lines of "I bet you wanna see my big dick", I'm not even joking.

    The writer's moral compass also seems to be broken, there are "hero" and "villian " actions in the game and the dev likely decides what's what by the method of heads and tails. For example verbally berating a robot of the Caesar's corp, which are clearly painted as the bad guys is classified under "villian action" but then helping the owner of that robot from a mob attack is also considered under "villain action". Also apparently beating up douchebags who physically sexually harassed your sister is also considered a "villian action".

    Honestly wouldn't recommend this game to anyone but don't take my word for it.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I was pretty disappointed by this game to be honest. Especially since people really talked it up. It's not bad, it's just surprising mediocre once you get past the nice facade.

    - Renders are pretty great, not a lot of variation though, mostly big-titted pseudo-bimbo/hot slut looks. Everyone looks like a porn parody but I guess it does sort of fit the game.

    - Sex scenes are too simple. It's basically just "yes/no to sex" and then you get a few repeats of the same animation, most of which are well made but somehow a bit lifeless and boring. All sexual scenarios are also of the porn parody humor variation as far as I've seen and seem to have little-to-no-interaction.
    - Sex scene progress is also pretty slow-paced until suddenly you start getting unavoidable sex scenes which I personally hate, YMMV.

    - Writing is good, not great, but at some point I honestly started blanking out because, as so many amateur games do, it keeps going on and on about very obvious generic plot points and tropes. The game is not original enough to be as verbose as it is, and it's not even that funny (again, YMMV).

    - Some of the reviews praise this game for multiple paths, the only multiple paths I've seen so far is whether you want to gain affection with someone or not in dialogue. I suppose it might branch out later, I got too bored to continue after having played for 4 hours and honestly, skipping most of the dialogue for the last 2 hours other than a few key moments to orient myself. I do not feel I missed out on anything important in those two hours of holding down Ctrl.

    - Game does a terrible job of providing feedback on dialogue options and, as far as I can tell, the only difference in whether you act like a nice person or a borderline molester is how the Affection score is modified. I think I see what the dev is trying to do, making all dialogue options valid without having to build separate game paths for everything, but I don't really think it works. Mostly it just makes the NPCs seem a bit mentally handicapped as they just quietly zone out while you act wildly inappropriate and then just continue as if nothing happened.

    - I love the idea of the stat/trait system but it needs refining. Just increase your Speech Check XP every time you have the XP for it and you pretty much break the game. I think I'd had around 5 opportunities to actually use a superpower by the time I had accumulated enough XP to buy all of them, there's not really any meaningful choice here because unless you're game mechanic illiterate you can just choose everything with no downside

    It's not a bad game but it sort of puts itself in a odd position where actual sex content is pretty limited and when you get it, it's honestly not that great.
    At the same time, the story is super tropey (pun intended) so there's not really any surprises if you're the least bit genre savvy in porn games or superhero fiction, the super traits as it is could just as well be automatic, and at the same time the writing drags on and isn't really that funny, leaving the game in a strange place where it's neither good for a fap, for fun mechanics or for a good story but just kind of middling in all of those areas.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    very underrated game, and I cant wait to play again. updates take the piss and I wish there was a walkthrough.

    a thing that strikes me around this game is that the mc have to make a name themselves instead of being the "bestest person within the room" from the start
    In numerous scenes, you're sitting and observing , waiting for your chance to make the right choice, givin some tension even at the anwsers that you give.

    the game itself is thrilling and imaginative and allows the player to unlock a diverse array of superpowers as they progress through the game. From superstrength to telekinesis, this keeps the experience engaging and exciting

    The game's narrative is both compelling and immersive, drawing players into a world filled with mystery and peril and there is an achievement where you die which I haven’t got yet.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Love in a cup

    I love most of the Superhero games that are out there (of course there are some that are awful) but this is absolutely one of my favorites of all-time! It tells the story of a guy while he learns about himself and his powers. Every scene is as exciting as the one before it. Superhero genre exploded this the best! If you are a fan of superhero games then I can not recommend this game enough!

    Your personality is influenced by the dialogue options, which attracts particular types of girls (some choose kind people, some wicked boys). There are numerous mini-games in this game. Though some are successful and others fail, they all significantly improve the gameplay. If that's not your thing, you can choose to ignore them totally.

    The characters and narrative are excellent, and the music and graphics are superb. You see what I mean. Nearly every aspect of the game is excellent.

    When you realise that all of this was accomplished by a single individual working alone, it becomes even more astounding.

    Game is not short, I figured out that there are a crap ton of branching paths
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very high quality as games on here go, pretty interesting story and premise that goes beyond the bare bones plots you see in a lot of VNs. Im actually looking forward to seeing how the story progresses, which is not the case for a lot of other games I've tried on this site.