Keep up the good work. A little mess seemed unavoidable with Renpy's scripting format, IMO.
I'll be keeping my eyes open then.
Some question about design, though.
I myself like the "alien force" and "ultimate alien" series most, and have yet to watch the entire "Omniverse" series. My 1st headscratch is, the game is in the omniverse art style, and gwen is depicted in that art style in the events. But in the bio/stat screen, she is depicted more in line with the "alien force" style. Why the discrepancy?
Second, the last gwen scene before the trailer for v0.05. It felt forced somehow, jumping the progression miles away while getting nowhere near that in similar time frame with Shar. I like Shar's progression more, while Gwen jumps all over the place. But I must say, Gwen hypnotic suggestion made me laugh my a** off and think to myself "why didn't I thought of with that". Brilliantly funny

Might be cos I'm not an evil Galvan ...