VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Benefitship [Final] [RFH Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What an absolute gem of a game. Futa on Female is my main kink and this game hits the nail on the head. The art is great, the simple plot is great, and the voice acting is incredible! This is game is pretty short, but what's here is packed full of great content. So glad I found this one.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    it's not bad. I'd put it around the same level as "snow dazed". But snow dazed came out in 2016. This is a whopping 8 years later. Another issue I have with 2D is that in the past it required a lot of effort. But with AI it really blurs the line between the artist and what is computer generated.

    What I'm saying is, although I'm sure great effort went into it. If it can't set itself apart from AI generated games then it's never going to stand out.

    Therefor 3/5
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The best thing about Benefitship is clearly the consistency of the artwork, the tits and cock look consistently great regardless of the scene, any of my gripes regarding the art and its wanability is personal preferences. Its free and short but that doesn't make it good though.

    I'm a gigantic Futa fan and if you are too I can say that this game reminds me a lot about Futanari Mother and her Torturous Daughter but in the opposite way, the art is more soft, the roles are reversed and Benefitship is way, way more morally friendly in its tone. This game is the equivalent of a childrens movie. It makes you feel warm and fussy inside instead hardning mine, or anybody elses dick unless you're some degen that masturbates to wholesome shit.

    Dont get me wrong, the artwork itself is great and its not the reason why this game has "only" 2 stars. It does have a few scenes that seem hot, which is its only seemingly saving grace. And while the art does look clean in my opinion the artist should work on cute books for kids rather than hentai games or naughty stuff as most of the scenes don't have a sexy vibe and are directed by some retard, which may or may not be the artist.

    Its just cute futa art which floods most of sites like rule34 90% of futarelated artwork on a site like rule34. Great artwork but bad wanking material sums up this game perfectly. With all of this said, this game should deserve a 3 star material in my book, right?

    But then there is the the writing, oh my lord. I can't even get mad at the person involved, I just wish them the best and bless their heart. If the artist wrote the story instead then that just means I also feel sorry for them and I hope they get better soon. The writing itself is the equivalent for getting uncureable cancer but in a more intellectual way. I felt second hand embarrasment while playing the game so I didn't check who work on this game, I don't want to ruin my opinion about future games based on this shitty team but I hope AI replaces such writing soon with some better quality ones.

    But the worst thing about the game are the voice actors. oh my fucking god. After over 2 years on being on this site while lurking and having fun I have not seen worse voice acting than this. This is way worse than the noises of some Hentai VNs done by japanese memevoice actors when they voice sex scenes and sound like a dying bird.

    One of the main characters, Amy, is sort of fine if you enjoy a generic girl voice. She does her job well and sounds like a generic person and she feels fitting in that regard. But Chloe, by all that is holy and sacred, is attrocious. What the hell is that characterisation of hers? Do not get me wrong here, the shy milf trope of the shy woman with the motherly figure that is instead the hottest thing in the city yet is very seemingly introverted is a very fun to write. Everybody reading this has most likely played several games where the trope is applied, its also a common trope in many NTR games. I'm not complaining about that.

    For some elusive fucking reason, this very simple and easy trope to write into any sexy story got butchered here and written into a corner. In every sentence where Chloe speak she talks in this very unfitting tone where she is always uncertain about anything. Even when she is more confortable, she still keeps the fucking uncertainty tone in her voice all the fucking time. She even keeps the tone during the sex scenes. Two times I was questioning if she had fun or if she isn't sure about it, or maybe she is depressed that she is in this game, I don't fucking know. Yet on the other hand she becomes a sex crazed monster thinking about her huge cock is and raping that poor cocksleep JO toy and still has that weird tone. Might as well become the new president of the United States with that acting prowess.

    Anyways, this game is nothing to write home about. It seems more like something written by some retarded rule34 artist rather than anyone worthwhile. But I'm always fair and the game itself is probably something most people enjoy ironically so instead of a deserved 1 star rating, which may be too harsh this game instead gets a very, very good and generous 2 star rating considering some of its more valued qualities rather than just my own gripes and objective lack of quality. This would've been a 3 star to even 4 star if this would just be an image set but the people involved here dared to make something else, what a shame.
    Likes: Askwad
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Zoe Archangel

    Great voice acting. Amy really went above and beyond on her lines, adding a lot of nuance to the already well written dialogue. Unfortunately, the narrative isn't written nearly as well. The game is only about an hour long, which shouldn't be a problem, but it's both short AND repetitive. The entire game is just awkward conversations at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and then breakfast again, and then lunch again, and then dinner again, and then they skip breakfast but have lunch and....
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's cute, it's short, it's sweet.
    The voice actors are the real star of this one, bringing levels of personality to bear that written dialogue alone can't begin to convey.
    Not a lot of art; most of the non-sex action being implied by the dialogue. Normally that would make it boring, but it's elevated by the voice acting.
    It's clear that the most care is put into the sex scenes, which are excellent and look great.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is absolutely fantastic, the art is amazing, the VO is really good and the sex scenes are great, my fav was the cowgirl scene, but that could be a result of me loving ludicrously large insertions scenes in porn (provided its all pleasure) even the story is pretty good (bit porn logically but thats not really a negative if it is porn). only negative i have is its pretty short and the images per sex scene are pretty limited but all in all a strong recommend for this one and i look forward to more from this team.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good; solid voice acting, good art. It is as short as it claims to be, though, and half the content is the mastrubatory lead up to them actually going at it. It's a little disappointing in that regard, and their sex together is, beyond the size fetishism involved, somewhat bland. But it doesn't pretend like it won't be some twenty page doujin or something.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    - Wonderful Art
    - Voice Acting
    - Good Sound design

    Honestly it's refreshing to have a game just be done for once with a Ren'py and this novel was good not too long not too rushed. definitely could've used a few more sex scenes but i take what we can get.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pity there wasn't more scenes in the end or possible pregnancy however that is my preference so no need but overall amazing novel. Voice was good on both sides and the small stuttering on occasion made it more realistic. Also environment/graphics were just right for this kind of novel.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Neat game, despite one main character is a futanari with testicles.
    Relatively too short and straightforward and that's major drawback.
    Gameplay is virtually absent - this is kind of kinetic novel / comic.
    It would be much better if would be more long and sandbox-like.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like futanari at all, go for this. Most importantly, I can't think of any other game that made me feel how this game made me feel. It's very clear that the developers are intimately familiar with some popular futanari ideas, and they play into quite a few of them here. Even though some of the dialogue is cheesy there's this brimming wholesomeness to it that I enjoyed.

    Chloe checks a lot of my boxes, in multiple ways; some of her scenes are excellent. And Sulcate does some great art that shines here.

    Even though I generally think that the voice-acting helped, you can turn it off if you desire to. There are also a few other helpful options and buttons, that aren't always standard with visual-novels, so they're very welcome here.

    Do I wish it was longer? Yes. Do I think that Amy's voice-acting doesn't always fit what's happening in a scene? Yes. Do I like Amy's body-type? Not really. Would the game benefit from more art to make some of the text match better with what you're seeing? Yes.

    BUT, the game is $3. And like I said it fills a particular hole, providing an experience that I want to see a lot more of. Honestly while I was expecting to get hard while playing instead I just had a big dumb smile on my face most of the time because this was really wholesome and it played into some of the things I really like, so it was fun to just see it all happen.

    Strong recommend for any futanari fans. I would also suggest supporting the developers. I really hope to see more works like this in the future (hopefully longer)!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Feels like they were going for the short and sweet angle and it definitely works. Probably a bit too short though. Feels like it needs 30% more content. More tension-building wouldve been fun and some more back and forth on awkward scenes. But what's there is pretty dang good. Art is great. Amy is cute.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Lovely Game, the art is amazing as can be expected from Sulcate.

    The story is quite cute, very simple and down to earth, basically just two girls who become room mates and are horny for one another.

    Game is quite short though, has only 4-5 scenes, a couple solo and a couple with sex scenes.

    But it's a fun short game thats worth a play
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice short and sweet game with about an hour of playtime. The two characters are very cute and the art from Sulcate is extremely well made. Writing isnt bad either, love the dynamic between the two leads, and the voice acting also sells it. Woulda loved maybe one or two more sex scenes, but hey for a small VN like this id say that this is an excellent short game, well worth the thirty minutes of wanking.

    That is of course if futa is your thing. The main lead leans on the huge side of the average futanari protag so understandable that there might not be a lot of ppl that are into it. Still, 5 stars for the scope, would love more games like this on this site.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Super short cute little game well worth the $3 on Steam.
    The art is really good, the VA work is really good, and it's a wholesome little story too.

    I usually stray away from kinetic novels because you're not given any agency and there's no decisions or gameplay but the art style and praise a friend gave this made me wanna play it. I ended up buying it on Steam to encourage more of them to be made.

    I'd love see more a more fleshed out sequel with this art style.
    Or just more of this in general at this quality level.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is very nice, and the voice acting is pretty solid and so if the theme is your deal -- it's a 5/5

    Downsides are that its has very few scenes and only 2 involving the characters and it has no real ramp up. Art is hard to produce, and the scale of this project is small enough that they made the most of it, but it's very shallow and could have used with one more scene as payoff and a couple more scenes for the building portion. As it is it feels like one of those "the story so far" openings to a tv show just glancing over the major plot points.

    I think the art and voice acting is nice despite my rating and recommend others do as I did and just buy it private on steam for 2 bucks if you like the theme. Everyone else can pass it up.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the only thing missing is a longer playtime.

    There's no choices, and what is there is fairly bland, as far as story and characters go.
    But, it's all drawn beautifully, voiced admirably, and has some very nice scenes.

    There's a lot of good things here, held back by its own lack of expanding upon what is there. It takes a while to get going, and then hurries it along at a very rapid pace.
    I do have to mention, it has multiple options for sound and voice options, so you really do want to play your porn loud for this one, make no mistake.

    Benefitship is well worth a download for anyone that has an inkling for love for futanari. It could be better, but I would never tell anyone to pass on it, even if futanari isn't their #1 kink.
    It's very solid and just shy of getting a full 5 stars, if only because of quick pacing and short length.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The chemistry between the characters is excellent and the pacing puts the sexual tension into perspective without it being annoying.
    I would say Chloe is a bit too bland and she's also the one with the least line imo but that's like idk not a big deal, it's a porn game.