VN - Ren'Py - Between Salvation and Abyss [Ch.10 P2] [Ethan Krautz]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review of Ch. 10 P2)

    This is an AVN clearly designed to offer quantity over quality. A mindless fuckfest where you get to see all kinds of depravation exerted by the MC on every female in his family and beyond, including rape, violence, BDSM, pregnancy and other kinks. The story is pretty forgettable and since the writing is also abysmal, your best bet is to skip all that nonsense and go straight to the sex scenes, which are vanilla quality with "mechanical" animations but just good enough. The MC gets to deflower some petite girls, rape his foes without remorse, knock up his entire family including grandma and fuck them again for good measure when they look about ready to give birth.

    It may not suit the most refined tastes but it sure offers plenty of content and variety especially for incest lovers.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Potential Wasted
    Version reviewed: Ch10pt2

    This had the potential to be great. Ultimately wasted by some forced fetishes and Broken language.

    Lets Start with the positives:

    * Great mix of diverse characters. All shapes and sizes which makes a nice change (Euphor and Sophia my faves)

    * Large mix of fetishes (this is also a negative - as although its nice to see a range available.. as this is a KN rather than a VN - none are avoidable and you are forced to see all)

    * Interesting story - i like the "war between humans, gods, vampires, warewolves, witches" kinda thing... done well its a great storyline

    Onto the negatives:

    * Forces fetishes - There is no choice, and basically you are an asshole to everyone even those you love. How can Forcing Anal and Vaginal prolapses to the ppl you are supposedly in love with be classed as a good thing?

    * Horse cock - no idea why the MC in a lot of these games (generally the ones that are average or worse tbf tho) has to have a cock the size of his arm. Its unrealistic and unnessesary. Generally puts me off playing the games tbf.

    * Needs a proofreader. The english isnt the worst i have seen but could definately do with someone who is better with the english language to give the text a once over.


    The negatives (mainly the forced fetishes - and lack of "nice route") for me unfortunately outweigh the nice mix of characters. I did try and play this all the way through however if i am honest the more dark fetishes (especially when pushed on characters the MC supposedly loves) put me off the more i played.

    Average at best because of that.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Best adult game I 've played!
    Loved the plot, the diversity of characters, also the natural hairy pussies you barely find in other games(hairy lover here), also that the MC didn't stop for any reason going on and on all the time..
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, wonderful graphic and super sexy characters. MC's mom is super sexy, and other characters are gorgeous too. Very good start, story is dark & alluring which is not something quite common here.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Between Salvation and Abyss
    version #: Ch9 so far - Scores from low [1] to high [5]:

    TLDR: You have no real choices. Prepare for depravity. I really wish I could give this a highter rating. With improvements on the things I list below it could certainly get higher.

    * with a competent English writer/translation this story could have been good. The bones of the story are worthy, but executed very poorly.
    * If you think causing painful prolapses(unavoidable anal and vaginal) are somehow a sign of love, that your partner would actually appreciate, then you're delusional enough to like this. Otherwise, prepare to have to overlook some seriously demented nonsense.
    * if you're OK with having no choice at all in which fetishes you participate in, then this might be for you.

    Story - 2, hard to follow. Leaves things out that it doesn't explain until much later, leaving you rather lost for a while. Overall cringeworthy writing. (more below)
    Originality - 4, this has what eventually reveals to be a rather intriguing story hidden under very poor translation.
    Renders - 4, they look very nice.
    Sound - 0, none at all. (except a scream jump scare in a single scene)
    Playability - 3, story is hard to follow. Poorly written and formatted. More characters that you can really follow without making notes. There is often no difference between a charater's spoken word and their 'thoughts/narration'. Sometimes thoughts are italicized, and sometimes it's done backward, making the spoken words and thoughts even harder to differentiate.
    Performance - no issues,
    Bugs - not found ,
    Animations - 2(at start) 4 later on, Marrionette motions look very unrealistic, though they do improve after ch5.2.
    Voice Acting - n/a,
    Grammar - 2, very poor. missused or completely wrong words and phrasing. Constant missuse of he/she/his/hers/you/me/them/etc. Switches between first person narration from the MC, and first person narration from other characters, which just doesn't flow well.
    Amount of content - 4, there's quite a bit there, though a lot of it might not be to taste.

    * MC often manipulates his famiy and friends in a wholely narcissistic way, forcing his mother to smile when she's sad just to make his pathetic ass happy, instead of saying/doing legitimate things to cheer her up.
    * Mom and aunt are twins, and have the exact same name except one letter. Youngest sister's name is also the same, just spelled differently. With well over 30 characters in game this just adds to the f'in confusion.
    * Selections are binary; Love OR Corruption. There is very little difference between them though, just some slightly different dialog. The pain you cause others is not reduced by selecting the love route.
    * You can't avoid unwanted fetishes, at all:
    - Prolapse, both anal and vaginal.
    - Footjob.
    - Granny sex.
    - sexual abuse.
    - rape where MC is perpetrator.
    * A Scene Gallery is sorely needed.
    * Significant continuity errors: skin colors change, Alessia grows a foot+ between chapters, etc.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm someone who plays all this kind of games and this is a game that I found great, I never get bored, the only thing I see bad are the prolapses but it's not something that disgusts me so I put up with it, very good game if you want to spend time and see a good amount of MILFs.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Its ok game with rough edges.. Game is/feels like kinetic novel which is bad. I would prefer to control mc and chose how I approach each problem or story element.. Wasted potential..

    Should you try game? yes. But don't expect amazing story
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The story could be very interesting but is delivered in very small pieces chapter after chapter, and the more you learn about MC’s past and present, the more you don’t understand because everything is damn cryptic, and honestly quite badly written (not only because of the bad English). When you finally get one answer, you have 10 more questions, so after 9 chapters where the developer gives you so little answers you start to get bored and wish for the story to end. So you either wait for each update to learn a tiny little bit more knowing that it will bring even more questions, or you just stop and simply wait for the final version because it’s becoming extremely annoying, which is what I’m doing after reading chapter 9.1. To be honest, the developer has opened so many doors that I’m not even sure that he will give all the answers by the end of the story, I guess he lost himself at the same time he lost the readers.

    Now let’s talk about the second main problem here, something I’ve never seen in any visual novel so far: the huge obsession of the developer for anal and vaginal prolapses. Okayyyy… to each his own, we are not here to judge one’s kinks, but as @Sarkasmus pointed out in his review, we should get the choice to decide if it’s OUR kink too! And if it’s not, which is, I guess, the case of the vast majority of the players here, we should have the simple choice of skipping this (disturbing) fetish.

    And while we’re on this subject, let’s talk about the supposed choices you have in this game. Do not think you have any, it’s a kinetic novel, you have no choice, there is no “corruption” or “love” path, both are the same except for one single scene with a MILF (Lucia) in the early chapters. The more you progress the chapters, the more you will see that there is no corruption/love choices anymore, as if the developer finally realized how useless they were.

    Be aware that if you don’t like seeing the MC raping women, you will have no choice anyway, you will rape many. Ok they are mainly acts of revenge because these women hurt his family or were about to, but still, you have no choice. You don’t want to see the MC banging his grandma? You still will, no choice again. As I said before, it’s a kinetic novel, so be prepared to see bdsm, rape, skinning, mutilation, and a lot of anal/vaginal prolapses.

    Now let’s talk about the love interests. Most of them are nice looking and some are even really hot, but some of them are just so-so (Jessica, Clara and Helena for example), and a few of them have a breast-dystrophia problem (when breasts alone are a third of the total weight of a woman, it’s a bit problematic for the vertebral column).

    Despite of all the negative things I’ve said, I still want to see more of it but will wait for the final version before downloading it again.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Uncle Evolt

    The chicks look nice and all but, ew, like really ew. Bro I get it, you like anal prolapse and feet stuff, but like, don't we even get a choice in this matter? Why can I get to choose what to see and vice versa? It's really disgusting and I don't judge you for it but at least think of others a bit no? The whole thing just feels like a big fetish piece of the author with no regard for the general audience.

    I don't mind the MC is a dumbass and being kept out of loop but it's very annoying that most of the chicks that know something keep saying the same thing to the MC "I can't tell you this" and "It's not my place to tell you" bla bla bla, why don't have them just straight up don't say anything after the MC realize that he won't be able to know until a certain time.

    This game almost got everything right, and then it's just dumped a bunch of disgusting stuff on you. Leaving you with a flower that plant in a pile of shit, beautiful, but you can't get anywhere near it because of the stuff around it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    •Forced shit
    •A KN in disguise, your 'choices' won't matter
    •Prolapsed asses everywhere
    •Brainless Bimbos
    •A hodgepodge of characters you've probably seen in others AVNs.
    Don't waste your time on this...
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It looks bad, the story and dialog don't make much sense and it's obvious the author is not a native English speaker, the music is too loud then too quiet sometimes, there were images missing in my game, there's no gallery, should I go on?

    There's so much wrong with this VN that I stopped with the first hour. It's just not worth the download, skip it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    - Chapter 8
    - Nice models and graphics
    - Intriguing backstory
    - Infuriating writing
    - Choices make no difference whatsoever
    - Careless setup

    Can NOT confirm claims of the renders being grainy. I'm playing in fullscreen on 3440px width and can't complain about the image quality whatsoever! I also like the chosen models, though some of them (especially the older ladies) are weirdly disproportioned. If this was just to offer the players different body types, I wouldn't expect to see basically every adult woman to have the very same voluptuous forms.

    The real problem I have with this game is the writing. And, by that, I do NOT mean the story. Which is intriguing. No, I mean story progression and dialogue.

    You start out playing a guy who had been badly abused as a child until he finally liberated his family from their abuser. So far so good. But, as you progress through the story, it becomes clear that this MC is simply stupid. He never questions ANYTHING. He takes everything he's told, even if by complete strangers, and even if it is in direct violation of his beliefs, at face value and just accepts it as the new truth. And it takes forever!

    Even though the things these female characters want to tell him are apparently essential to their survival, they keep playing the damn pronoun game and throw insinuations around instead of just telling him what he NEEDS to know... and then call him stupid for not realizing sooner. Either because it's "not time for him to know, yet", or because "it's not their place to tell him", or because "it's for him to find out"... It's interesting as a plot twist the first time it happens, but by now became just fucking exhausting!

    Like, for example,when we meet the "Woman in red" for the first time. She immediately realized that the MC lost his memories and knows everything about him. But, instead of just filling him in, she makes a few comments about how hard poor little MC's life was... and then fucking leaves without enlightening him! And the only reason the Players can believe her is because, for some unknown reason, we can read her thoughts. "We" is the players, not the MC, by the way. The whole game, all we know is what MC knows, but in this single instance, we suddenly hear her thoughts confirming her words, making me believe that the dev knows how stupid it would be to believe these characters and gave us a reason to accept it.

    Or when the aunt and grandmother FINALLY show up to fill him in, the first thing we learn about those two is that the MC barely knows them. He only saw them ONCE in his entire life. And yet, when they turn his world upside down by telling him what is what, he almost has a mental breakdown because he believes them. Even though they didn't offer ANY proof to support anything they just told him. And yet, it just worked.

    I also strongly disagree with MC's actions. When he's basically raped by that blonde girl, he still cares about her deeply for some reason. Someone he knew for all of a week! And the only thing he knows about her is that she is friends with his sister. So... Why does he care about her!? Why does his "heart bleed" when he sees his aunt and grandmother sad, given how he had absolutely NO memories of them!? Why does he go full-on postal on any perceived threat, but then just leaves to relax a little after he learns how that one woman ordered his sisters to be raped!?

    So, I thought maybe this is all because of the choices I made. I installed that mod that shows the impact of each choice, and the game seems to have a counter for "Corruption Points" and "Love Points".
    I played it again twice. First, I only chose the Love-Options, and then I only chose the Curruption-Options. And, guess what? It's the EXACT SAME game. As far as I could tell, even the dialogue wasn't different in any way. I found ONE scene that only showed up when I chose the love option, and ONE other scene that only showed up when I chose the corruption option. But, even then, neither option had any impact on how the story progressed.

    It also doesn't help that there's an abundance of typos throughout the game, accompanied by sloppy tagging. Quite a few times, the name tags above the dialogue line show a character's name who is clearly not the one saying what you're reading.

    This just goes hand-in-hand with the dozens of instances where the text goes from MC speaking out loud, to MC thinking to himself, and finally to the Narrator informing you about something... all with the very same markup, as if the MC was still saying all of that out loud.

    And then there's the most offensive thing about all of this: Most of the action and interesting visual bits are hidden behind the damn dialogue box! First time you meet Victoria? She gets naked and half her body is obscured by that black background. Entire sex-scenes are hidden by that thing! And, yes, I know I can click the middle mouse button, but I also kinda want to follow their dialogue, so I'd have to read the line, hide the box, show the box, read the next line, hide the box, show the box,... and so on.

    All in all, the dialogue is infuriating as it is hours of buildup to something we don't know about, the story progression makes no sense as it's only meant to lead you from sex-scene to sex-scene, and the MC is an imbecile. Other than that, the game's quite good!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I drugged myself from chapter to chapter reading and trying to find sand grains of story in this game.
    - Renders.
    I don't know why some people say that they're grainy, I played at my PC at 1920x1080 and only see a couple of grainy renders. But the quality of renders is not the issue here, it's female figures itselves. For some strange reason dev likes ugly fat mature women. And he likes to show us that. While young women rendered with totally natural figures and they're hot, mature women are ugly and have even more "screen time". So in my mind this game is visually disgusting. And I don't even want to mention puddles of urine, anal prolapse and so on. Needless to say player has no choice to see it or not.
    - Gameplay.
    It's a kinetic novel with meaningless choices, player cannot choose who to fuck, what fetishes to see, there's no branching in the story. If you like to play sadist with over the top ego who fucks every woman he meets - then it's a game for you. For everyone else I wouldn't recommend to waste your time on that game.
    - Story.
    Well, there is one. Between lewd scenes we find out that Marty Sue is so important that he can do everything he wants, influential people and whole organizations will cover all the crimes he commits. And, of course, MC has Oedipus complex, fat fetish, gerontophilia, he thinks about it from the start. Every woman easily falls for MC and most of time we read what he wants to do to them (and then - what he's doing to them). No choice. Sometimes we choose between being nice and corruption points, choices changes nothing and we don't know what we choose.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got me.
    I must say that I loved the models of Alysha, Aysha, Helena and Lycana (Maybe my taste for mature women and women with big tits influences)
    Even so, this game has an entertaining plot that is not afraid of censorship and that not every little girl can enjoy it as it should.
    I can't wait to see how this game continues to develop and to see my favorite matures:BootyTime:
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far the game is pretty good. The renders are good, the story interesting and the characters likeable. There are some things that might not be to everyone's liking, like the prolapse (which I personally do like from time to time lol, but I can see why some wouldn't).
    The girl's models are very hot and attractive in my opinion (specially if you are into big asses/tits) and game has very hot and kinky sex scenes with a lot of anal, which is a big plus. All in all, a very good AVN, definetly worth playing
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Low quality models, thats all you need to make a game not interesting to me. I played on a pc on fullscreen the models looked pixely. The freckles on the models look blurry. For me personally if the art is not good quality im not interested in the story so i skipped it so i can get through the game as the only thing keeping me interested was the milf. She had promise but the mood of the game is all serious and for me i dont like that. Its a porn game i wanna have fun and be cheerful when i fap. This one has too much agression , violence and gore for me. So i give this 3/10.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    First time played and completed till latest patch.

    The Good:
    • Models of the girls are good, love the adults' proportions, probably the only thing left that'll make me continue playing.
    • Story at the start was promising enough with the MC being some super special snowflake without the power to just wipe away his foes so he actually had to think and work (kinda) for some wins.

    The Bad:
    • Story starts to go to shit after more fantastical elements get introduced, then MC turns into super special furry snowflake with super magical powers and hyper Wolverine powers and the story degenerated into a boring obstacle to sex scenes to be skipped.
    • Female characters (there's fucking lots of them) queue up to ride his horse dick, he doesn't have to work for most of that, only the 'landlady' offers partial resistance cause of morals.
    • Even female characters that are yet to appear are already said to be MC's whores
    • All male characters with dialogue are basically rapists/creeps waiting to rape female characters in game, only the MC is allowed to do that though, cause he's the MC duh. While male characters without dialogue are fodder so they just stood and posed around and then get killed by the MC.
    • Choices are... what choices? Events pretty much play out the same in the end.

    The Ugly:
    • Forcing me to see ugly Grandma sex.
    • Dev loves anal and vaginal prolapses.
    • MC is basically a horrible bastard allowed to do all his deeds cause he's the MC. No one bothers to course correct him, cause he's the MC he knows best.
    • Power creep, wait no, power skyrocket.
    All in all, a 2/5 rating from me, wanted to like the game cause of the female models but meh, I'll return once the game is completed.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are pretty good for the most part. I don't normally like the oversized boobs that look ridiculous, but it's not a deal breaker, especially when there are other models with appropriate sized boobs. What drags the game down is two things. First, the English sucks. It's not bad enough to where you can't grasp what's happening, but it is distracting at times. Second, this is barely an actual game. There are barely any actual choices and when there are it's something so unimportant. What makes this so infuriating is that there are multiple times when the MC things to himself "oh here are my options..." or something like that and then just decides without any actual decision. There are so many places where there should be a choice. Frankly, this should be a visual novel, not a game. Obviously the dev either can't or won't make an honest effort to develop a full game with branching paths. It seems they wanted to make a story to tell, which isn't a bad thing, just don't pretend it's a game when it's not.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Story seems interesting at least.

    Bad Points
    - You can't name the MC like you want, not having one of basic and yet one of most immersive things text-based adult games is very bad point.
    - Renders/scenes/pictures quality looks very old, undetailed, and bad. Especially the first couple of hours of the game's sex scenes are not enjoyable at all. Most of the sex scenes have terrible static animations and some of them have poorly-made non-static ones with bad physics. Later they do become better, but they are still not decent enough to say ''good'' etc.
    - Your choices do not affect anything important and it's not immersive at all for a game based on a text story.
    - Some certain things are not avoidable like prolapses or Clara's content.
    - Some characters like Clara look very unattractive and unfitting for an adult game like this.

    For The End
    The game feels like made in the 2018-2020 era instead of 2023 with its current visual quality, art style, and animations, it's very behind of current quality of the adult game era and not giving the player any choice over the game and content not helps either...
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is SO BAD it actually is fascinating (that's one of the reasons for 2 stars) and I will probably run it through to the ending (chap8p1). The fascination also is a reason for the long review, which a game like this would hardly warrant otherwise.

    UPD: As you could read from the first sentence, I wrote this review while hadn't yet finished game. I was actually at around middle of chap6. Chap7 and Chap8 started to be better -- especially in sex scenes. Also Chap8 ties up most of the storylines, it's not as painful to read. So, in the long run game gets better. I kinda wish to update my rating to 3/5 due to improvement of scenes and the advancement of fetishes, but I still think the game is not fully there yet. Btw, note that others already said the game contains prolapse scenes. I myself don't find them sexual, but also am not revolted, so this didn't influence my rating.

    There is some good stuff as well:

    1) The models are quite decent! I disliked some of them for some reasons (listed below), but in general the textures, faces and bodies are acceptable quality. Not top notch, but better than many you can see; sex animations, where they exist, are quite decent.
    2) the story premise is a somewhat interesting. insofar as it is possible to follow the story;
    3) the story is quite dark in a way that I found somewhat enjoyable.

    All the good things together with fascination add up to the 2nd star.

    Well... the BAD list is long, and various stuff has been written by other reviewers (with most of whom I agree).

    My personal top bad things are:


    1) Incoherent and very very lots of dialogues-based story. Really. I dislike skipping unseen text, but here at some point I couldn't suffer any more and turned it on.
    Consider that MC is interacting with over ~15 other characters, MOST OF WHOM TURN OUT TO BE IMPORTANT... and that he interacts with a significant subset of them EVERY GAME DAY.

    2) Given that wall of text, one would hope that it would at least be good text -- dialogues that make sense; using the "show not tell" principle, for example. Instead we are having highly unrealistic, simplistic, juvenile speeches, highly unrealistic responses and behaviours... both from MC and other adult(!) and teen characters. This might be how a 12 year old imagines people talk. It isn't. Also there's a wall of text of what MC thinks. Which is mostly repeated stuff about revenge and protecting his own.

    3) Multiple storylines converge and create a jumbled mess.
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    Technically possible to do, but not done in any good way here.


    1) Another VN with MC having horse-sized schlong. Not only it is unrealistic, boring and stupid, it would be painful, embarrassing and not in any way pleasurable for the ladies (and MC himself). Just don't. Enormous dicks are a male teen angst thing (which some don't outgrow). Nobody else cares.

    2) Sex scenes would be much more enjoyable, if there were some more different frames, and looping. As it is any sex scene is like 5-6 renders (+maybe one loop) and is over in about 10 seconds. MC came, inserted dick and came in 5 frames. The actual frames and loops that are there, are quite decent though, and I did like the fact that models are moving during sex (breasts, legs, etc),also there is frame for showing MC cumming and afterwards. Also, it seems that more towards later chapters, the sex scenes improve in length.

    3) Some particular models are weird. Starting with "landlady's" overly overly overly overly oversized boobs. Honestly, the poor woman has them to the navel. Not in all renders though, in some scenes, they look almost possible. Also, the black European(?) enemy-teen (Drake) is weird. I mean, I guess it is not impossible to have an European-style face for a black person (haven't seen anything like that in other games or in life), in this particular case it looks very weird.