VN - Ren'Py - Between Worlds [v0.1.7 PII] [RolePlayer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game got a lot of slack when it began due to seeming overly-ambitious, but the results speak for themselves. There's plenty of meaningful choices, plenty of event branches, and plenty of world building that make this game well worth a 5 star rating.

    The artwork is gorgeous. Every female character has her own background and personality that draw you to them. Every male character has a quirk as well, like Randolf the panty sniffer. But the beauty of the experience is that you can keep your ladies to yourself if you so choose to. Although sharing-ntr is possible, the developer makes clear that this content is optional and not at all pushed upon you.

    With a unique fantasy theme and slow paced build-up, this game is truly among the most underrated in the visual novel genre. Given a few years, its sure to turn heads as being one of the best for its novel approach to event variations while still maintaining a strong main plot and main character. I hope this developer keeps up the good work!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the best sharing content I've ever seen. Doesn't force the netorase content on the player, and proper choices are given. Nobody is forced to anything they don't want to. The shy girlfriend character who is secretly an exhibitionist is a breath of fresh air.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Between Worlds is a fantasy VN set in a medieval world following the exploits of the village chad and his adopted sister.

    It does a lot of things fairly well. I like the setting a great deal with the corsets, peasant blouses, and medieval environments. The overall art and aesthete is quite good.

    I'm a big fan of sharing as opposed to hard NTR and this game hits that fairly on the nose. The girls are yours first and only entertain other lovers if you okay it. I wish the girls were a little more invested about their own romantic decision making rather than to bow before an idle suggestion from the MC, but you can't have everything. There's also a no-NTR path for the haters which is mostly the same with a few scenes turning down the peanut gallery instead of playing for the crowd.

    The story is... not so great. A lot of the MC's background and exploits feel very important to developing him as a character and his relationships to others. Unfortunately, we only ever get to hear about it in snapshots or infodumps. This is the reason that so many stories truck-kun or use a drifter for their MC to smooth things along. It allows you to have a competent and pre-developed character without hanging a bunch of local baggage that the reader doesn't understand.

    It's particularly unfortunate, because the dev is actually good at developing characters and writing interaction. There are a lot of scenes between the MC and others that show the type of person he is and how he interacts with others. It would all be so much better if it wasn't built on a foundation of "remember our relationship?" and started fresh.

    The story also has a strong feeling of just shit happening between sex scenes. Between the pretty good character interaction, the main plot seems to consist of otherworldly invaders/connection causing problems between the realms, but it's so obviously on the backburner that it's mostly just a distraction. I think the story would have benefited from a more directly horny storyline focusing on the town and maybe corrupting it or otherwise defending it directly. It's implied that the main character is going to be pulled away into a bullshit fantasy mcguffin quest in the future. Given that there's already three and a bit love interests and a handful of male frenemies, adding a host of other people and taking the MC away from the rest of the cast for a so far unhorny main plot could stretch the story to a breaking point.

    As the game stands currently, it's worth a look. I'm worried about where the game will head in the future for the reasons immediately above, but where it is right now is solidly decent. I'd recommend it if you're into sharing, peasant blouses, and naive girls getting to know themselves. Payoffs are a bit sparse at the moment though.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game contain different fetishes, players who like those fetishes will love this game and peoples who don't like these fetish will give 1 star to this game! specially NTR-Haters
    my jaw dropped from quality of renders and animation
    wish dev is consistent on updates...
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Right down the middle on this one.

    Graphics: Some LI seem great, some not, usually because of facial expressions.
    Writing: It’s a weird combo of flowery… and written by AI/Google translate.
    Tags: Vanilla/NTR routes.

    Personally, even as an NTR hater, I think this one would benefit to being a full NTR game (?!). It's just how I see it, though...

    Since we can’t comment on other games (unlike movie reviewers, Site Mods…Wtf? Your site though…), this game is no exception for split games. It FEELS like each side (NTR/Vanilla) only get half an update per update.

    I say bite the bullet, take the hit, make it pure NTR and you can now focus up… and... again... that's from an NTR hater... just saying...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    putting 5 stars to encourage working on this, great great potential for NTS enjoyers.
    Not much yet but a few satisfying choices already.
    Can't wait to see where this leads.

    Also thanks for bringing a variety of female bodies, always good to have more.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Arhiippa Pylkkönen

    If the reviews were worse, I would've stopped playing within 10 minutes. The prose is so overwrought and pretentious that it's almost painful to read. And since most of the text is MC's inner monologue, makes him seem like an utter twat. To top it off, the dev has added timings to the text, so one can't even click through at one's own pace.

    Will keep playing in the hopes that the writing gets less awful. Will edit the review if it gets better. (Still three stars since not everyone will be as bothered by the prose and otherwise the game doesn't seem bad.)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game so far. The characters are being built up well and are interesting to follow. The world of the game is not boring either. It has a good mix of hot scenes and story.
    Girls are hot and have different characters, which makes it fun to play. DIfferent pathes to follow with the girls makes it also playable for many types of players.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting
    The characters and LI are fantastically rendered.
    The situations so far are hot enough
    And the option between NTR and Non-NTR are well established for all tastes, an excellent game so far, can't wait to play what's next
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall this effort only gets 3 stars from me primarily due to horrid English. Very difficult to feel the immersion in a good story when verb tense errors and other very basic grammar mistakes plague almost every page.
    On the up side, the story shows some promise. The artwork is nice, and the women are very nice looking.
    Without some serious proof reading help, this one is a pass for me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A really underrated gem. The game has many options on how you want to play and no scene is forced. The renders and the sex scenes are really good and hot. Dialogue is good and smooth and the erotic writing is on point. Shame this game does not much attention.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.1.5 Part I


    The visuals in this are really nice. The dev does a great job with posing, lighting, and overall scene direction. The female models are gorgeous, especially Freya and Eve. They don't look like models I've seen before, which is a plus. There are only a few animations at this point, but they're decent.


    I really think this has a lot of potential. I'm very interested in learning more about how Freya came to this world. My only real complaint... and some people may like this about the game... is the "over-narration" and MC internal thoughts. I really think these are overdone. I'd like the narration to be replaced with more visuals where it makes sense to do so. I feel internal monologues should be cut short or non-existent, to allow the player to sort of think about the situation themselves. But apart from that, it all seems to have good direction and when things get a little too verbose for me, I simply skim through it while tapping the CTRL key.

    Sex Scenes:

    We're still early in, so not a whole bunch of sex scenes yet, but those that are there are erotic, sexy, and fun. There's build up for various scenarios that we can look forward to as the game develops further.


    It's a visual novel and pretty straightforward. You will come across points where you have an option menu and you choose the response that fits what you want. There is no lag and it's been quite bug free. I'd like a little more variation in the choices and how they affect the story (but maybe it's just too early for me to be able to tell at this point).

    Overall, fun, sexy game with a decent enough story. It has plenty of room to grow and the dev seems dedicated to the project. I give it about a 4/5.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good begining (looking forward to more). Renders are really good, interesting story. I also enjoy the optional sharing of the girls. It definitely deserves more attention. With more support, this game will be a blast.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Unicorn Mixer

    So far so good! The writing here is better than most, even with some very minor translation issues. (Slight grammatical errors)
    The story is immediately accessible and quite entertaining so far. Only a small bit of lewd at this point, but it's all contextual to the storyline, and even a little wholesome. The visuals are pretty decent as well. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this VN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2631651

    The nice graphics made me play and the slow burn made me stay, really good writing the relationship between the protagonist has a real feeling of progress and you feel immersed in thir world congrats to the dev, the future is bright ✨️.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who cares a lot about characters looks in every game, I would say that this has an excellent, decent story, but the characters are good. The swinging content might be good for someone who enjoys them, but overall I would rate it a 9 out of 10.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Between Worlds has the potential to be a fairly decent game that captivates an audience, but the current dialog is horrendous. I drifted to sleep and deleted the game during the game introduction. To mitigate the abuse to your eyes, you'll find yourself hopelessly smashing the enter key seeking fap material.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Very good quality renders, nice time period and outfits but I'm not sold by the story and dialogue or the inclusion or orcs/non-humans.

    The dialogue is extra hard to follow, different font size,to much inner monologue, characters having separate conversations at the same time and imperfect translation add up to an unreadable mess. Hopefully that can all be improved on

    There's no content as such in the 0.1, but that's fair, the developer is looking for input. It's worth checking out anyway, the render quality could be good enough to convince you to check back to see if there's improvement in future updates