The skills alone are not reason enough - for me - to replay the whole thing, but yeah, I did notice the changes.
I'm more interested in the subpaths however. How well "documented" are they? Is it clear when the path will change to what route? Because what I don't want to do is trial and error for 20 times until I can find something new.
Here are all the paths with sub-paths:
1. "Hostile"
1.a. Two pictures of Eric (Alice)
1.b Mobile phone (Lisa)
2. "Fake Friendship"
2.a Max gave Alice the bodysuit
2.b Eric gave Alice the bodysuit
3. "Real Friendship"
3.a Max gave Alice the bodysuit
3.b Eric gave Alice the bodysuit
On the "Hostile" there is very little difference between the sub-paths. On the "Fake Friendship" there are big differences between the sub-paths. On the "Real Friendship" there are the biggest differences between the sub-paths.
For example, on the "Real Friendship" path:
"Max gave Alice the Bodysuit" you can finish all Oppurtinities. But at the end you don't get any more money from Eric and you can't see Ann's pictures in the stockings in the last event (the pictures are locked on this path).
"Eric gave Alice the Bodysuit" you can't finish some Oppurtinities. But you still get the money from Eric and you can see Ann's pictures in the stockings in the last event.