When you say stuck in blog part, is the Blog not started yet? or You are half way in the blog and no progress?Thank you man for answering but I do not understand why they answered me with the fan art, I asked if there is another game with a character similar to the older sister.
I'm also stuck in the game in the blog part, nothing happens and I see that you answered the lines above about entering a code to activate it, forgive my ignorance but I don't know how to enter that code or where to do it .... can you help me?
The upcoming Cheat Mod 1.4, will have options to activate or reset certain Opportunities.
(It will take few more days before i release it)
To activate Console:
Before you run the game.exe file.
Download - "unren-dev.rpy" (right click and save as..)
Copy it to [ <Game Folder> \ game ]
File location should look like this --> D:\Big Brother - Another Story\game\unren-dev.rpy
Run the game.exe, Load your Save file or Start a New Game and after all the intro; if the game has.
Press SHIFT key + O (not the number) to open Console view.
Type the desired Cheat code and press ENTER to execute it.
Press ESC key or type "exit" to close console.