...and all that so-called 'skill-requierments or just randomly failling a check', that is just another insult...
Well, I have to agree there. I will never understand why they put RPG elements into these games.
But apparently many people want to see 'corruption' or 'relationship' stats. I could not care less. There just is no reason to do 200 massages until the stat is high enough to succeed.
Another sandbox game I know (MotH) had these stats at the beginning, but they removed them at some point, it became purely event based. And it worked great. Sure, you still need to repeat do some things 5 times in order to proceed, but it works through a counter and not stat based RNGs.
(The worst RNG known to me is the one in BBAS catching Alice doing something nasty on cam after the couch scene. Without walkthrough that's just impossible. Who would try that several times without knowing that he has to?)
In BBAS however, the repeating actions serve another purpose as well rather just getting one's skills up. BBAS has decaying stats. If you neglect the girls, their mood will drop. If you don't help Lisa with her homework, she will not reward Max at the end of the week, but keep her top on.
That IS a central gameplay element, Max has to be nice to his sisters in order to get anything from them.