I think a lot of fans probably lose site that this is the situation for MOST of the adult game devs out there. I'd love to develop games full time, even if it meant a pay cut but just to cover my mortgage plus the most basic of expenses I would need about $5000 a month take home (after patreon's cut, after taxes, etc). Add in taxes and patreon's percentage and we're talking more like $10k minimum for me to quit my job and that would still be a pay cut.Yes, your right, and he now has an assistant, but both are inexperienced, and have jobs. Like you say, it's just a hobby. His PATREON is doing ok, but nothing to quit his day job over.
I haven't even started yet, still need to build a render box first but I'm not under any illusions that I'll hit that mark any time soon if ever. So I'll be following in the same footsteps as most other devs, full time job, game dev as a part time side hobby.