I really appreciate your insight on this. As someone who actually develops games you are in a good place to offer the other perspective! You also make a good argument about not being able to dedicate more time before the funding is there. I am usually a Patron for a couple diff games every month, not all of which are fully developed games. I like supporting up and coming games, too! That said Aleksey's posted goal to 'contribute more time' on his Patreon was met for months. I have no idea what his home life is like or how much time he has, but we can't just pay blindly to something that may or may not ever update again. I think there should be a degree of 'good faith' on both sides. Sometimes we pay to show we want more, sometimes they develop even when the Patrons aren't there to show they are producing something we will enjoy. This is just my opinion, people are certainly entitled to disagree.