I finally finished all the current opportunities. There was a lot of confusion as to why some weren't progressing because it's not made clear how they are interdependent.
I continue to play because I'm semi-obsessed with Lisa (loved where the "stick or carrot" opportunity ended and looking forward to more,) and I've come to like and enjoy Alice. But the game has problems with structure. Without the walkthrough, getting to the end of some opportunities is like blindly swinging a hammer in the general vicinity of a nail and hoping to drive it all the way in. There's a distinct lack of logic to how a player must proceed, so no way to puzzle it out.
I'm lost on the "blackmail Eric" path. I don't believe I ever got a picture of him jerking off to Alice. I thought I was on the "pretend to be his friend" path - making the deal, then sneaking behind his back to gain control - and that this opportunity would be there. Maybe it's only on the enemies path? I bought Alice the body suit, not Eric, and he was pissed about it, so I don't see how I can be on the "friends with Eric" path. But every time I got Alice to sleep topless she did it for one or two nights then stopped. I used the spider to scare her and point out that she'd broken her promise and she'd say she would sleep topless again but she never would. I'd have to wait until I got the option again when catching her smoking. And repeat.
Problem is, if I'm on the wrong path with Eric, correcting it now will take many hours of game play, repeating tedious stuff like waiting seemingly endless days for a progression in the Olivia story or the Party Girl opportunity (this game really needs a "skip day" or "skip to time" option because continuously pressing that skip button to move an hour forward, and through the pointless twice daily meals that never change is so time consuming. If this "wait several days" requirement is going to be common in future updates, there should be more to do during those days when one opportunity only advances every few days or once a week.) So I hope if I'm on the wrong path the game gives the chance to switch.
My "Opportunities" screen shows I've done everything available, but also says at the top "20 / 21" so where's opportunity 21?
I know I sound like I'm complaining a lot, but I enjoy the game and am trying to think of ways to make it better.