I don’t know, I don’t share (apparently) local views about Eric. But here I need to make a reservation. There are 2 types of Eric, First slows down the process and closes part of base content (makes it inaccessible), but there is Second one, which is only a "branching" parameter that creates half of content of selected branch (+ of course main part of story). I agree that in previous game we saw First Eric to a greater extent, while here there's more Second one. And by content I mean exactly "interesting part/component of the game". Word "game" is important here, otherwise it looks more like a fuckfest/incoherent by plot theme park (which, of course, the way of how last game ended), and I'm one of those people that thinks that "good should be in moderation", otherwise oversaturation occurs, however, lack causes anger and dissatisfaction, and this was turning First Eric into irritating factor.
In short, while Eric is creating content, and not just "slowing down" factor - I'm for Eric. In other words, war branch can make him more cruel and, by denying Max access to certain moments, he begins to show more and "not hesitate" to show his power over girls (and not just cut opportunities), pursue everywhere, put pressure on the family, that is, replace elements with Max by elements with Eric, and somewhere in dishonest struggle to provide both options, depending on preliminary Max's actions. Friendship branch, on contrary, makes family more loyal, however, this branch, logically, can spoil Max and, probably, turn him into likeness of Eric. Here it will already depend on author's implementation.
The 3rd branch was trickier, but author decided that it was difficult to implement (in fact, it is). This could be branch of painless conclusion, where there are more lyrics than war, where he could leave "for good", perhaps imbued with pity, or leading to more romantic and restrained relationships, restrained in family, it could run into remorse and real feelings (Eric's, and also Max's too) *pauses, waiting for disgruntled exclamations to subside* ... well, there could be wedding and stuff.
This is just a "branches", gentlemen readers, it doesn't oblige you to always follow only one way.