wont get people like you ... eric removal will come... dont want to w8 , no one is keeping you here , this site has hundreds of non ntr content , it will take you years to finish them properly. Come back than and play this game , it will be finished.go back to the message I quoted. You responded to a chap. How are you serious? there is no active version of bb.
But since that was too hard for you to understand, here is what you were reinforcing with your shoddy response -- BB is abanonded, the rest that came about also are abandoned, or were shit and are now abandoned. That is why I asked if you're serious. Because I have a hard time believing that you are doing nothing more than taking the piss at people who are tired of the cuck bait this dev is doing.
Man you're working overtime tonight for your cuckholdry you want to enjoy so much. Yeah that war update... Tell me all about how you managed to get Eric removed. I would love to hear it. Cause he hasn't been. Stuff it. Still NTR bait.
P.S. Glamour hasnt an Eric so go play that one and spit poison on that thread not here