Sure, that is mistreatment in the modern world, not in the porn games I play.

Does that make it clearer?
Also, not sure why you all jump on me. I didn't say Eric is a nice guy. I said he is not worse than the typical harem game MC. There are many many games where the protagonist acts like Eric, or worse.
Personally... I was!
Realistically, that alone is more than a red flag and creepy and certainly reason enough to kick him on the streets. Keyword:
Not in a porn game.
But realistically, a guy out of highschool that creeps on the sister of his girlfriend or mother etc also deserves to be kicked out. Keyword:
Also, realistically, a man can't 'perform' several times per day as we do in these games, doesn't drive women insane with his dick the first time he has sex and all that. Keyword:
And again realistically, people going after their mother, aunt and sisters are more that a bit problematic. Keyword: