Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2016
So is this like an uncucked BB? I've never played BB cause the whole Eric drama sounded like a headache. Also if something is a parody it bypasses a lot of that area where people can REEEEEE about intellectual property and what not. This is how porn studios make movies with spiderman and batman and such.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
So is this like an uncucked BB?...
Also if something is a parody it bypasses a lot of that area...
It is different, in many ways, but similar in others. (It will have a cucked path, but most are not.)

At the moment I am not even stressing about intellectual property. Credit will be given, where due, while anything within is not my personal creation, or recreation. I am not selling this, or using it as anything more than an experiment and a stepping-stone to my own creation.

Without any actual "legal copyrights", it would just be a social conflict. I honestly don't think any of the artists would even step-up and "Claim ownership", because that would actually implicate them about their actual "ownership" of the models and actual "copyrighted material", they are using, which is owned by others than themselves. However, when it comes to ME being perused by the actual copyright owners, I can safely point them to the actual creators. :p

I have translated a few of the posts where the models were obtained, and they are clearly incriminating. Just as many of mine are, in some instances.

Within a few weeks, I will have plenty of money to create my own characters as full replacements. That was the other reason I was focusing more on the code, and less on the patch-work shell of a story. I could have just used RenPy, with the default settings, to make an adequate portrayal of the concept. I opted for the more logical creation path.

Actually, at the moment, I have created part of one whole day of text, for the story. Still figuring-out what images I have to rename. (The more I rename, the less there is left, to rename. But, at the moment, there is well over 1000 images to filter-through, to find the ones I need for the story parts. 1396 images, to be exact.)


Nov 11, 2016
I've watched through your video.
And after it I had the next couple of questions.

Are you going to make new images or reuse the images from the original game?
Will it be easily moddable by the community? :)


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I've watched through your video.
And after it I had the next couple of questions.

Are you going to make new images or reuse the images from the original game?
Will it be easily moddable by the community? :)
For the speed of a faster release, I will be recycling images from the game. Originally, I wanted to "keep them in the game", but after some thought, I decided that I will be replacing them with my original art.

The reason I "need" to replace them, is because, after close inspection, they are not suitable for use in my game. There is all sorts of issues with them.

I would go into all the issues wrong with them, but I am avoiding another TLDR posting. :p

Yes, it should be easy to mod, but I will try my best to make it even easier, if possible. I LOVE modifiable games, especially those that don't require programming knowledge to modify them. I will try my best to "cater to the writers", in that respect.

When it comes to modding:
- Image-swaps are easy mods... (Replacing stock images with new ones)
- Dialogue-swaps are easy mods... (Rewording existing dialogue, so they say something different.)
- Adding extra images and removal or the addition of dialogue, is a little more complex, and requires coding knowledge, to do.
- Changing the game-dynamics will demand coding knowledge. But adjusting the existing dynamics, is kind-of easy.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
If you had to give an ETA what would it be?
I am now writing the game dialogues, and adding all the "required images", needed for the first release. If things continue to go well, it should be a few days to get it up for testing and review.

Required images:
I made the code, seen in the last video, which tells the game to "show", the characters at the locations on the game-screen. However, I had not actually renamed and resized all the images, of them, at those specific locations yet. That is why I had to disable the part of code which showed them on the screen. Otherwise RenPy would have just kept displaying "missing image" placeholders as the characters cycled through the schedules, or crashed, complaining that the images don't exist.

It will be ready after all images needed, are complete. I am just adding some initial dialogue, or it isn't actually a story... It would just be a tech-demo.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
It is looking like I might have a thanksgiving release...

Code-wise, it is 99% done, ready for playing, up to that 1% point.

Here is a video of last-night's efforts. (Started last-night, and just finished now.) Currently only one known "bug", related to random-selection of locations and "replaying". Things which have a random value, which is nothing critical at the moment, will re-roll if rolling back, then rolling forward again. As far as I know, it isn't an intended design of RenPy. Defeats the purpose of rolling backwards and forwards. It is essentially altering your history, without your intervention! {Clicking to make new choices, from the past, you would expect new results. Not on replays.}

I have a potential work-around, but it is not detrimental to "playing", only "replaying".

So... Here is the video.

The focus of the video is to show the many individual "generic" displays for when a character is at a location. Additionally, I mention the upgraded "schedules", which give you more potential variations and path-crossings. Most images have various levels of exposure, which changes with the comfort levels of the household occupants. Things like "closed doors", are overlays, which have to be coded still. Those images exist, but are just not used, in code, yet.


Nov 11, 2016
+1 For chocolate and chicken pie.
No joking, interesting video.
Though it now mostly replicates the original game (storywise)
I'm really looking forward to what new story you implement
and if the characters will be less annoying.
(I mean, they all nag alot and there is not much love in the game,
just let's do this and that stuff)


Should probably have more buttons for skipping time, 30 minutes and an hour would be a good start.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Should probably have more buttons for skipping time, 30 minutes and an hour would be a good start.
I agree... I am just unsure how I want to implement that yet.

I think I may tie extra "waiting" options, which is a supplement of "sleeping and napping", to the protagonists bedroom. The 15 minutes, was specific to my testing.

I just woke-up, so once my coffee is done, I will try to finish-up some of this writing. If I get the rest of the images done, so they ALL get uploaded with the first release. That will make most of the future updates only being code-changes. For the moment, that should severely limit ALL heavy-weight downloads.

I believe I have enough of the core non-sexual images completed. (They have nudity, but no sex in them.) That is, at-least 20-30 potential updates which should not require more than the core-release and whatever current update code will be needed.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
When will the first version be released?
I am adamantly busting my ass, to get it out, ASAP. I started making this on October 7th, last month...

Until I have all the "playable kinks" worked-out, I can not faithfully release it for review. I promise, I am literally only a day, or two, from a playable release. Four, at the tops. (If I don't keep getting stalled or interrupted.)

I would post another video, but at the moment, it is all code-work at the moment. Nothing has changed in the way it functions. It is the "events" and "quests", system that I am completing, so I can finish writing the story. (Which requires those interactions for the remaining part.)

There is a lot of shit happening here, at the moment, at home...
- Mother recently passed about a month ago. (Left us the house, which we are living in at the moment, which we can't afford. So it has been put on the market.)
- One contractor, the pool-guy, is still screwing-around, stalling the sale of the house. He started working before my mother passed, and has yet to finish his job of restoring the pool. Fucking idiot filled it, leaving the water running for four days, before WE turned it off. At which point, the whole fucking pool drained-out, back to the bottom-drain. That took one day to happen. So, he fucked us out of five pools worth of water, plus the one still needed to fill it, once he fixes it.
- Had to apartment-shop, which went fine... Until we signed and they gave us a crappy-ass shadow of what they showed us, for "the model we would be getting". Still waiting to move-in, pending the corrections of all the crap from the walk-through inspection.
- Our house has had over 30+ showings in this month. (Rolling eyes at the unpainted -> painted -> Filled -> drained pool situation) Had three offers. Only one was worthy to accept, so we accepted it. They signed to the agreement, but are still poking around the house, on random days, before actually completing the sale. (That is normal for a buyer to do.)
- My sister totaled her car, literally... Luckily, it's totaled, and she is alright. So, she is waiting for a settlement check, to determine if she wants to purchase my mothers old car, from the rest of us in the estate, or just get another one. We kind-of need it to move, and live at the new location.
- Going crazy trying to find a new home for the dog. Half lab, half pit, mix.
- Um, thanksgiving... I didn't kill the pool-guy... So it was not actually a "good" day, just stressful.
- All of the above, stacked on top of me being a full-time babysitter/day-care for my nephew. While my sister, his mother, works 60+ hours a week.
- Lastly, with myself being a "dishwasher", for what little living I have left... I am making this game.

So... Hopefully in a few days... Unless there is a fucking earthquake or an atomic explosion next! :p

Oh, and my "car" (an electric unicycle), got a flat-tire, after 5000+ miles of riding it everywhere.
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Dec 28, 2016
Take your time, at the very least, we can keep ourselves occupied with all the others games that will come seeing that this is the release week so don't kill yourself at work (even if i want that conversion more than the next beta of the game)
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Take your time, at the very least, we can keep ourselves occupied with all the others games that will come seeing that this is the release week so don't kill yourself at work (even if i want that conversion more than the next beta of the game)
No, I WANT this game out too. LOL (I work best under pressure. Honestly, it is a diversion from reality, which is much needed at the moment. Maybe I am slightly masochistic... :p )

I want to get, at-least, the initial launch done quick. (I was going to just release the introduction, which is sort-of long, but that ship has sailed. I didn't want people thinking that the game was just going to look, and function, like a "typical RenPy game".)

Even "Mr Dots" game has a custom interface, for some of it. I doubt his success would have been the same, if he used RenPy's default setup. RenPy's interface is quite annoying and ghetto-looking, if you have not yet seen it. Like it is from the 1990's, or early 2000. (But for simple people, and simple things, it is fine. I am hardly simple and I don't expect my audience to be, either.)

When it comes to financials, at the moment... I can't even afford the tire-tube for the ONE wheel of my unicycle. It's like $7.95, shipped. {:FeelsBadMan:, I have like $11 now in my Patreon account, but not even a bank to withdraw it to, at the moment. :tf:Ironic.} (Can't get bent-neck fill-tubes anywhere around here. So I have to order that online. I was lucky finding the tire itself, which a co-worker purchased for me.)

However, soon I will have enough money to do a LOT more. But the process takes time to complete. (The house sale, the assets sales and life-insurance policy that she left us with. Literally, a month, or two, away from being settled-out. It has cost us tons, in advance, just to sustain it long enough so that banks don't come take it all from us. You gotta spend money to get money. Welcome to reality! :p )
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
When will the first version be released?
Sorry if that seemed RANT-like... :p

That wasn't my intentions. It was late, and that was the first reply I came home to, after work.

The shorter reply would be... Follow me on Patreon, or here, and keep an eye on the first post, or read backwards through my late-thread posts, like this reply, to you, now. I maintain the updates as new progress happens, in the first thread, but only after posting in later threads, here.

Members here will have FIRST notice of progress, over Patreon. However, the delay will only be like a day or two apart. I expect to post the more "debugged" versions ONLY on Patreon. Here, at F95, everyone is an "early release" beta-tester. :p
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