Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
It is commendable to have ideas, but have you done any benchmark scene setting, model setup and rendering so you know how long it will take you to do all this?

You could use unreal engine 4, import DAZ models and pose them however you like from whatever angle you like, without ever having to render.

Use the engine only for scene setup and model setup, then render pictures from different angles for the story.
It would certainly expedite matters.

I am still to this day not sure, why everyone is using DAZ for the rendering. Just set the models, clothe them, then export and light and render in UE4.
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Oct 8, 2017
we hated eric for sticking his fingers in our pie,imagine the possibilities when we are eric and max is trying to stop us eating all his for thought here(god im hungry now)
i recommend a bacon sandwich
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Lightning Emperor
May 14, 2017
you cant have 1 bacon sandwich,it has to be two but wait what about breakfast on barm or go full breakfast with toast.thats it im going to the kitchen;)


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
RobJoy... UE4 is a game-engine, not a rendering-engine. It comes nowhere near the quality of a rendered image. Exporting raw models, without pre-burning the shadows, looks like crap. (Looks like old-school Quake-I.)

Besides, I don't know how to program with UE4. Nor does the majority have adequate processing-power to handle live-rendering of Daz3D models. Each model has more polygons than most entire games have. Plus, limited ability to expand. Raw images are much faster and can be rendered on anything that has a screen... Even game-boy.

Well, here is the GUI update. I have a greater majority of the art and setup finished. A few more things to nail-down, and I can release something to play... sort-of... :p



Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
It looks even better than the original. I kinda wonder how do you plan to fill those rooms when it comes to new relations? Max is still with Lisa in a room?
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Yes, Max will still be with Lisa. He wasn't expected to return home, so he is sort-of bunking with her, due to lack of space and the fact that the older one demands privacy. (She is also sort-of paying rent.) Lisa just doesn't care. She isn't in a position to argue, as she is failing school and jobless.

Stuff that will come to light, as the story unfolds.

Again, for the moment, I am going to focus on the initial artwork being the dictator of the story.


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
I'm waiting for this much more that's for sure. If not for a BB's renders it looks like another top-tier patreon game rather than mod. Final product will tell what's better but since BB isn't exactly in the best shape right now, I wil gladly wait for this one.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Please Please Please at the start give us the option to switch off anal
Hmm... I didn't even think of the option to turn things on or off...

I'll compromise... You can select to do it, or not, in dialogue. (Do it once, and it assumes you would naturally select to do it again. Avoid it and your response determines if you never see that option again.)

UPDATE: Finished the painful code that handles the dates and times... Now I can punch-in a start date, and time, and it changes appropriately with real calendar dates and real time. (No more military time and 3000 day summers!)

Unfortunately, for those where the "Locale" would fuck my shit up, I have purposely hard-coded days and months in English. (Translations possible, I believe. If not, I can make them available. Just have to make sure they fit the format.)

EG, no EU/RU/JP/CN etc...

Now, since this story moves faster, and more progressive in nature, everything consumes time. (Even walking from room to room. 1-min at the least.) The goal is to get it setup so the whole thing can reasonably be "beat", within a 6-month game-time period. (It will still look like summer all year round, but no swimming for the time beyond the expected 6-months. Like that would matter anyways. They still have plenty to do in the house and possibly around town.)

1: Finish the digital clock graphics, so it can report HH:MM AM/PM without a billion images.
2: Knock-out a couple of "selection" graphics, which are duplicates for appeasing RenPy's demanding button-images.
3: Setup the "dialogue boxes" and "choice selection", styles
4: Add-in the generic facial-expressions (No expressions yet. Just the smiling faces while they talk.)
5: Create the face-icons, to indicate where everyone is located.
6: Setup the "TOWN", area, for at-least the clothing-store, "Work", and "????". For when people are at work or in an unknown location. (Mother/Father at work. Sister works at the clothing-shop, and will be there working or shopping.)
7: Finish the introduction story...
8: Upload and wait for others to report broken shit...
9: Fix broken shit and extend the story and facial-expressions.
10: Post some TLDR stuff...
11: Decompress my brain...
12: Goto #8 and repeat, until everyone has tennis-elbows and/or carpel-tunnel syndrome.


Nov 11, 2016
I don't know where you stand with the story or what your intentions are with the characters.
But in my personal opinion, DS made some annoying/naieve/manipulative characters.

The models look great and some of the ideas in the originals were simehow okay,
but if you really are going to make a new game, please don't let your characters act the same as in DS's game.

Let them be more nice and or at least give the possibility to be a nice guy and no the manipulative little breat Max is.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I don't know where you stand with the story or what your intentions are with the characters.
But in my personal opinion, DS made some annoying/naieve/manipulative characters.

The models look great and some of the ideas in the originals were simehow okay,
but if you really are going to make a new game, please don't let your characters act the same as in DS's game.

Let them be more nice and or at least give the possibility to be a nice guy and no the manipulative little breat Max is.
That is exactly my goal. I had the same issues and noticed that others did as well.

I have no experience in being a total dick-head like the characters in the game, so you will find a slightly softer side to these characters. They actually have substance.

If you read a few posts back, I do go into some great detail of what to expect. I will try to summarize those TLDR posts, into the main TLDR posting of the first thread. The subject-matter will be similar, but that is about it.
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Apr 29, 2017
(No more military time and 3000 day summers!)

Unfortunately, for those where the "Locale" would fuck my shit up, I have purposely hard-coded days and months in English. ...

Now, since this story moves faster, and more progressive in nature, everything consumes time. (Even walking from room to room. 1-min at the least.) The goal is to get it setup so the whole thing can reasonably be "beat", within a 6-month game-time period. (It will still look like summer all year round, but no swimming for the time beyond the expected 6-months. Like that would matter anyways. They still have plenty to do in the house and possibly around town.)
Just as a thought, you could have the story set some where tropical where the environment would support all year round swimming. Or, since it's a complete fantasy anyways, just hand wave it away. Or even have the character mention that they are glad the pool is heated now that the temperature is getting colder, and maybe have them stop sun tanning for 3 months while it's "A bit nippy" outside. etc etc etc.

I think locking the character into or out of actions because they took too long feels really bad. Total side note but i was playing this game called Kingdom New Lands (gasp yes, a non porn game) and I finally quit playing it because the 'time limit' to finish a level was really frustrating. You'd get to winter and you were basically fucked and all the farms you'd built were now worthless. I don't know if the game had endless winter or if it was just SUPER long (like an hour or more) but either way it was really frustrating and I quit because of it.

So I'd really be careful about how you handle the locking of content. You don't know how fast / slow people are going to play, and while you might be able to get everything done in 6 months, someone else might make the 'wrong' choices and then get locked out.

Alternatively, maybe you could have two seasons, summer and winter. Then have specific events that only happen during each. Like, you can only get them tanning on the deck during the summer six months, but then balance it with some other regular scenes during the winter? Of course the real problem with this is none of the fan art really supports a change of seasons.

TLDR: I would suggest not doing seasons, hand wave it away. But if you do, make it worth it for the player.
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Nov 11, 2016
Just as a thought, you could have the story set some where tropical where the environment would support all year round swimming. Or, since it's a complete fantasy anyways, just hand wave it away. Or even have the character mention that they are glad the pool is heated now that the temperature is getting colder, and maybe have them stop sun tanning for 3 months while it's "A bit nippy" outside. etc etc etc.

I think locking the character into or out of actions because they took too long feels really bad. Total side note but i was playing this game called Kingdom New Lands (gasp yes, a non porn game) and I finally quit playing it because the 'time limit' to finish a level was really frustrating. You'd get to winter and you were basically fucked and all the farms you'd built were now worthless. I don't know if the game had endless winter or if it was just SUPER long (like an hour or more) but either way it was really frustrating and I quit because of it.

So I'd really be careful about how you handle the locking of content. You don't know how fast / slow people are going to play, and while you might be able to get everything done in 6 months, someone else might make the 'wrong' choices and then get locked out.

Alternatively, maybe you could have two seasons, summer and winter. Then have specific events that only happen during each. Like, you can only get them tanning on the deck during the summer six months, but then balance it with some other regular scenes during the winter? Of course the real problem with this is none of the fan art really supports a change of seasons.

TLDR: I would suggest not doing seasons, hand wave it away. But if you do, make it worth it for the player.
I depends a lot on how he implements the concept "seasons".
You could fast forward after a specific time or something.

Also Lisa in a christmas suit would be a nice view.

EDIT: a "sexy" christmas suit ofcourse
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Ob Nixillis

Aug 1, 2017
RobJoy... UE4 is a game-engine, not a rendering-engine. It comes nowhere near the quality of a rendered image. Exporting raw models, without pre-burning the shadows, looks like crap. (Looks like old-school Quake-I.)

Besides, I don't know how to program with UE4. Nor does the majority have adequate processing-power to handle live-rendering of Daz3D models. Each model has more polygons than most entire games have. Plus, limited ability to expand. Raw images are much faster and can be rendered on anything that has a screen... Even game-boy.

Well, here is the GUI update. I have a greater majority of the art and setup finished. A few more things to nail-down, and I can release something to play... sort-of... :p

View attachment 30779
And a single tear was shed at the realization that the floppy is no longer the "save icon"

Truly the end of an era...
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