Big Brother Torrid affairs pre-release discussion [locked]

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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
And a single tear was shed at the realization that the floppy is no longer the "save icon"

Truly the end of an era...
I struggled with that realization too... Still google's top return for "save icons". :p

Clock without a billion images... (One fore each minute would have been needed, for this style.)

1x Background (The clock-body and : symbol, and the unlit LEDs)
12x Numbers, (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1_,__) {One is blank, and the 1 for 12 is unique.}
2x AM, PM

The final result... Look real enough?

new clock.jpg

MORE NOTES: I was thinking of using tints, where possible, and background-changes for slight time-of-day relation. (Depending on the actual type of lighting of the scene. Inside with lights on, not much would change, unless you were looking out a window.)

Location... I was thinking somewhere isolated, in the tropics too. Seasons can be simulated with clothing. (When I get that far.)

Back to working on the dialogue-boxes now... (The blue text.) That should not take long. I am just going to steal some formatting from one of my other games.
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Jw hm money it actually takes to purchase all the assets to even make the models for the BB cast
My biggest gripe with Daz's business model for sales, is this... The shit cost almost as much, or more than shit in the real world.

$300 for a model... I'd rather hire a hooker/stripper to pose for $100.
$30 for a t-shirt that is sold in stores as a pack of three for $10.
$10 Space-station, with full components to build your own, accessories to fit it, and tons of textures... Oh wait, that is a reasonable price. (Which is why they actually sell hundreds of those, while the other greedy fuckers live off two or three pirate-sales. Pirates who then release it for free. :p)

Though, in all honesty, if shit was cheaper, and sold... They would end-up with billions of items to manage. I told them that they should focus on render-farm services. Access to all models, it's the renderings that you pay for. No wasted hard-drive space. Just quick download the needed assets, pose, tweak and click render. Poof, 2-minutes later you have a 20K rendering, ready for post-work. Or 4K, if you are cheap... :p


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
RobJoy... UE4 is a game-engine, not a rendering-engine. It comes nowhere near the quality of a rendered image. Exporting raw models, without pre-burning the shadows, looks like crap. (Looks like old-school Quake-I.)

Besides, I don't know how to program with UE4. Nor does the majority have adequate processing-power to handle live-rendering of Daz3D models. Each model has more polygons than most entire games have. Plus, limited ability to expand. Raw images are much faster and can be rendered on anything that has a screen... Even game-boy.

Well, here is the GUI update. I have a greater majority of the art and setup finished. A few more things to nail-down, and I can release something to play... sort-of... :p

View attachment 30779
I find that this UI is too large and top icons are amateurish.
Try going for white flat icons,.. or any single color ones at that.
Rooms can be rounded squares with about 5px seperation, instead of rectangles that take up too much space.
Adobe Ilustrator is the way to go. Not pint.Net or Photoshop....
If I was making this, I would create a clean UI instead of this.

Still, that is designer in me talking. No hard feelings.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I find that this UI is too large and top icons are amateurish.
Try going for white flat icons,.. or any single color ones at that.
Rooms can be rounded squares with about 5px seperation, instead of rectangles that take up too much space.
Adobe Ilustrator is the way to go. Not pint.Net or Photoshop....
If I was making this, I would create a clean UI instead of this.

Still, that is designer in me talking. No hard feelings.
No hard feelings... I didn't make the top icons. They are intentionally generic "fat" clip-art style crap. Placeholders until I have my actual artwork.

They are all one color... White... Do you mean solid color, vector-art? That is ghetto. I don't want it to look like a cheap "wanna-be illustrator" (Andy Warhol), 1980's apple clip-art crap. It's a 3D game in 2017, played on 1080p and 4K resolutions with billions of colors, not pong. That would clash with the style and the times.

As for the "large buttons", they are large, because they also have to hold the face-icons for who is in those locations. (Just below the text of the room.)

I actually use PaintShopPro (The old one, when it was still made by JASC. {Cringe}) Illustrator is vector crap that doesn't work in games unless you convert it to a raster-image. Photoshop does almost everything that Illustrator does. But at the end of the day, it comes down to what I have at my disposal, and what I am fastest with. Which is, unfortunately, PaintShopPro. (That is a sad fact that I admit. It has horrible alpha-layers and crappy tools.)

In time, as I flesh it out, it will be less generic. Again, at this point in the design phase, it is about finding the proper, functional locations for everything. Playing this, it feels quite functional so far. Windowed, it feels awesome to play. (Should play well, potentially, on a phone or smaller screen, or windowed.)

However, there is a proper place for clip-art style art... The text-bubbles will traditionally be "comic style". Because, there, in that instance, it is an appropriate use of clip-art. (Flat-colors and simple lines.)

Who knows... throw-up some sample art and I may find a home for it in the future. I am hardly a graphic-designer. Part of being a "jack of all trades", is that you are not bound to such limitations as your own specialties. The flaw with that, is there is little bounds to constrain you to anything specific. It's a catch-22.

I am open to all suggestions, at this phase. As long as they don't impede development further than my own suggestions. :p

Actually, I may change the icons to be the "ZZZ..." (Sleep) icon, and the (Phone), which holds the stats, notes and info... As well as being a tool to interact with.

The SAVE/LOAD icon isn't actually needed, nor is the settings. (The 2nd mouse button brings-up the menu-screen. However, on phones, there is no 2nd mouse button.)
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Apr 29, 2017
Hey Noesisandnoema,
I was thinking about your mod this weekend as I was puttering about my house and a thought occurred to me that I wanted to share with you. I own a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, ranch style house with a large back yard. It takes me roughly 5 seconds to walk from one part of the house to another. I can easily look for my wife in every room in my house in the space of a minute, including looking out a window to see if she's on the back deck or in the back yard somewhere. It certainly doesn't take me a minute to walk the three feet to the next room down the hall.

Now you may have a game balance reason why moving from room to room takes a minute on the clock, and if so, you can ignore me. But I have to wonder if it's necessary. 1. it seems like it isn't. 2. it's just extra code that could be an issue down the road. 3. it's extra code that needs to be written (why make extra work for yourself. 4. it feels a little strange to me personally that moving from one room to the next wastes a minute of time.

Anyways, that was my thought, just curious on your feelings on the matter. Thanks.
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Ok I kinda like this idea.

1. Please bring in kissing if you can. If going with the same story like that BB has then start out with family style kiss and once relationships develop then move to more styles of kissing.
2. Sex scenes are lacking in that if going the same as BB put in more movement, 1st pic just starting, 2nd pic 1/4 way in, 3rd pic 1/2 way in and so on. Or actual animation would be better.
3. Leave the naming up to the player like other games have it. IE Dating my Daughter.
4. Leave family ties to the player to choose.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Hey Noesisandnoema,
I was thinking about your mod this weekend as I was puttering about my house and ...
... just curious on your feelings on the matter. Thanks.
Yes, I realized this when I made my first game with minutes as the time-pusher...

Big-Brother uses hours for most actions. While some consume no time at all. This will not be that much of a variation from that. With the exception that some things will consume some time, and others may not consume whole hours. Yet, others will consume more than an hour.

I will not be counting actions like going from room to room, it will be actions done in rooms, consuming at-least a minute. (Plus, you don't want to spend three real days playing, and only end-up having progressed three game-days. There are 1440 minutes in a day. Imagine if you had to click 1440 times, to get past one day! It would be worse if it were only seconds passing! There are 86,400 seconds in a day... Mice only have about 60,000 to 250,000 clicks. You would need a new mouse every five days! :p

EG: Looking for your wife V.S. taking a minute to spy on her, before entering.

Proposed actions, as of now, include some of the following. (Only available, if there is an associated result from doing it. You will NOT have a long-ass list of actions or icons to select. :p)
- Looking (Not peeping, but hesitating to see what is going-on.)
- Peeping/Spying (Like a ninja, you hope, you are leering around corners and walking quietly across floors, to peep around corners, through windows, cracked doors and key-holes.)
- Listening (Simply seeing if you can hear something going-on in a room, or another room, before entering.)
- Searching (A casual ransacking of a rooms contents.)
- Talking (More than just "Hello", when there is something to say.)
- Compliments (Basic "You look great today", flattery.)
- Suggestion (A leveled action that allows you to get-away with saying suggestive comments. +corruption/desire)
- Casual contact (Seemingly innocent contact that would normally be reserved for close individuals.)
- Caressing
- Kissing
- Seduction
- Belittlement
- Groping
- Cleaning
- Quickies
-------> (these, above, ultimately lead to the lower things)
- Cross-encounters (2+ people, other than yourself and another person.)
- Fucking {Many various instances and time-consuming activities here.}
- Training (Sub/Dom and various other things you manage to convince others to help you with, or to help them with.)

Etc... Etc... Etc...

For the following post, above.

Yes, I plan to make this more of a leveled progression. Starting with more innocent actions, unless you are pushing for the more dominating and greedy roles/paths. There is honestly NO WRONG ANSWERS when it comes to selecting choices. The outcomes may not be exactly what you expect, at first... But, you are crafting the story, not playing a game.

I may be able to do some animated clips, but not full-video animations. It would be enough to appease those who don't like all "static" content. (That will surely be a later addition. I am coming into some financial freedom in the next few weeks, to a few months... The first thing I plan on doing is buying three more "Titan-X" video-cards for rendering.)

I am about to post a quick video of the progress so far. Just some shots of the custom user-interface progress.

I have two more graphics to setup, for the questions/answers (choices), component. Then I can wrap-up the rest of the facial-expressions and mini-icons for the side-buttons. That is a few more items crossed-off the list. I spent the last two days, fighting code and reformatting a lot of the names. There was a conflict between my use of special characters in my names, and the code that was processing the images.

The good news about that issue being resolved, with the names, was the fact that I found a few neat tricks. Some code became a lot easier in the process. (End-result, is that further coding of the story will be faster than expected.)


Jul 20, 2017
Not a huge fan of the UI theme/colour. Generally brown is a no go since it rarely matches with colours. DS has it right black and yellow go well together. Green and red also integrate seamlessly with the black main UI colour.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Not a huge fan of the UI theme/colour. Generally brown is a no go since it rarely matches with colours. DS has it right black and yellow go well together. Green and red also integrate seamlessly with the black main UI colour.
All tweakable... I have the colors, at the moment, for ease of discerning between layers and content. I am more concerned with the space it occupies, and the general shapes and locations. For simplicity and "novelty", I set it up like a photo-album, in style. Brown is like grey, except that it is a mutable tone. It helps to define edges and provide decent shade-contrast, without blinding "whites".

Also, I had a lot of black text that I had to align. Originally, it was a black background. (Thus my other need to change it, while developing.)

I am not a fan of brown, myself. I prefer black and yellows, like big-brother uses.

I may even have a "style" option. It is just an overlay PNG. The other idea I was playing with, was the style of a computer-screen, which you will see when you use the computer. RenPy does some awesome graphical shit, without much coding effort.
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Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
What about the ochre or sephia colors for a background? The lighter tones of those 2 ranges?


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
What about the ochre or sephia colors for a background? The lighter tones of those 2 ranges?
Talk about irony... Our house is being listed to sell (Mothers house, left to us. She just passed.), and I just got done using linseed oil to refinish all the wood in the house. Preparing the house for listing was an all-day event. Though, honestly, it has been going-on for the past two months. (She was well aware of her limited time left. Sad that she was essentially forced to dig her own grave, with her time left.)

I'll try to come-up with some designs for community approval. Which to include, exclude, and to use as the default. It's a simple thing to add, which I know people may like to tweak. Just like forums. Some like it black, some like it dark, stark-white, colored... etc.

Well, 90% of the game's function is now complete. It should not be too-much longer now, before the first release. Thanks to whose who have replied and contributed opinions and observations so far. That helped.

IRONY: Linseed oil, used to protect raw woods naturally, and also used in oil-paints. Commonly used for colors like ochre and sepia bases, with pigments added. My mother, like myself, was also an artist, who painted with oil-colors and loved to decorate the house with those two colors. (Stained natural-grain woods.)
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've literally started checking f95zone every day just to check on updates to this thread. :)
That is encouraging, honestly... However, take a break for a few days. I am, due to trying to do this and handle the estate at the same time. Besides, these damn face-icons and emotes, are a LOT of grunt-work. I also have to throw-in a few alternate "key words", so I don't have to keep looking-up what unique word I used for the exact emotion I am trying to convey in the text. Some expressions, I have no idea what the original artist was attempting to convey.
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