I don't ever remember being able to get a blow job from that scene, but I maybe wrong it has been well over 4 years now since I last played the game.
I can say this though, back when version .10 came out a lot of triggers for "all" quests were put in all other quests so you had to do almost every quest at the same time.
The only one I know of that you can stay away from until after you get rid of eric is the girlfriend quests.
I found this from examining the codes, and I have no idea how to actually trigger the event.
# --- Попытка разговора с Алисой насчёт того случая в ванной|Conversation about after club event in the bathroom
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.init@0@Насчёт ванны ночью...|About that time in the bathroom at night...
alisa.try.talkaboutbath@32@Ты о чём, Макс?|What are you talking about?
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back!set_alisa.talkaboutbath_2^ Ну, ты вернулась ночью из клуба и мы разговаривали в ванной...|About the talk we had in the bathroom when you came back from the club
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back@23@Я не помню такого... Тебе приснилось!|I don't remember anything...
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back.show!add_alisa.mood_-50^ Ты мне кое-что показала...|You showed me something...
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back.done^ Ты мне кое-что сделала...|You did something...
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back.done^ Мы делали кое-что...|We did something...
alisa.try.talkaboutbath.back.sorry!add_alisa.mood_50^ Да, ну извини...|Oh, then I'm sorry I guess