Ok i tried a little "speed up" of the game using a mouse emulator i wrote, and the result is you can cheat from the start but only few things, you may miss some events but are minor and does not affect any path.
You can cheat money, you can cheat relationship but only up to warm, you can cheat mood but i suggest not going above 200, sorry this is misleading, not cheating more than 200, meaning that if you already have 250 you can go up to 450, you can cheat dexterity, and you can cheat Persuasion but only after you already ended the first 3 lessons, you can cheat luck as the scripted event where you get caught are forced, and you can cheat the spiders but not hiding the spider in the room, you can also cheat Eric influence but do not go below 40 % on mom.
With that said all other cheats, must be used only after the related event is flagged and the skill training has already started.
I hope someone will get some help from this test.