HTML - Completed - Bimbo House [v1.3.0] [Haematite]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    need more games like this bimbo html style
    would be nice for a v2 or new make with a long story or so.
    Overall quick play but good.
    would recommenf for people to try this out.
    Great actors and all sucks it was short
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    An excellent execution of its core concept. I have to remove a star because of the real porn thing, and associated issues, but outside of that, this is an excellent quick bimbofication game, and probably one of the best available on the site.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I remember playing the 1.11 version quite a bit and enjoying this game. My review would echo a few of the others here that it's a very well done game with a solid premise and good writing, but maybe feels a little shallow. While a game about bimbos being shallow might seem natural, I think even a good game like this has room to improve. But to be frank, the game is both sexy and fun in my opinion with just enough complexity to keep it interesting, and enough lewd to make it fappable.

    Certainly someone who enjoys bimbo transformation fetishes would enjoy this game greatly. Because even I liked it quite a bit and that's not one of my specific kinks.

    Definitely worth a download and check out.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A very "Big Brother" style game, where you try to "outbimbofy the others before they bimbofy you first. Which is a rather unique concept in the porn game world. However the idea is not developed. Once I understood the principle of winning, I never red any of the text. The trick is just to click and click and grind and grind untill you exhaust all possible actions. That's it.
    If there are more girls, it could only slow you down. If you want to have fun, ask the author to come up with something.
    My toughts:
    Add depth somehow. I know it's bimbo game, yet there has to be something more than simple clicking.
    Add interaction with the public.
    Change posibility to have sex, but no orgasm. Orgasm=disqualify.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I quite enjoyed this game and the very nature of it, that being trial and error alongside a transformation focus. It takes multiple attempts or a guide to finish the game properly, but it offers enough hints and variation to keep it fun and interesting to play through multiple sessions of.

    The selection of girls was quite good and varied, and due to their varied scenes and random encounters it made it difficult to get burned out over seeing a specific one. However, some variation may have been nice, perhaps an asian character would've fit in rather nicely among the selection chosen.

    The only criticism I would have is perhaps having a bit more variation in the way transformations are handled, since they all seem to just make you lose clothes rather than change how you act and have the clothes be separate.

    It does however feel like a fully completed version of the game which inspired it, which is good enough for my tastes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it had to play twice! Simple web images fun to see all the outcomes. Wish it was a bit longer and larger but nothing to complain about here. Hot models and good story line what else can i say! why does this review need to be 200 characters?
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice Html game with pictures. The Premise, a female contestant with other ladies who try to 'bimbofy' the others, has been done before. But it's done pretty well here, and the creator has been updating.