Except it's not your average VN. It already has more branching paths than many other VNs ever do, as seen by the vast amount of choices each path offers. With five new characters teased but not yet introduced, the game's complexity will only skyrocket, especially since every decision requires a traceable flag in the code. For reference, look at the coding of GGGB and ORS to see what I mean.
It's not the comics that have been taking his time away from BD, but commissions. Don't confuse the two. This is clear from the status report and on Discord.
DA has also mentioned that he has a full-time job and works on BD as a hobby whenever he has the time. Seriously no one reads the status reports?

So sad that people in this thread keep discussing development time, even though it's against the rules, instead of its plot.
We don't get any more updates on Discord than we do on Patreon. Once a month, someone asks a question and gets an answer, and that's about it.