nice game is borken.
There is a point where you can no longer do damage to the enemy and he is invincible. It definitely needs to be fixed. It's only a skeleton but there is a mistake in it.
and more bugs View attachment 4514884
I would rather wait for a playable version the game has far too many errors
Some skeletons have an invisible barrier. If you keep drawing cards you will eventually get a spell to break an invisible barrier. Just use your self buffing cards until you get to the barrier breaking spell
Not sure if dev is on these forums but my feedback on this current build which is also linked to above
Constructive feedback;
1) Enemy cards used in their turn vanish so fast you can't read them. It mentions that they cast an invisible barrier but it goes so fast you can't see it. All cards used during enemy turn should remain on screen to hover over them so you can see what they did in their turn
2) Stuff vanishing too fast is a common issue throughout the game, I got to the goblin breeding cage and the text went away so fast I was unable to read it and worse yet this choice doesn't say what you are accepting and since the text was gone I just had to guess. I clicked ACCEPT and got an instant game over
3) The inventory system needs work. For some reason I can't accept this loot eventhough my inventory is empty but there is nothing to tell me why I can't accept the loot. It would be better if we had two screens. An inventory screen and an equip screen so that we don't have to risk discarding stuff we can't replace anyway. There are also items that don't say what they do. I keep getting what look like book pages but I don't know if they do anything
4) Linked back with stuff vanishing too fast... H-Scenes have potential but they go so fast you blink you miss it. This needs improving. The enemy h-card events need to be longer and perhaps have more stages to them with an impact of them reaching the final stage
5) On the topic of h-scenes at the moment this is a dungeon crawling card battler game primarily with very tiny amounts of h-content added in. This could be improved vastly by adding enemy specific game overs as well as event based game overs. I also get you are going for this whole dungeon repeater style game but without a perk system and level up system that has little to no point. Checkpoints would be better in the game's current design. I was also quite disappointed in the event choice for going into the goblin breeder cage that again there is no h-scene. Hopefully something you intend to add down the line
Overall a game filled with potential. I did enjoy the card combat but a lot of stuff could improve the game quite a bit. Better inventory system, better h-content and stuff not vanishing so fast as well as checkpoints all would go a long way to vastly improve the game
I don't think your game is going to work as a dungeon repeater in terms of only having one life without checkpoints. But it will work very well as an adult dungeon crawler with checkpoints