Oh wait she's literally called Merode in the game. I wonder how the name goof in the description happened.
OK it has to do with how her name is "spelled" in Japanese and how transliteration/translation software is inconsistent.
Her name is Merode, officially, but in japanese it's メロード. Since people don't tend to know how to read "moon runes" I'll give a quick run-down.
This writing is katakana. It's a phonetic alphabet meaning each character has a single sound and no other sound.
メ is "me" which is pronounced like "meh". Names like Ayame and Meiko use this sound.
ロ is "ro," which sounds like "row" as in "row row row your boat". HOWEVER, the letter L (technically R too but that's a separate explanation) does not exist in Japanese, so ロ is also "lo", again like "low".
the ー is an extender, it means the ロ should be drawn out a bit more. This is...hard to express in English terms because we don't really do it, but it's commonly used to transliterate words that have a hard L or R but no following vowel sound, like "Lord".
ド is "do", like "dough". You've said this a lot in your like: Kendo, judo, Aikido...you get the idea. Japanese only has one hard consonant ending sound, ン or "n" so words like "boat" transliterated end up as "boato" or "salad" as "salada".
So, in short, her name can be transliterated as: Merode, Melode, Melord, Melordo, Merordo, Merohdo, Meload, Mehloodo...all depending on who's reading it and/or what software you're using. Not helped by the fact that Merode isn't exactly a common word.