HTML - Blue Swallow [v0.7.3,1] [Blue Swallow]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a bit hard to make a review about an unfinished project (0.3B), thats why i wont give any points to different aspects, instead try to word it, but anyway, here we go

    i think the grammar is more than fine compared to some or most games, but still understandable even for not a native english speaker, and because its a text based game i think this is an important point (they also try make it as much enjoyable for not fans of this genre as possible, with choiches, pictures and kinetic text flow, instead just reading walls of text)
    sex scenes are well written as well, there are some quit different, however you can find reused scenes with different persons

    the character creation is uniqe enough, with quit a lot of option, even playing with genetics and how some stuff or aspect in life can determine others... however, its far from clear sometimes (even if i understand the narrative aspect, i hope later the stat system will be visible, because it can be frustrating if u want to reach something, and no matter how many times you try it, still cant reach it, because its not clear what you should change) but it surely gives you an oppurtunity to replay

    about the story, lets say its decent or interesting so far, with great possibilities ... i mean we get the instructions for now, the past...but how the actual story will look, the present... its hard to say
    with 0.3 you will get some ideas, how the stats will influence things further, but there are still some question marks, because its still part of the character creation

    about kinks... so far, its not much what i found... there are more like hints, what can come in the future

    visually... well its a text based game, you get a pixel image about you character, and nearly thats all, its still more then in same other, but not much to tell about yet, but they planning to add more stuff, as i read

    i really think, this is already a really good experience, with possibilities to become a really really good game, lets hope it stays on the right path
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very intriguing storytelling. It is clear the developer has serious writing talents. Though the graphics are lacking, dialogue is interesting and complex. Great to see more games in this genre now that the update frequency of Female Agent is moving at a glacial pace.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Ridiculously rich story, and while it doesn't have all that much in the way of art yet, what art it does have through the paperdoll system fits perfectly.

    Sex is (relatively) limited in this set up phase, but there's a good amount of tillation and at least a few distinct scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The Man Dude

    Hidden Gem in the making
    Version v0.2

    Has a great potential hopefully it won't get abandoned.
    Absolutely love the ammount of decisions hopefully most of them are meaningful. (It seems that way so far.)

    The UI can be a bit schizo at times. Switching between three different decision making systems. (buttons, rotating options on-click, dropdown menus)
    However I shan't complain because it still kind of works.

    I can happily say that I am looking forward to future updates.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring, unnecessary, pretentious word salad presented with annoying text effects and in an utterly confusing, inconsistent UI. It is supposed to be a "spy story", yet there's no story or a spy or any spying as of version 0.2. All it offers is a background creator for your imaginary spy with endless amount of pointless options, which asks you to even create her parents and then relive her life all the way from her childhood to college years making zillions of unnecessary choices that will never be used in the actual "game" which it may or may not feature in the future. Sounds familiar? It should, cause it seems like another attempt at the infamous "female spy project" (a la Female Agent) that will run only on people's imagination for a long time. The best thing to do is to ignore it, which is what I'm gonna do and I suggest you do the same.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Senor Smut

    Since the advent of Female Agent, there have been a few games about, well, female agents making the rounds. Like early versions of FA, Blue Swallow is focusing on building a detailed and highly interactive background filled with a plethora of options, each of which changes the MCs story. It's possible to play anything from prude to slut, party girl to nerd, big city girl to small town kid.

    Some specific notes:
    1. The only art present is a paper doll, similar to (though less polished than) Female Agent. Aside from that, this is a text-only game. This is neither a positive nor a negative.
    2. The descriptions used vary from excellently detailed to a bit sketched-in, but none that I've read so far go on long enough that you get bored, as happens in other similarly text heavy game. This is a very positive point.
    3. One of the early decisions is whether you want to be straight, bi, or lesbian. Unfortunately I found only one lesbian encounter (when you have the choice of deciding who your first was); aside from that, even after deciding to be a lesbian, your sexuality is still described as revolving wholly around boys and men. This is a strongly negative point -- if you aren't going to give full support to lesbian choices, then don't provide the option to choose being a lesbian; the choice should be Straight or Bi, or even dropped altogether in favor of a basically straight, occasionally bi MC. That's not so say that every, or even most, sex scenes in the game should be lesbian if the lesbian option is picked, as I suspect quite a lot of the sex scenes will revolve around the MCs mission. However, if the MC is lesbian, then her voluntary sex scenes and her private sex life should be with women and this is almost wholly absent from the game now. In-game "choices" that all lead to the same outcome are just bad design that wastes the time of players and devs.
    4. Although it's way to early to say for sure, the only hint you get of your future spy plans would seem to point toward Manila. There's nothing wrong with that, but I hope it doesn't indicate that this will be a copy of Female Agent where a Western woman is sent to be a spy/prostitute in "The Mysterious Orient."
    Blue Swallow left me wanting much more, and left me eager to see what else the dev team has planned.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good start. Most-text based, currently (v0.1) goes through a lengthy character creation before ending as the story picks up. But a ton of choices, written really well. Nice mix of drop downs and clicking through options. A few bugs but I'm sure those will be fixed. Hopefully it keeps going, with the story reacting to your character!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Essentially just a character creator at the moment but its a really, really good one. Nice, easy writing style and a ton of options for making your girl. Really looking forward to seeing how this gets developed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    For an initial release it was very enjoyable and I am looking forward to see what the future for the game will bring. I like the way the choices are done in-line within the paragraph and how it affects the look and outcome of the character.