Note that due to the dance requirement in the above needing two different forms, the only way I can see to get that bonus is to have taken dance as a kid (which gives the Ballet1 dance tag) and then dancing in high school (which gives one of Ballet2, Hiphop1, Ballroom1, or Contemporary1).
As such, the easiest points are:
- Attractiveness 5+. You can get this just by having both parents be really hot, and it opens up a bunch of other doors as well. Who'd've thought, being attractive makes things easier when you're being judged on appearance?
- Being shorter than average. This is a double edged sword, but doesn't seem to hard lock any content right now, and being tall makes it much hard to get accepted due to the penalty for being above average height.
- Having the Pliant Limbs sexual skill. This is expensive (it costs you a sex skill slot), but there isn't a whole lot of content based on those yet, so for now this is a straightforward pick.
- While not technically a point, you can get the difficulty lowered from 6 to 5 by having non-blond hair - you'll be given a tentative invite to practice on the condition you show up with blonde hair or not at all.
Unfortunately, that still leaves you short, and the remaining ones aren't exactly freebies.
- Learning 5+ almost requires at least a partial academic route, which makes it difficult to get the other stats needed for the 5th success point.
- Conversely, getting your combined confidence and risky score to 9 requires a pretty heavy focus in being audacious, and you don't always have the options to get enough for a fifth point here.
- Performance 3+ plus two dances is likely the easiest, but that locks two vignettes.
- Coordination 3+ is attainable, but your only other option is likely Performance 3+ or two dances, which leaves you on the same routes.
As such, the best route is likely to start off short, with super hot parents, take dance for both vignettes that it's offered in, pick the "pliant limbs" sexual skill, and hope to hell that you can get coordination 3+ and performance 3+ by the time you start college... or aim for one of those two and be willing to change your hair color for it.
TL;DR: It's not easy to be a college cheerleader.