how do i increase their effection ?You have to do an action that opens the secret. For example for the blonde with delivery boy BF, raise her affection to interested, call her into office and rape her. That unlocks her secret which Allows you to use said option to get other scene and then just fuck her in office.
For Hopper (the most voted maid in reputation) you have to check her sex activity tab.
Also the Coffe jsons in game tab are the saves. If you search a bit in the longass (LAZY FUCKING PROGRAMING, as the file has no structure only one longass line of text) line of text, you can find such usefull stuff like money, fame and skill points. There is also affection of girls there somewhere, but said file is also a mess of chinese and chinese in romanji so i didnt dare to try to look for it. Also everything has to stay on a single line or game wont register the save.
i still don't know what is going on in the game tbh