3.10 star(s) 34 Votes


Jan 13, 2020
Whether its a conspiracy theory or the fact that this game seems to be cursed with "abandoned" tags eventually..is just kind of depressing for me. I enjoyed the game. Ziptie did have 2x a month updates prior to october. So I thought, cool, he or she won't be like the other developers that tried and failed. Alas I was wrong.

I did support last month as well as this month for no updates and no responses except 'its coming' to 'its soon' to 'nevermind, i'll let you know when i have a real update' to 'this was suppose to be 3 week update, but now its a 5 week update', but it's been 6 weeks..so either zip has got some disease that sent him to a non-wifi hospital or he traveled to Wakanda and is hanging out with Black Panther. Either way, no response. I check everyday. I'll be going on vacation soon and my patreon pledge will expire before I get back. I was really looking for zip's version of the office scenes. Rainces was nice.

And yes, I only heard of any games I support through f95. So even if this is a pirated site, all the money I've pledged in the past 2+ years (over $1500) is because they have been on f95. Even though my pledges might not be a lot compared to others, its still money. Some were wasted on developers that milked, some that lied, some that were abandoned. But some did finish. What I learned from those experiences is to wait until I see a really active developer, but even then, they usually prove what most of the disgruntled pledgers feel, the game gets abandoned or milked or changes direction completely or turns into garbage games.

You guys can't fault those who complain because most of them also pledged at one point. F95 might be a pirated site, but many of their users do pledge or beta test or gives support and encouragement or criticizes what is wrong. All feedback is usually appreciated. Ok sorry for being off topic.. I hope you all have a nice weekend.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Whether its a conspiracy theory or the fact that this game seems to be cursed with "abandoned" tags eventually..is just kind of depressing for me. I enjoyed the game. Ziptie did have 2x a month updates prior to october. So I thought, cool, he or she won't be like the other developers that tried and failed. Alas I was wrong.

I did support last month as well as this month for no updates and no responses except 'its coming' to 'its soon' to 'nevermind, i'll let you know when i have a real update' to 'this was suppose to be 3 week update, but now its a 5 week update', but it's been 6 weeks..so either zip has got some disease that sent him to a non-wifi hospital or he traveled to Wakanda and is hanging out with Black Panther. Either way, no response. I check everyday. I'll be going on vacation soon and my patreon pledge will expire before I get back. I was really looking for zip's version of the office scenes. Rainces was nice.

And yes, I only heard of any games I support through f95. So even if this is a pirated site, all the money I've pledged in the past 2+ years (over $1500) is because they have been on f95. Even though my pledges might not be a lot compared to others, its still money. Some were wasted on developers that milked, some that lied, some that were abandoned. But some did finish. What I learned from those experiences is to wait until I see a really active developer, but even then, they usually prove what most of the disgruntled pledgers feel, the game gets abandoned or milked or changes direction completely or turns into garbage games.

You guys can't fault those who complain because most of them also pledged at one point. F95 might be a pirated site, but many of their users do pledge or beta test or gives support and encouragement or criticizes what is wrong. All feedback is usually appreciated. Ok sorry for being off topic.. I hope you all have a nice weekend.

Queixar-se é uma coisa, perder tempo com teorias da treta é outra... Haja paciencia.

# Let's not mix apples and oranges. Of course everybody has the right to complain. There are obvious reasons for that (Zip's delay,...). I complain about RAInces all the time and I'm not even a patron. So what?

In this case nobody is trying to stop him from posting anything but dismissing his train of thought. May we do it? Are we allowed to find it far-fetched and useless? This is a forum...

Everybody is entitled to his own theories about what's going wrong here and may well post them. But they must keep in mind people may not agree with them because it may not hold - due to lack of actual data (worthless speculation) - and mostly because in the end it really doesn't matter - do I work for the internet police? Who cares about that shit?? The few who do, just open a new thread, as someone suggested, and have fun. As for the rest of us, we only care about the game.
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New Member
Nov 16, 2018
Exception when telling Lucy her answer is wrong when it was right while helping her study.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/house/lucy/lucy_exam_study.rpy", line 244, in <module>
ValueError: empty range for randrange() (1,1, 0)

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/sitting_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/jenny/jenny_room.rpyc", line 12, in script call
  File "scripts/house/laundry_room.rpyc", line 7, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/sitting_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/mom/mom_room.rpyc", line 12, in script call
  File "scripts/house/mom/mom_room.rpyc", line 12, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bobby/bobby_room.rpyc", line 66, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bath_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/sitting_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bath_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/sitting_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bobby/bobby_room.rpyc", line 66, in script call
  File "scripts/house/mom/mom_room.rpyc", line 12, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bobby/bobby_room.rpyc", line 66, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/bath_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/sitting_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1772, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/house/laundry_room.rpyc", line 7, in script call
  File "scripts/house/backyard_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/house/laundry_room.rpyc", line 7, in script call
  File "scripts/house/backyard_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/house/kitchen_room.rpyc", line 6, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 1676, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_room.rpyc", line 13, in script call
  File "scripts/house/liza/liza_scenes.rpyc", line 2189, in script call
  File "scripts/house/lucy/lucy_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/house/mom/mom_room.rpyc", line 12, in script call
  File "scripts/house/lucy/lucy_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/store_area.rpyc", line 61, in script call
  File "scripts/store/shop_mini_game.rpyc", line 159, in script call
  File "scripts/house/backyard_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/house/laundry_room.rpyc", line 7, in script call
  File "scripts/house/lucy/lucy_room.rpyc", line 11, in script call
  File "scripts/house/lucy/lucy_exam_study.rpyc", line 244, in script
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 928, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/scripts/house/lucy/lucy_exam_study.rpy", line 244, in <module>
  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 244, in randint
  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 220, in randrange
ValueError: empty range for randrange() (1,1, 0)

BadBobbySagaDP 0.15.44
Mon Nov 14 02:14:50 2022


Mar 26, 2019
Is there a bug on the photoshoot part? Because I already bought 2 cameras and Lucy always say I should get back when I have it. WTF is happening?


Active Member
Sep 29, 2022
Is there a bug on the photoshoot part? Because I already bought 2 cameras and Lucy always say I should get back when I have it. WTF is happening?
that's a good one! :D
if you look closer you would find that this task (?) as many other is not finished yet, you need to obtain another version of game like most of us here


Active Member
May 12, 2019
Is there a bug on the photoshoot part? Because I already bought 2 cameras and Lucy always say I should get back when I have it. WTF is happening?
first you go to buy camera u need to raise domination on lucy over 25.
if you buy first a bug make u need to buy again and again , here event stopped next update have
the renders whit lucy in cheerleadears outfit. sadly we need to wait


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
I don’t understand how you can make claims to a person who spends his time in real life, his skills and abilities to create a game for us too, many of whom get the right to use his works for free? You just need to wait from us, because work takes time and a lot of time... Plus, as mentioned above, there are problems in real life, because he is the same person as we are, anything can happen in life .. And many here throw tantrums and act up like children who were promised and not given on time a toy! In the end, only those who pay him for his work can demand, most of those present here, including myself, should just wait and not behave like a spoiled child! There is a desire to unload, so there are many games where you can rub your yeng to calluses on your hands ..
  • Haha
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Reactions: Don202 and edgaia


Active Member
May 12, 2019
we see is true ... him not come on patreon and subscribestar For last 10 day.
u say him aswers to u ... hard to belive,anyway i can only wait.
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Reactions: edgaia


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Well if that is true,thats nice but i hope that there will be more content on the update because of the waiting time because if we waited more than a month for .44 to .46 thats really sad
É so disparates...

# There is so much rubbish in that (where to start) and you only wrote one sentence. It's never nice when someone is hit by misfortune let alone when he's been the only dev delivering. Expecting compensation for the delay? Are you for real? Consider yourself lucky if we get an update, any update...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
we see is true ... him not come on patreon and subscribestar For last 10 day.
u say him aswers to u ... hard to belive,anyway i can only wait.

# Yeah, if he were replying to people he'd have kept us posted too (I think). But let's wait and see...
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
NO fucking way, his is human, IDFBI.
Ok, going to eat my vagina with a fork and spoon, can you pass the cream sauce.

OMG ...
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3.10 star(s) 34 Votes