RPGM - Bones' Tales: The Manor [v0.20.0a] [Dr Bones]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of first RPGM games I've played EVER. I've been touch and go with this game since it debuted. The art is good, I'm an ass man so there's plenty of that in Bones Tales. There's also things that I don't like:

    The story itself has been dragging for the longest, in fact I feel that there isn't much of a story to begin with. So far all we know is that there's a pervy kid with Benjamin Button who's been "neglected" and wants to make up for lost time by smashing his long lost siblings and mom. They live in a big creepy house with a ghost who happens to also be... You guessed it a pervert. He then decides to aid you in your quest to fuck your family members guiding you down the path of corruption, which in all honesty is unnecessary seeing as how the MC is already pervy on his own. The story or lack thereof in all this time still hasn't gotten anywhere other than sex.

    We still don't know Doyle's true agenda, the identity of the mysterious merchant or what happened to Doyle's family. It's repetitive in the sense that you're stuck in this big house doing the same thing over and over again. Pretty soon even the sex scenes can get old fast, unless you're a hard up teenager. Not a bestie guy so there's that.

    Art/Graphics 4 out of 5
    Story 2 out of 5
    Gamplay/mechanics 2 out of 5
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    I downloaded this one and HOLY HELL! Although sometimes confusing as to what you have to do, the scenes are really well done and animated. My bones, or just maybe the one bone was stood at attention throughout. I mean it was some star wars lightsaber activation. Seriously put a drill bit at the end and I could'da made it through walls man!

    So yeah animation nice, scenes nice. A HUGE dosage of 'dat ass' on most of the girls. A decent amount of events and corruption. Definitely worth a download an play.

    Oh and story is good too but....I doubt that is what is bringing people here...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything of this game, the story, the art, the music, everything. When Bones finishes it, i have no doubt that this will be one of the greatest 2D RPG H games.

    Gracias Bones por este juegazo.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing BT:TM since its earliest Version 0.10 and got hooked by the characters and the plot surrounding the game. After that, each single update has been a very pleasant surprise. Dammed good humor and the graphiscs got from awesome to awesomer! Thank you, Oseo Bones! Sos un fenómeno!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. I consider this game to be my number one. The game is currently unfinished. I believe the creator has his hands tied with making another game. He also got his funding cut from patreon as the website doesn't want these types of games on their platform, which sucks but is understandable. He posted this game on another platform where he can get funding, but it is nowhere near what his patreon had. Until he gets motivating to continue, i dont see updates coming any time soon. Hopefully the next game is good as this one and the game will get more updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just LOVE this game, there is a real atmosphere and I love roaming around the house trying to see what's new in each update. The art is really great plus the Doc is improving each update!

    Some people might be reluctant due to the fact that it's an RPGM Game but believe me, it's not a game with a ton of fighting and running, the idea of having only the house and the garden on the map really suits the engine.

    Plus if you dislike bestiality like me you can just disable it. ;)
    In conclusion, an amazing game!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr Vaporized

    I love the game, sensational, it's taking so long to update, I've been waiting for a long time, it's going to take a long time?

    I really liked the part of Vera, so there is a lot that can be added and mom has a lot to do.

    waiting for update!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like Incest? You like bestiality? What about Loli's? or even ghost? and BIG tits? Everyone loves big tits

    Well you found the perfect game. It has all these and more SO much more
    so many references to other games and i love it, plus there's so much more being hinted at that's yet to come, My body is ready for it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Epic! Truly damn epic....i literally cant find any game remotely close to Dr Bones game and thats pissed me off for a while since im currently waiting for the next updates....thats just how good this games is, you really want to continue it but have to wait for the updates and while you wait you cant find any game close to Bones Tale: The Manor that can keep you occupied as good as this game Kudos to the Doctor
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    The art, even if they are not consistant in quality, can be really good and erotic.
    The game is all about the story. The main plot is around the Manor and his past, you have a lot of mistery that you want to find out. The character doesn't feel like empty generic people. You can see that Bones tried to give some life to them. And you have quite a lot of exciting situation.
    Cons: RPG-Maker game, I know, it's more easy to use it but it's ugly and against our "immertion"(even thought I find it pretty for a RPG-Maker game). Not much content right now, but it's follow the right path.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beyond of my expectations, very good work, Mr. Bones. The illustration is great and the animations is priceless. This is one of the greatest games of f95zone, for sure. I hope the new content come soon, cuz I see a lot of people here getting crazy about the waiting.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    Bones' Tales: The Manor does what a lot of standard porn games do, it's the classic Boy fucks entire family story, the mom is reluctant, the big sister hates you for reasons unknown, the little sister is innocent and loves you, the supernatural presence is snarky and the pictures are artsy. ( I hate me for that pun too don't worry) This game while doing all those things the standard way manages to do them better, the characters are each, well let's go with "endearing" for lack of a more versatile term, The story while perhaps unoriginal has it's own interesting aspects and lots of avenues for the story to continue on, plus with the slew of minor characters and one new major character this could be a longer and more rewarding game when it's finished, or the end could be right around the corner, personally I am excited to see it whats next.

    One other aspect I really like about this game is how the scenes are modular, and what I mean by that is progression follows a path even if you aren't able to go the whole way down that path for example, start out grabbing lucy's ass then grinding then fucking, It works in such a way that even if you were to just spend 10 minutes maxing out the attributes for each girl at the beginning you'd still be able to see each scene.

    The art is somewhat questionable, personally i like it a lot and have no issue with it but it would be wrong of me not to point out that the style simply isn't for everyone and if you aren't a fan of the cover art or sample pics you might not enjoy the full game, then again I was slightly apprehensive at first but as I played it grew on my so I would suggest giving it a try regardless. (lucy best girl fite me IRL)

    Probably the biggest problem with this game is the fact that it's an RPGM game, but i can assure you it's the best RPGM game I've played, Dr. Bones seems to actually have an understanding of basic game design and designed the game and the maps around the gameplay of "find girl at right time of day/item or solution hunt". On top of that the maps are small and your character is actually big so travel/load times are short and the layout of the manor is easy to get the hang of. Plus their are some quality of life features that we can all appreciate, CTRL skips dialogue, the player gets a way to summon the one out of the way character to him instantly, the girls have a set schedule and since the maps are small you know exactly where each girl is at almost any given moment.

    In conclusion this game rules it has a standard story but a lot of love was put into it to make is shine, the art is great the game play is exactly as complex as it needs to be without becoming grating. The potential is hung and so am I, thanks for reading :)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Art's good and there's a fair bit to do only took a star because gameplay can be very repetitive. I am sure this will improve as it is enhanced with further updates. If you're a fan of boy on female family incest, this is for you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    And an incredible game, one of the best games I've ever played, the art and the women are amazing the animals are amazing too, Oseo Bones has a great job, I really like this game and I hope this goes to the end :love:
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The art style and renders are well done. The hand-drawn feel is well presented.
    The creator also managed to develop and utilize the game engine in such a way that it is not a blatant timesink, which is rare for RPGM.

    However, some of the story elements break the 4th wall too often and too early on in the game which ruins the immersion. Maybe a revision could fix this issue but this is unlikely to happen since the game's direction changes so frequently.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Unique art, unique setting, everything is so much better than your average RPG. One small detail that kept me from giving it 5 stars or excellent is that the "animated" scenes are sort of janky, as if you're watching a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that keeps speeding up :(
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Job!​

    Zhe Art
    Haven't seen such attention to detail since Tetris.
    Refreshing Art-Style in contrast to all those Shitty unimaginative quasi-realism oriented 144 fps VNs and traditional copy paste Jap attempts on creativity.
    The Art, its not "It just works", nor its great, nor tremendously great, its exceptional its on the same level as "we gonna build a wall" .

    Zhe Story
    Slow and steady progression but could be even slower with more attention to detail. It is subpar to the art direction but considering one has to please his bakers first I still find the to be well written (couse usually nothing tends to pleases as much as new scenes). There is an apparent lack of Dialog not to mention dialog options them self which are countered by a good Foundation, namely well thought out characters. Each Char is different in a significant way and one could Imagine their actually existence in the scope of an unending Multiverse. The Story is lacking in two fundamental aspects of Storytelling which are Drama and Consequence. While drama can be found at the beginning Stage of the Game this element is usually, as far as i can tell, only meaningfully used in conjunction with only one of Characters. There are no Consequences to your deeds at least no detrimental ones for your character which is unfortunate as Consequence can enhance story telling and add difficulty ("No good dead shall go unpunished").

    Zhe Mechanics
    The Day-Night Mechanics add some variety to the Games constricting Settings. This variety is increased through a nicely flavored Corruption system. Corruption is usually used as a number of progressive Road-blocks which in conjunction of some other mechanism can be used to hinder progress and thus add to zhe difficulty. This other mechanic is a fetch approach where you usually fetch some things in the game-world and use it on or bring it to actors/objects to fulfill some conditions which allow you to progress. The game sadly overly rely's on fetching and corruption and i hope a meaningful addition will be found in the course of the game development.

    Considering its a one-man Team a good amount of progress can be seen. Some people think just because its your main job updates should be faster and bigger where quiet the opposite is true as this is a form of Art and updates should be smaller and more precise just as the strokes of a paint brush. If you are fully committed the main problem is usually the discrepancy between being pleased with ones own work and others being pleased with it. Doing bigger updates is ill advised go for smaller more meaningful ones.

    Good Fortunes to the Dev and may his next d20 roll be a 20.

    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life". -Terry Pratchett
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a good game, I love the scenes, the graphics and I think is the best game I have payed, I think that sometimes it's a little hard to understand the puzzles, but if you can't do it you can go to the discord and ask about that and they help you to do It :):sneaky:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing and artwork. It can feel a bit repetitive at times and sometimes you don't know what to do next. But because It's all focused around the manor, you can wander around quick and figure out what to do. Looking forward to future updates!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is fun game. The controls are comfortable and the animations are pretty smooth. The H-scenes are pretty well animated. I liked the personalities of the main characters sisters. They were a little cliche, but still perfectly enjoyable. I'm looking forward to seeing it progress with the later updates.